Status: active

Easy to Fall in Love

'cause I don't know who I am, when you're running circles in my head.

"Ready for some fair fun?"

"Oh totally." I laughed into the phone. I wedged my cell between my ear and shoulder so I could brush my hair. A car door slammed shut in the background.

"I'm leaving the store right now, I'll be there in like twenty."

"Okay. Perfect. I can't wait."

I hung up the phone and sighed happily. Today was Adam and my seventh official date, but we'd basically been together since that Saturday night. On the days we didn't go out we stayed in and watched movies, and talked, and kissed. A lot.

From: Justin
I'm just going to bed right now. And it's 12:30 in the afternoon. This is what hard work looks like.

To: Justin
You guys are crazy. When you come back we can have some real fun!

Justin and I made up the following Monday. It was over the phone, and really awkward, but things are okay now. I woke up that morning and I was happy because of Adam. I hadn't felt something real for someone where they felt it back too. Things were going right. Justin called and I decided to give him a chance. If he thinks Sarah can make him happy, I guess I should support it.

I answered the call, but said nothing. I wasn't sure how to start, luckily he couldn't contain himself.

"Donia, just give me two seconds to explain!" He was about to launch into a huge ramble so I quickly stopped him.

"Justin." I stated this firmly.

"What?" he asked anxiously.

"I don't care anymore." I took a deep breath. "You're a big boy, you make adult decisions. I just want my friend back."

"I do too. Still I think you should know that..."

"I don't want to hear anymore about it, okay?"

"Yeah. Okay."

We didn't talk for much longer, so he went back to writing. I didn't talk about Adam or anything, but not much had happened then.

I grabbed my bag and left my room just as Adam pulled up. I walked over to help him with some groceries. After we set them down on the counter in the little apartment, he pulled me to him, surprising me with a kiss. I melted into it. I really loved kissing him.

"What was that for?" I smiled after we'd pulled apart.

"I missed you."

"I saw you like an hour ago." Two weeks together and we had become a bona fide, lovey dovey, annoyingly cute couple. I wasn't sure if I loved it or hated it. I alternated between the two.

"You ready to go?"

"Sure." I kissed him one last time and pulled him along.


"Okay this is the best thing ever." The street fair Adam brought me to was great. The was cotton candy, dozens of types of fried food, face painting, kiddie rides, game booths, and trinket stands.

"I thought you might like it." He snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me close. "I'm starving."

After ordering our food, we sat at a little two person table. He rubbed his leg against mine and I smiled to myself.

"Hunter texted me this morning. He's coming home tomorrow. Austin is coming home tomorrow too."

"Where was he? I didn't even know he was gone."

"He went to Arizona for a few days. Justin should be home soon also."

"Great. Then we can all hang out together." He smiled at me and held my hand. I tried to smile back, but was really internally screaming. Adam still had no idea about what happened with Justin. I told him we were fighting because of his ex, which wasn't a lie, but he didn't know the full extent. I made it seem like it was because I thought she was a bitch. He had no idea about my previous feelings for him, and I was planning to keep it that way. Somewhere deep down, I still had a small thing for Justin, but I swear I'm coming to terms with it all. I really like where things are going with Adam.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it's short. I didn't know what else to do, just idk. I guess it's just a little filler to let you know whats going on and where everyone stands. I'll try to update again this weekend, but since the new semester started I feel like my teachers are trying to bury me under homework :c