Status: active

Easy to Fall in Love

am I more than you bargained for yet?

"Are you excited?"

"That would be an understatement." I wrung my hands trying to contain my nervous energy. I picked at my purple nail polish, following the chips with my eyes as they littered my thighs.

"You're so funny," Hunter nodded at my fidgeting limbs and laughed at me.

"Guys don't like funny girls," I mimicked the shrill voice of my aunt, the one who always had a stick up her ass. She may have a point, but I have hilarity, so I can mock her for it.

"You don't really believe that, do you?"

"And darling IIIII, I can’t slow downnn, don’t know why I do the things I doooooo, but I’ll always be arounddddd," I sang, ignoring the question.

"You're such a dork." He rolled his eyes. While the two of us had only been friends for three days, we'd become quite close. He was alone during the summer, spending his time at the motel reading books and doing the repairs. During the school year, he took random classes on sculpting or female studies. He was friendly with everyone, but seemed to have no friends. I was wondering if it had something to do with his sexuality. I know it's the 21st Century and all, but the South was stereotypically known for being intolerant of differences like his.

"I was hoping for drop dead gorgeous or irresistibly sexy but that'll do." I shrugged and turned up my Brighten CD.

"Well that too," Hunter added.

"Unfortunately, I'm not your type. So, I'm not really counting on your opinion." He parked at the venue and we got out of the truck. "I hope Gibbs is here," I clasped my hands together and grinned. The both of us walked towards the door and then into the building.


"Another singer/songwriter dude. Sexy as hell too."

"Right, right. Austin Gibbs. He sings the one about the lady serial killer."

"Correct," I stated and poked his arm. I had spent the last two days forcing him to listen to my music and learn the band names and songs. I called it a proper education.

"Where do we sit?" Hunter stopped in the doorway. I laughed.

"We don't."

The crowd wasn't huge and it was pretty laid back looking so I didn't think I'd have trouble getting to the front. I made my way around the chatty teen girls and scantily clad twenty-somethings hoping to catch a band boy's attention, until I was at the barricade. It was twenty-five minutes until show time, and I was feeling antsy. I couldn't wait to hear him play. He was so beautiful. I wasn't some groupie who wanted to screw him just because he was in a band, I appreciated his talent. That's honestly what attracts him to me the most. His music is what matters. I didn't care if he didn't have feelings for me at the end of the day, because what he plays and sings is what I can't live without.

I turned to tell something about the lighting to Hunter when I realized he was no longer by my side. I look all around me, but he was no where to be seen. I spotted a door off to the right that said "back patio entrance" and figured he went out for a smoke. I made my way towards the door pushed it open.

"Hunter?" I stuck my head out the door and called.

"Nope. Sorry, just me," came a male voice to my right.

I turned my head in the direction of the sound and saw Gibbs leaning against the wall with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and arms folded across his chest.

"Oh. Hi." I stepped all the way out and let the door swiftly shut behind me.

"You look really familiar." He took a drag and pointed the fingers holding his cigarette at me. "What's your name?"

"I'm Donia." I choked out. I stuck my hand formally towards him and then wondered why I thought a handshake was a good idea. It seemed so impersonal. It was too late to retract it now - he had grabbed it and held on firmly.

"That's right! I've seen you at my shows singing along and taking photos. The ones I've seen are really great," he smiled genuinely. He let go off my hand and gestured to my camera then slipped the thin, white, stick of tobacco between his lips once more. "You taking some tonight?"

"Well I'm going to try. I couldn't get a press pass so I'm hoping I can still get close enough for some good shots."

"I think I can help you out there." Austin took one last hit, dropped his cigarette on the ground, and snuffed it out with the toe of his boots. The smoke stopped flowing out and settled around his feet. "Follow me."

I followed him wordlessly to the stage door. He told me to stay put and disappeared to the other side. Minutes later, Austin returned with a laminate in one hand and a huge grin on his face.

"The stage manager owes me one. I introduced him and his girlfriend." He handed me the pass. "Almost showtime. Take some good pics for me, yeah?"

I simply nodded, not sure how to reply.

"See you after." He stated this with no question in his voice. He disappeared once again, leaving me dazed. I floated back over to the barricade, flashing my pass on the way.

While adjusting the settings on my camera I remembered Hunter. Where had he gone? I was considering looking for him when the house lights dimmed and people started to hoot and holler. I decided to wait for the break between sets. The stage lit up, and the band took their places. At last minute Austin swaggered on stage, already the crowd eating out of his hand.

"How y'all doing tonight?" The screamed replies only made him smile. "I'm doing okay myself," he said flashing a million dollar smile. He took a swig of the beer bottle he had brought on stage and then flashed that damn smile again. He proceeded with his set and I snapped away on my camera.

