Status: On hold, longterm

The Sweetest of Sugars

Chapter 1

“Isn’t sugar really bad for you?” Sato asked.

We were on our way home from school after a little detour to the fair. I played on a few things, but mostly just watched as she ran around with her friends. She seemed happy enough with the cuddly toy I won her.

“Yeah, so?” I took another bite out of the candy apple in my hand.

“It rots your teeth you know,” she said in her as-a-matter-of-fact voice.

“Yeah, and?” I shook my hair out of my face. It had been raining before so everything was cold and wet. She looked a little cold so I took my hat off and put it on her head. She smiled.

“Then all your teeth will fall out and you won’t be able to eat anything.” She looked up at me waiting for my reaction. I just shrugged my shoulders taking another bite out of the apple.

She let out a frustrated sigh before reaching up and snatching the candy out of my hand. She took a bite out of it, chewed it for a moment, but then spat it out.

“That’s gross!” she said throwing it to the ground.

“Hey! I was going to finish that!”

Smiling one of her cheeky grins she answered, “Not anymore you’re not!”

Before I could say anything, she started running. “Race you home!” she shouted without looking back.

I cursed under my breath. I was really enjoying that apple. Watching her run, her long brown hair flying behind her in her little red winter coat made me smile but only a little. The image of her face, cheeks and nose red from the cold, that playful smile in her eyes, it all brought back painful memories but I just shook my head; it was impossible to stay mad at her, she was my younger sister and I loved her too much.

I let her get a head start waiting until she turned the corner before sprinting after her.