I'm Moody

Are we at the Hospital?

The titles says that I am moody and my thoughts are just all over the place. Lets start.. First at I went to The Nutcracker in SF with my sisters and my mom. My mom wasn't feeling that good. She might just have the flu. that wasn't good but she went with us. It wasn't the same cause she was acting not like herself. Anyways, when we got to The Nutcracker it was crowded and a lot of little kids. We had to climb a bunch of stair cause the elevator was super slow and we didn't wanna wait forever. My mom and my sisters finally got to our seats It had the total vertigo feeling. Very trippy. For me it made me a little sick. Plus because the seats were very tight I couldn't even cross my legs, good thing I wasn't wearing a dress. We had to wait a while before it had started but it was okay I was looking at all the lights and scenes cause I was in Stagecraft. The play started.. their was some mistakes, I felt bad for the dancers. I think my mom said that we when to the children's one or something. Anyways where we were sitting there was so many kids either talking and won't shut up or people coughing. That was awful. While it was ending the kids in back of us kept are saying, "Are they done yet?", "Aladdin!", "Kung Fu Panda". The parents in back of us wouldn't stop talking either to the kids. Rude. It finally ended I bet those kids were happy.. It was good some parts better. My mom was still feeling sick so we couldn't even do anything in SF. It was a total bummer. So I didn't like that at all. That was my day at The Nutcracker.

Right now I am listening to 100 Worst songs. I love like every one. Also I am moody and a bit annoyed of some people. I won't dare say names but i will say that they always want something out of you. It's "like they act like they are your friend then they are like "who are you again?".. Real friends as if. Whatever. I am fed up with people like this. I had to more to a different group cause my last one was a total mess and always talked about school. These days my "friends" don't even invite me places. I always feel like I'm not good enough for them. They always need a boyfriend or be on gossip patrol. Then they are all winy when something happens to their perfect world. Damn You. As I am on my rant about "friends" we are on winter break and I haven't even spoken to most of my friends or at least hung out with them. I hear all the stories and I'm like "Thanks for my invite, your so sweet".. Not.

That felt good to get that off my chest. Maybe I will do more rants. I don't know.. maybe. bye.
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I miss SF. I am sad.