Status: coments are appreciate thanks!!!

Perfect Blood


I walked the two blocks from my house to the old church where the meetings were supposed to take place. The bitter December winds scraped across my face making my eyes water and my nose run. It felt like sandpaper was slowly rubbing my skin was really thoughtless of me to forget to put on a hat or even a scarf. I walked up the hard concrete of the church steps talking my time, dragging me feet. I stopped at the door. I could just turn around tell my mom that it wasn’t fun that I hated it.I peeked through the lightly lit window on the door hoping maybe no one was there. All I saw where coats hanging up on metal hooks. I don’t know if I can do this. So I just stood there my feet glued to the concrete not moving. “Excuse me.” There was a voice behind felt like a jumped a mile high. I turned around and in front of me was a boy. He was looking down at the ground with his hands shoved in his coat pockets. The hat he was wearing made his blonde bangs fall over his eyes witch made them impossible to see since he was looking down. “im sorry” I mumble. I tried to wrestle my hands through my ratted brown was no use the damn wind froze it together. “no its quite alright” he chuckled. Then he looked up at me and heart skipped like an old record over and over again. His eyes weren’t just pretty blue, green, or even chocolate brown like most PBs .his were a hazy felt like I was just hit by a bus but no pain just numbness. Almost like I was in shock .“You ok?” he said. His sweet voice knocking me back in to reality. I can imagine what my face looks like. I’m so antisocial I can’t even believe it. “ya I’m ok.” My words slurred out of my mouth. “well u coming inside.” He point to the door. I forgot we were still outside. I just nodded. He reached over me, lightly scrapping against me, and opened the door letting me walk in stomach fluttered. Maybe I could get use to this. Just maybe
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heyyy i hope ur likeing my story...sorry i reedited this chapter a bit....PLZ comment they really do help..thank so much <3