Status: Title may change

Mortal Creations

Circa 1550 A.D.
They are called angels. They are nothing of the sort. They search, find, and destroy. They are talented… and deadly. They are my children… of my own creation. I meant to create the perfect human… the perfect immortal, but instead I created the perfect monster. They know of true magic and can harness it. I will not last much longer. They will discover that I am nothing more than their creator and no longer affect them. I managed to tame few of my children, but they will not stand a chance against their tainted brothers and sisters. And to think that a few months ago they were my colleagues… but none of my old friends are left from the effects of the serum. I must hide what is left of that poison so that no other human may ever discover its corrupted powers. I must tell my brother the secret of
[the rest of the page was burned]

Modern Times
Today the race of angels still exists and lives within society to either help or destroy it. Scientists continue to search for the race’s origins and how to bring the race to an end. A decision comes to rest on two of these angles. They must choose to help bring an end to their evil brethren (and so bring upon themselves their own end) or to turn their backs and keep their prolonged lives.