Status: active

Easy to Fall in Love

and you're measuring your minutes by a clock that's blinking eight.

"Dammit. My phone is dead." I shoved my phone in my pocket. "Can I borrow your charger?" I asked Justin as we approached the fence.

"Sure." He held open the gate for me and then shut it behind me. We walked side by side and every so often his hand would brush or knock into mine. When we got inside I plugged in my phone by the couch and waited for it to power back up. "Here." Justin walked in from the kitchen and threw me a bottle of water, which I did not catch. I bent down to pick it up and saw something under the couch.

"What's this?" I crouched down and reached my arm under the couch. I pulled out a long, delicate, silver chain with a very small heart dangling from it.

"Oh. That's my mom's. My dad gave it to her when they were first dating." Justin took the necklace from me and shoved it in his pocket. "I wanted to give it to Sarah for Valentines Day, but it then I didn't see her. Then I was going to give it to her for her birthday, but that never happened either. I was really angry that day, and threw it at the wall. The box is probably around there somewhere too."

"Oh. Jesus Christ Justin, I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you upset." I stood up and walked over to hug him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I felt his body relax.

"Don't be," he said after we let go. "I don't have any feelings for her anymore. At all. And I'm glad I never gave her that. I've always wanted to have a relationship like my parent's. We just didn't have that."

"Well there's someone out there who deserves you, and to wear that necklace." I patted his arm.

"I'm starting to believe that, too." Justin looked at me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. Then my phone buzzed indicating a message.

"I better get that." I slowly stepped back and went to my phone. "It's a voice mail...from Adam." I unlocked my phone and played the message.

"Hey Don. Your phone must have died, so when you get this call me, okay? Bye."

I dialed Adam's number and sat down on the sofa. It rang a few times before he picked up.

"Hey! What's up?"

"Nothing really. I'm just hanging at Justin's house. What's up with you? You sounded funny in your message." I crossed my legs and played with frayed edges on my shorts.

"Yeah, sorry, but I have to work really late tonight. We kind of have a plumbing mishaps. It looks like Hunter and I will be pulling an all-nighter."

"Aww, that sucks. I was looking forward to seeing you and maybe watching a movie, or something."

"I know, I know, but we see each other everyday. Besides, I will find a way to make it up to you. I promise."

"Okay, I'm holding you to that." I smiled and twirled a lock of hair on my finger. Sometimes I'm such a 12 year old girl.

"Okay darlin'." He laughed. "I'll miss you." He hung up and and I sighed.

"How's Adam doing?" Justin sat down next to me and laid his arm on the back of the couch.

"Hunter and him have to work tonight. So I guess it's just you and me." I leaned back. The last time we were both sitting on this couch we kissed. But now I'm with Adam, so that doesn't matter. Justin fidgeted and shifted. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but changed his mind. Then he turned to me like he was getting ready to say something.

"Did you mean it? What you said earlier?" He looked down, not meeting my eyes.

"What did I say?" I asked confused.

"Did you mean it when you said you could fall in love with Adam? I know that's not exactly what you said, but you did say wait and see, which means you think it's a possibility. So did you mean that?" Justin look up at me, his eyes clouded with something I didn't recognize.

"Um, well," I stuttered. I was caught of guard. I really liked Adam, and yeah I did think I was falling in love with him. Still, there was this part of me that didn't want to tell Justin that. I didn't feel like it was his, or anyone's business.

Still, I shouldn't care what he thinks. I'm with a good guy, who I really like. He's sweet and kind. He's practically perfect.

"I think I could, yeah. I guess I've just never liked someone when they like me too. It's always one or the other, missing each other. The timing is right."

"It sounds to me like you're trying to convince yourself. You keep saying all the right things, the things that make sense, how you two make sense. Love isn't black and white, who's good for you and who's not. What about -" Justin was interrupted by a knock at the door. He gave me one last meaningful look and went to open the door. I stayed in my spot on the sofa, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Why is he so interested in my relationship with Adam?

I heard him whispering in hushed tones to someone. He sounded very secretive.

"Nick, I said wait!" Justin shouted from the hall. Nick Santino bounded into the room, dropping his bags on the floor.

"Justin, who's your friend?" Nick called out and raised an eyebrow at me. He looked behind him at Justin, who was entering the living room.

"This is Donia." Justin rubbed the back of his neck and bit his lip.

"This is Donia? The famous Donia Hudgens I've heard so much about?! The magnificent, the wonderful -" Justin cut him off with a punch on the shoulder. He gripped his arm and grimaced. "I'm Nick."

"I know. It's really, really great to meet you. I love your music," I gushed. I held out my hand to shake, but he enveloped me in a hug.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you. Justin talked about you a lot."

"Really?" I asked surprised. I looked over at Justin who was flushed a deep red. He cleared his throat.

"I invited the boys to come down for a little bit." Justin explained to me. "They were supposed to come tomorrow, actually."

"I decided to catch an early flight and surprise you. So what are we doing tonight?" Nick plopped down on the couch, so Justin and I sat on the other sides of him.

"Nothing planned, anymore. We were going to go out with my friend and boyfriend, but they had to work, so that's canceled." I took a drink of my water and set it on the table. I reached for my phone and checked my email.

"Boyfriend? Your boyfriend?" Nick looked at me. "Her boyfriend?" He turned to Justin. Justin glared at him, using his eyes to say "cut it out."

"Uh yeah, my boyfriend." I stated confused. I was speaking English, right?

"How about we just go to Daisy's for dinner? I'm not exactly in the partying mood tonight." Justin changed the subject. He got up and put on his jacket. Nick and I stood up too. I searched for my jacket because it had fallen behind the couch. When I found it I slipped it on and reached for my bag.

"What time is it?" I looked at my phone. "Wow, seven? We were out by the river for a while."

"I guess the time just flies when you two are together." Nick put him arms around us both. Justin glared at him and I just shook my head and laughed.
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i think i'm going to try and do a short update again tonight. we'll see.