Status: I will try to update this when I can.

The Geto Siblings

Chapter 1 - The First Day on the Job

"I don't see how you could have tested higher then me. I'm the oldest after all." Hikari scowled at her brother Jarino.

The three Geto siblings Hikari, the oldest who had straight, light brown hair with a few blonde highlights that came down to the middle of her back and blue eyes, Jarino, who had short, blonde hair that covered a bit of his ear tips and blue eyes as well, and Kaminokai, who had thick, wavy, subtle brown hair that came to just below her shoulders and hazel green eyes, were on their way to the squad 5 barracks. It was their first day in the 13 court guard squads and already it was off to a bad start.

"I'm just better then you." Jarino said smugly.

Hikari glared at Jarino murderously, "You can't do squat in the field. All your good at is tests."

"You two had better stop fighting, we've reached the barracks." their younger sister Kaminokai whispered.

They had in fact reached the squad 5 barracks and the lieutenant of squad 5 Momo Hinamori was standing there with a polite but nervous expression on her face.

"Hello my name is Momo Hinamori and I'm the lieutenant of squad 5. I'll be taking you to introduce you to the captain. We normally wouldn't do this for new recruits but since you all scored very well the captain wanted to talk to you personally on your first day." she informed them quickly.

They began to walk through the squad 5 barracks. They could see the second floor of the barracks and the yard. There was a rock garden off to the side and a few trees dotted the grounds. Throughout the barracks there was a sense of openness and unity. The captains quarters were back on the first floor since the current captain Shinji Hirako had been reinstated. There was a hustle about the squad since the recent attack of the Vadenreich and the death of the head captain. As they got to the door of the captains quarters Momo told them to go right in.
Shinji Hirako sat at his desk and looked up at them.

"You must be the Geto siblings. I heard that you all passed the entrance exam with 6th seat and higher scores. That's very good for a group young as you."

"That's right sir we are the Geto siblings. My name is Hikari Geto and this is my brother Jarino and my sister Kaminokai." Hikari replied politely.

Shinji sighed, "There are many empty seats due to the Vadenreich attack and we need officers to help keep things in line and organize the reconstruction of damaged builds. Since all of you tested high I will be immediately making you seated officers. Hikari you are to be the new 6th seat, Jarino you will be the 5th seat, and Kaminokai you are to be the 4th seat. Lieutenant Momo will tell you what you will be doing for the next few days. You are dismissed."

"Thank you sir." all three replied.

As they left Shinji watched them go and began to wonder about the youngest. She had scored the highest and had the most spirit energy even though she was only 15. She was said to be gifted by her laziness got in the way of her being exceptional. Well he would just have to straighten that out.

Momo began to tell them their duties as seated officers in a hurried rush, "As the 6th seat Hikari your in charge during this time of making sure that the members of squad 5 have enough food and water since some of the pipelines where destroyed and the squad is busy taking care of damage left by the Vadenreich not many get a chance to eat as often as they should. Jarino as 5th seat you are in charge of taking an attendance of squad 5. Here's a list of all the members of squad 5. I need you to see which are wounded and how many are dead. Finally Kaminokai I have a message to deliver to captain Kyoraku from captain Hirako but I'm so busy here that I don't have time to get it to him. Here," Momo said as she handed a small sealed letter to Kaminokai. "you are to take this to captain Kyoraku at the squad 1 barracks. Once you do that come back here. Alright I have to go take care of the overseeing of the reconstruction of the squad 3 barracks wall. I trust you all can get what I told you accomplished."

"Yes ma'am." the three replied.

They all split off going to their jobs each with different thoughts in their heads. Hikari was wondering how she could have gotten a lower seat then her brother and her sister. Jarino was thinking about squad 11 for he always wanted to be there. Kaminokai on the other hand had only the thought of getting her task done. She was nervous about going to the head captain to deliver this message, but tried to go as quickly as she could using flash step to get there quicker. She was a little out of breath when she reached the barracks but she braced herself and knocked on the door to the captain's quarters.

"Come in." came the faint reply.

As Kaminokai opened the door she saw captain Kyoraku in his famous pink outer komono that he wore like a coat and underneath it his captains coat and underneath that as well a shinigami uniform identical to the one she wore. He had recently lost an eye in the battle with the Vadenreich so an eye patch had been added to his attire. He was standing conversing with Nanao his lieutenant.

"What is it?" he asked.

Stepping up Kaminokai handed him the letter from captain Hirako saying, "I have a message here for you from captain Hirako. I was asked to bring it here since lieutenant Hinamori was busy."
Looking at her Kyoraku asked interestedly, "Your the new 4th seat for squad 5 aren't you?"

"Yes sir."

"I heard that you have exceptional talent." he remarked politely.

"Why is everybody mentioning my talent today." she thought shyly.

"Thank you sir." Kaminokai replied blushing.

"You don't have to call me sir all the time. Just called me captain Kyoraku. You know your a pretty girl. You wouldn't be interested in transferring to squad 1 would you?"

To Kaminokai's relief Nanao stepped in. "Captain! You are the head captain now. You can't go around inviting every girl you think is pretty to become a part of squad 1 just so you can fraternize with them."

"Now, now Nanao I was only kidding. Although the offer still stands Kaminokai if you want to come to squad 1." Kyoraku invited.

Kaminokai thought that squad 1 was very intruging but it wasn't for her. She wasn't elite material.

"No thank captain Kyoraku. I like the squad I'm in right now. But thank you for the offer."

"It's a shame. Alright then I have few matters to attend to. Your free to go." Shunsui said to her.

"Thank you captain Kyoraku." Kaminokai said shyly.