Status: completed, but will be posting consistently

Unintended Love

Chapter 4: Part 2

“That was great,” he said.
“Oh my God…I never knew it would be like that.”
“Wait…was that your first time?” asked Gabe, still holding me.
“Yeah,” I said.
“I can’t believe it. That’s…that’s really a big deal. If I would’ve known that it was your first time…I would’ve tried to make it special.”
“It was special,” I said.
“Maybe we should clean up.” he said.
I sat up quickly. “Take a shower with me.”
“Come on, please.”
He smiled shyly. He even blushed. “Okay.”
“You’re blushing after what we just did?” I asked.
He laughed. We grabbed our clothes and I grabbed the condom from the floor. We both walked upstairs, naked and holding our clothes. We went to the bathroom and I closed and locked the door.
I turned on the warm water, we dropped our clothes on the floor, I threw the condom in the trash, and we got into the shower. He pushed me up against the shower wall and kissed me. The warm water pressed onto his back and splashed onto me.
“I normally don’t do this,” he said.
“What?” I asked.
“Have sex with guys I’ve only known for two weeks.”
“Then why’d you have sex with me?” I asked.
“I don’t know. There’s something about you that gets to me, Rain.”
After the shower, we dressed and then walked downstairs. We decided to go out to the porch and watched the waves. Gabe sat on one of the deck chairs and I sat on his lap.
“It’s so beautiful,” I said, talking about the beach.
“You’re beautiful,” Gabe whispered. I couldn’t help, but laugh. “What are you laughing at?”
“You’re so cheesy,” I said with a smile. “But still cute.” I kissed him on the cheek and he held me tighter.
We heard rustling in the house and at first I panicked, but then I saw Jenna walking in. I sighed relief and sat back down with Gabe. She came outside.
“Hey you guys.” said Jenna.
“Gabe, this is Jenna, my big sister, the only one in my family that knows that I’m gay.”
“It’s great to finally meet you, Gabe.”
“He’s been talking about me?” asked Gabe.
“Ugh, you’re all he talks about?” said Jenna.
“Funny, I haven’t heard anything about you, Jenna.” said Gabe, squinting his eyes at me.
“Well, you two better get your straight masks on, because my dad is on his way home from his meeting.”
“Jenna, I think it’s time.” I said.
“I thought you didn’t want to.” said Jenna.
“I didn’t, but I think it’s time. I have someone that I’m happy with and I don’t want to hide him anymore.”
Jenna smiled. “I’ll be inside. Maybe I’ll stay for dinner.”
“I’m gonna do it tomorrow,” I said. “Today, might be a little too soon.”
I stood up from Gabe’s lap and he stood right next to me and took my hand. Jenna walked up to us and pinched Gabe’s cheek.
“Not bad little brother. He’s cute.”
“I’ve gotta go, Rain. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”
I kissed his lips softly. The kiss lingered a bit, and when it was about to end, I didn’t want it to. So we had to pull away from each other. He left, and not two minutes later, I missed him.
That I night, I got to my first really important homework of the school year; research for history. I was surfing the internet for info, when my mother started screaming my name from down the hall. She sounded angrier than I’d ever heard her.
I ran out of my room and down the hall. I followed the screams to the bathroom. My mother was in there hovering over the trash. I knew it. I should’ve flushed the condom.
“Y-Yeah mom?” I asked nervously.
“I was about to take out the trash and…Why is there a condom in here?”
I stayed silent. I didn’t want to lie to her, but I couldn’t tell her the truth either.
“Rain, are you having sex?”
I was speechless. I didn’t know how to answer.
“Answer me, Rain.” My mom said sternly with her hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised.
I couldn’t, but she knew what my silence met. She put her hand on her forehead. I could see the stress on her face.
“You are too young to be having sex. I don’t want you to be bringing trampy girls in here doing God knows what!”
“Mom, it’s not even like that!”
“Tell me what it like, Rain. You’re only seventeen. Things can happen that you’ll have no control over.”
“Like what?”
“You can get a girl pregnant for one.”
“Well mom, you won’t have to worry about that.”
“That is always going be a factor when you have sex, Rain.”
“Well, mom, not with me.” I paused and took a deep breath. “I’m gay.”
She stood still in the position that she was in for what seemed like forever. Her lips started to quiver and she daintily wiped a tear from her face.
“Since when?” she asked. “You’ve had girlfriends before.”
“I know, but the relationships never went anywhere. I never felt anything.” I paused. “And then I met someone who changed everything. At first I didn’t know what it was about him that made me want to be around him, but it didn’t take long to realize what it was. I’m in love mom. His name is Gabe.”
“I-I thought you were going to say…”
She took a deep breath. “Yes.”
“I admit that Zack and I were more than just friends, but that’s over now. He hurt me and I just wanna forget about him now.”
“You can’t tell your father. He can’t take something like this.”
“I have to. I’m in love with Gabe and I’m not going to pretend to anyone that I’m not.”
She shut her eyes in sadness. “What…what exactly did Zack do to hurt you?”
“Do you really wanna hear this, mom?”
“Of course, Honey. No one hurts my baby and gets away with it.”
I laughed. “I’m not a baby, mom.”
“You’re my baby.”
“Well, can we not have this conversation in the bathroom?” I said. “We can go in my room.”
My mom and I walked down the hall to my room. I lay back onto my bed and she scooted close to me in my desk chair.
“So, tell me everything.”
“Mom, I’m not telling you everything. That would just be weird.”
“Okay, well, tell me what you can…”
I took a deep breath and decided to start from the beginning.
“I was really caught off guard by my feelings for Zack. But they were quick and intense. I’ve never felt anything like it before. But…but he lied to me and I’ve moved on from him now.”
“How did he lie to you? Rain, you shouldn’t just give up on him.”
“Well, he told me that we would keep in touch. He never intended on keeping that promise. And he has a girlfriend. Something else he never told me. It’s just too many lies for me, mom. Anyway…I’m with Gabe now and, and he doesn’t lie to me.”
“Can I meet him?”
“Soon…I have to talk to him first. I don’t know if he’s ready for that yet.”
“I’m sorry about Zack, Honey. I know that you two were close. I just wish I would’ve known sooner exactly how close.”
“I wasn’t ready yet, mom.”
“I know…Does anyone else know?”
“Like who?”
“Your friends?”
“Yeah, my friends know. And…I told Jenna too.”
“What?” I asked.
“Nothing. I’ve got to finish cleaning up.”
She got up and waked towards the door, stopping in the doorway. She turned around and smiled at me.
“I love you, Rain.”
“I love you too, mom.”

