Status: active

Easy to Fall in Love

wandering this house like I've never wanted out, and this is about as social as I get now.

Exactly a week later, here I am.

I've packed my clothes, my CDs and vinyls, and my camera. My parents are going to keep an eye on my apartment, so the rest of my stuff is take care of. I've dropped off Arizona at Lila's house. I'm going to miss her, that dog is practically my child, but I just keep reminding myself I'll see her again. I've said goodbye to my family, and they're being surprisingly supportive.

So here I am at a gas station five blocks from my parents house.

I started the car and put in a mixed CD of my favorite songs. Nashville, here I come.


I slammed the car into park in front of a motel and got out.

"Ugh." I wiped my hands on my shorts and pulled my hair away from my neck, cursing the sticky sweat that always accompanied June and the other summer months. I grabbed my camera out of my bag and snapped a quick picture. I wanted to make sure I documented everything. I walked into the lobby of the motel and waited for someone to come to the counter.

"Well howdy," said someone in an over exaggerated drawl. I looked up from picking my nails and saw a twenty-something guy come from a back room.

"Hi. I was hoping I could get a room for a few nights." I pulled my credit card out of my wallet and handed it over to him.

"Well as you can see we're very busy," he gestured to the empty lot and board full of room keys, "but I think I can squeeze you in." He gave me a 1000 watt smile and handed me a key. "How may nights will it be Miss..." he squinted and looked at my card then smiled and said, "Miss Donia Hudgens?"

"Three for now."

"Three it is." He handed me my card back. "Want some help with your bags?"

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." I walked out towards my car and realized he was following me. I opened my trunk and before I could grab anything he started pulling out my bags. "What are you doing?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Now what kind of southern gentlemen would I be if I didn't help a young lady like yourself, Miss Donia Hudgens?"

"Stop calling me by my full name, it's creeping me out."

"Now what kind of southern gentlemen would I be if I didn't address a young lady..."

"Okay dude," I stopped and put my hand on his chest. "You're sweet and all, but cut it out. I've lived in Alabama my whole existence, southern people don't act like this. Maybe southern people from the 1800s."

"But Miss Donia Hudgens, that's all a part of my charm." He winked and took my bags with him. I left my music stuff in my trunk and trailed after him.

"Here it is, room number three." He unlocked the door and tapped it with his foot to open it. He set my bags on the bed and looked around. "Well this is it. Home sweet home."

"You live here?"

"Well not in this exact room, obviously."

"Obviously," I agreed.

"Family owned." He put a hand in his pocket. "Right is hot on the shower, sometimes the faucet gets stuck so give the tap a good smack, and the air conditioner is on the wall by the closet." He pointed to a small box next to the closet.

"Thanks." I tried to smile, but it came out as more of a grimace. He walked toward the door, but suddenly turned.

"Are you by any chance hungry?"

As if on cue, my stomach growled like a lion.

"Yeah, definitely."

"How 'bout some lunch Miss Donia Hudgens?"

"Okay. Sounds great. But one condition."

"What is it?"

"Please stop calling me that. Donia is fine."

"Okay, deal," he laughed and held the door opened for me.

"Nice pick-up," I commented as we got into his truck.

I looked at the window at the crumbling motel. The building was cream-colored stucco, and the windows were sunken in. The area surrounding it was mainly tall grass and The sign was giant, I'm assuming neon at night, and it read motel. Just motel.

"She's a beaut, ain't she?"

"She' character."

"So Donia, what brings you to Nashville?"

"Adventure. And a strange Aunt."

"Interesting. Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Hunter Evans."

"Hmm. Probably should have asked for your name before I got into your car."

"Probably." He pulled out of the lot and drove down the busy street. He drove past a lot of bars and businesses before he turned onto a private road.

"Daisy's Diner?"

"Best chili in all of Tennessee."

"It's kind of nice how hidden and rural looking it is."

"Yeah. It adds some small town charm." We walked inside the diner and Hunter hopped on a stool. I followed suit. "Hey Daisy!"

"What are you doing here Hunter?"

"Hoping to get some lunch for my lovely lady friend and I."

"You never stop do you?" I laughed.

"No. He never does" Daisy shook her head and walked away. Moments later she arrived with two bowls of chili and a plate of rolls. "I hope you like your chili spicy."

"This is perfect." I smiled and blew on a spoonful. I took a bite moaned.

"Best you've ever had, right?"

"Nothing competes." I dipped a piece of bread in and ate it. "So, Hunter."

"So, Donia." He took a bite of his chili.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Excuse me?"

"You're funny, charming, gorgeous," I waved my hand around his dark curly hair, dimples, and navy blue eyes, "And you are seemingly uninvolved. Correct me if I'm wrong?"

"No, go on. You're spot on so far." He smiled and made an OK sign with his fingers.

"So what is it? Why hasn't some southern belle snatched you up?"

"One, because this is the city. The trollops and harlots live out here."

"Right, right."

"Two, I'm gay."

"Mmm. Why not a southern gentelman then?"

"No really one for commitment."

"There it is!" I smacked the counter with my palm. "It's too bad, really."

"And why is that?"

"Because you are smokin'." I emphasized this with a jab of my spoon in his direction.


"I have never been so full." I collapsed onto a chair in the lobby. I picked up a flyer on the little table next to me. "Ooh 12th and Porter. I've been there before." I read the acts for the following week. "HOLY SHIT!"

"What?!" Hunter looked up from his post behind the counter.

"One of my favorite bands of all time is playing there on Friday night!" I got up and started jumping and dancing.

"That's only two nights away. What band?"

"Brighten. I mean it's just an acoustic show. It will probably only be Justin there...but oh Justin."


"Justin Richards. My one true love."

"So this Justin guy, what's so great about him?"

"The better question is, what's not so great about him? The answer: nothing. He is completely gorgeous, tremendously talented, and he's just so damn adorable."

"Is that all?"

"I could ramble on about him for hours."

"So then you're going?"

"Yes. No doubt." I got up and and walked towards the door. "Perfect start to my new life."


"Hello Donia." Auntie May answered on the second ring.


"So, how has the first day been? Exciting?"

"Yeah. Yeah it has. I'm going to a concert on Friday. A band I've liked for a while is playing, so I'm really excited."

"Sounds like fun." I could hear her smiling on the other end. "Meet anybody new?"

"A guy named Hunter. He seems nice."

"Ooh a guy?"

"Take it easy, Auntie." I laughed. "He's gay."

"Oh. Well. You can always be friends."

"Yeah. Hey um, I don't know if I ever properly said this, but thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm just happy you're happy."


"Goodnight Donia."

She hung up and I listened to the hum of an empty line for a few seconds.

Friday night was all I could think about now. Just me, Justin, and the music. Hopefully I could take some photos too. One upside of being in Nashville, Justin Richards would be around, all the time.
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