Yuletide Serendipity


The following morning Jonah stood in the bathroom with nothing but Jaime's pajama pants on and sleep still in his eyes. His lover was fast asleep in their bed, a pleasant dreaming smile on his angelic face. Normally Jonah wouldn't dare move but would rather just lie next to him as he slept but today was Christmas after all, and Jonah had big plans for the day.

He stretched and let out a quiet yawn before wetting his toothbrush and putting toothpaste on the bristles. He began to brush his teeth and after a minute or two be bent down to spit into the sink, only to feel a pair of thin yet strong arms wrap around his middle. He grinned as he stood upright and let Jaime run his hands up and down his smooth pale chest. The older boy placed a pair of dry lips to his neck and whispered, "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, sexy boy," Jonah laughed before rinsing his mouth out, taking notice of his boyfriend's distinct lack of clothes. "Are you excited for presents?"

"I am, and I think you should be too. I think you'll like what I got you," Jaime grinned. "Plus, I had help from your mom, she told me a lot of what you'd like. But don't worry, I did a lot of it on my own."

Jonah laughed, "Trust me, I think you'll like what I got you."

Jaime spun Jonah around in his arms and planted his lips on the smaller boy's. He ran callused hands up and down his back and even lifted him up onto the sink ledge. They kissed more, deeper and more passionate, but a few moments later Jonah pulled away with a slight giggle.

"Babe, we have to be good boys on Christmas," he flashed a smirk, "at least on Christmas morning."

Jaime sighed in mock disappointment. His lips curved into a half-smile and his brown eyes conveyed his utter love and devotion to the boy in front of him. He stared at him for a few moments and Jonah returned his loving gaze. Their hands found each other's and the younger boy seemed to cling onto the other.

"Get dressed," Jonah said with a smirk. "Then we can open presents."