When he was almost done he thanked the crowd and winked at me, a warning for what was coming next.

I looked to the wings of the stage and noticed Justin had just walked up. He was surveying the crowd and his gaze fell on me. Or at least I thought so. He looked away and continued to run his eyes across the people.

"And I'd like to give a special thanks to my friend Donia. She's down there documenting our dreams for us. This one's for you," he pointed at me and started singing "Held Her a Little Too Tight." I felt the stares of pissed off girls burning a whole through my back and I looked up to see Justin watching me again, more openly. I blushed and positioned my camera for more photos.

There was hardly a break, they just tuned up Justin's guitar and he walked out smiling. There was no time for me to retrieve Hunter.

"Hi," he said kind of shyly. "How did you guys like my friend Austin?"

Cheers and claps replied to him. A girl somewhere in the back shouted "I LOVE YOU!"

"Yeah, I think he's pretty great too." He laughed and his eyes flickered towards me once more. "I'm going to start out with something old, hope you enjoy." He smiled one last time and started playing the opening chords to Carolina.

I danced and sang along catching Justin's eye every so often. Did he recognize me? I wasn't sure. I'm just going to put it out of my mind and focus on my shots. If he was looking at me, he was probably just thinking about Austin and what he said.

"Now I'm gonna play some new songs - hope you don't mind." He started to strum something unfamiliar. It was really beautiful though. I swayed to the beat and prepared to take more pictures. I brought the camera up to my eye and focused on Justin's face. Right as I was about to click the shutter Justin looked at me, this time much longer than a glance. I released the button and captured a shot of him looking straight into the lens.

He played one more new song and then took a sip of his drink. He downed the rest of the liquid in his red plastic cup and set it down.

"I'm going to bring my good buddy out one more time," Justin said into the mic and turned towards the left of the stage waving someone over. Once more Gibbs walked on stage, all confidence. "Austin Gibbs everybody!" Austin bowed and then laughed.

"Thank you to all you lovely people who came out to see us tonight. We appreciate it more than you will ever know."

"Yeah. Ditto." Justin smiled and resumed playing his guitar. I listened and smiled. I absolutely loved this song.

"I'll sing a song for you, cross the world for you, name every shining star for you, my darling dear," Justin sung sweetly lowering his head towards the mic. He closed his eyes and smiled gently, like he was remembering something. Something sweet, but something faraway.

"I'll build a house for you, catch that mouse for you, be every girl's dream for you, you'll know it's clear," Austin joined in. I thought this duet was going to make me cry, if I didn't faint first.

"I'll be a man for you, I'll talk a stand for you, I'll hold your hand for you, when you get out the car."

"I'll do what I'm supposed to do, I'll brag and boast of you, once I find you...whoever you are," they sang in unison.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. Hunter was there on the other side of the barricade. He started to say something, but it was too loud to hear. His lips kept moving, but I couldn't make anything out.

"What? I can't hear you. Just wait, it's almost over," I promised him. I turned back around just in time for the last verse. Justin slowed his guitar playing and slowly sang,

"I'll be waiting, just to see you, and know that me and you, were never apart..."

"...Whoever you are." I finished with him. I swear he heard me because he looked over at the same time, half surprised and half smiling.

"Thank you guys, we love you." he held up his hands and smiled. He turned to Austin for a hug and then the two walked off stage. Slowly the lights came back on, and I felt myself drift back to reality. There's something about being in the dark, crowded room while a band is playing. You feel alive in a whole different way. It's like you don't really exist, not as a separate person. Everyone breathes and bleeds as one. You feel so connected. When the shows over and real life comes back into focus, it feels like a lifetime away.

"How was it?" Hunter asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Amazing." I had no idea how else to explain listening to your idols play for you.

"I'm glad you had fun." He rubbed my arm and smiled.

"Where did you run off to?" I asked as I watched the last of the people file outside.

"I just hung back, let you do your thing. Did you get good photos?"

"Yeah I took an awesome one during 'We Are Birds' and Justin is making the funniest..." I looked down at my screen searching for a picture when I heard my name.

"Hey Donia!

I turned around and saw Austin on stage. He was next to Justin, who was leaning against an amp sipping his drink and looking everywhere but at me.

"Hey Gibbs." I smiled.

"This your friend?" He walked towards us and sat down on the edge of the stage.

"Yeah. This is Hunter Evans. Hunter, This is Austin Gibbs," I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you man." Hunter held out his hand and they shook, remind me of my awkward self earlier, except they seemed normal.

"You too." Austin smiled. He turned his head to look at Justin. He gave him an unreadable look, or at least one unreadable to me.

"I'm sure you guys know of Justin. Justin this is Hunter and Donia."
♠ ♠ ♠
I mean I technically didn't lie. They meet. Sorta.