The next day at school was bliss. I met with Gabe in the front of the school as always, but this time, it felt a little sweeter to see him again. I knew then that I was quickly falling in love with him.
We kissed as soon we saw each other and held hands as we walked through the school. This time, we all walked to the commons. We all sat at an empty table. I sat with Gabe, in between his legs, my back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.
“You two seem unusually happy together.” said Carly with a suspicious look.
“So,” I asked, trying not to give it away.
“No, it’s not just happy…you two are glowing. Did…did you two have sex?”
Eric gasped like the worst crime ever had just been committed. Gabe and I didn’t answer, but they both knew the answer.
“Oh my God. You did!” yelled Carly. “I can’t believe it. So, whose the top and whose the bottom?”
“Uh, Carly, why would you ask something like that?” I asked.
“Well, I know that Gabe is a strict top.” said Eric.
“Um, thanks Eric, for putting my business out there.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was a big deal to be a top.” said Eric.
“This isn’t just any subject, Eric. Just because we were in a relationship doesn’t give you the right tell my business. Especially since our relationship was over a while ago.”
“Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t think you would be mad.”
“I’m gonna go get some juice.” Gabe huffed and left the table.
“What’s wrong with you Eric?” I asked.
“What? Carly brought it up.” said Eric innocently.
I rolled my eyes and just dropped the subject. I walked over to the cafeteria to find Gabe. I found him in line for breakfast. I joined him. I tried to talk to him over the roar of the room, but it was kind of hard. The next thing I know, Zack is standing right in front of us.
“So, I’m having a party at my house tonight. You two should come.”
“What?” I asked.
“I’m inviting you to my party,” he said.
“Why would we go to your party?” asked Gabe.
“Look. I’m inviting you. You can come or not. It’s no sweat off my back.”
Zack left and Gabe looked at me like he was trying to figure out what was going on.
“What was that about?” Gabe asked.
“I don’t know. Do you think we should go?”
“No way. It could be a trap or something. Those jocks don’t invite us to their parties for fun. They probably invited us to jump us or something. It…it happened to Eric once.”
“I don’t think that Zack would do something like that.”
“I’ve known Zack a lot longer than you have. I think we’re better off doing something else tonight.”
“Okay,” I grabbed his hand and pulled him close to kiss him. He pulled away. “What?” I asked.
“Zack is staring at us.”

I turned around and Zack quickly turned his head. I turned back to Gabe and pecked him a kiss.
“Don’t pay attention to him,” I said.
“But why is he looking at us?”
“Do you want me to go ask him or are you gonna kiss me?”
“I don’t feel comfortable with him staring at us like that. And why is he alone? He’s usually with a bunch of people.”
I sighed, rolled my eyes, and then walked over to Zack. I sat right in front of him at the table he was at.
“Okay, you need to stop staring at us, because it’s freaking Gabe out.”
“You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” Zack whispered.
“Doing what?”
“Kissing him in front of me.”
“Get over yourself. Gabe and I are together.”
“Do you have to parade him I front of me like that. It’s killing me to see you with that guy.”
I could see that Zack’s eyes were starting to tear up. I really wanted to hold his hand, but I obviously couldn’t do that.
“Zack, I’m not with Gabe to spite you. I really care about him. But I don’t want you to hurt. What I want for you is to move on. We’re over and it’s time that we both accept that.” I almost left but then I remembered something. “Oh, and what was with you inviting us to your party.”
“It wasn’t my idea. It was Greg’s.”
“You told Greg about us?”
“I had to tell someone. He said I should invite for closure or something.”
“It wasn’t his first idea. At first he wanted me to do whatever I could to get you back.”
I didn’t want to hear it. I was pissed. I left the table. Why would he bring that up? But should I be mad? And if I was really over him, would I be? This shit is way too complicated for my health.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for taking so long.