A Dad is a Son's First Hero and a Daughter's First Love

Our Precious Twins

Kate’s POV
I was so exhausted that it took me a few moments too long to register that I could only hear one of the babies crying.

“Evgeni is something wrong?” I could tell by his worried expression that something was indeed wrong.
“It’s ok,” he crowded closer to me and ran his hand through my hair over and over.
“What’s going on?” I could feel the tears running down my cheek.
“The baby girl isn’t breathing,” one of the nurses informed us.

“Lacey,” I grabbed Evgeni’s hand and he held me tightly as we prepared for the worst.

After what felt like forever she finally gave the softest little cry, but it was enough for us to know she was alright.

"She's ok," Evgeni smiled down at me.
"Thank god," I sighed out in relief as he showered me with kisses.

We didn't get to see them though they were being whisked off down to the special care nursery.

The doctor informed us that they would be in there over night and depending on Lacey's state in the morning hopefully that would be it.

It still didn’t lessen the blow when we saw them though. Inside an incubator with little probes attached to their skin and Lacey with two little tubes in her nose.

“They be ok, right?” Evgeni’s worried expression made my heart ache.
“Of course they will,” I put my hand through the little hole to touch them.

As I touched Luka’s arm he flinched and wrapped himself around his smaller sister. “He protect her,” Evgeni smiled.
“With you and the two boys she will never have a boyfriend,” I ran my finger down Luka’s face before repeating the gesture to Lacey.

“Come here,” I grabbed Evgeni’s hand and tried to get him to touch them.
“No,” he resisted.
“Come on, you aren’t going to hurt them,” he let up and I guided his hand inside the incubator, “See.”

“Would you like to hold them?” the nurse stood by with a smile.
I looked at Evgeni who still looked panicked by the idea of touching them but I agreed none the less.

The nurse took out Luka and handed him to me. I cradled him in my arms as he began to sob clearly not happy being taken away from his sister and the warmth they shared.

I ran my hand down his cheek and his eyes opened wide. They were so big and brown, “You look just like your daddy,” I ran my hand over his head where little bits of brown hair stuck out.
“He not have my nose, he lucky,” Evgeni peered over at the little one in my arms. I always ripped him about his big nose and made bets that I would give it a week before they started grabbing it.

“Here hold him.”
“No, no I drop him,” Evgeni backed away.
“No you won’t, don’t be dumb, here,” the nurse grabbed him a chair and passed Luka too him.

He looked down at him, just watching him. Luka let out a little yawn and Evgeni smiled.
“Just like daddy.”

“What about this little girl,” the nurse picked up Lacey and to be honest I was a little reluctant to hold her.

She kept her eyes shut but with her much finer hair we knew she would look like me. Her eyes opened and when two blue orbs stared at me it confirmed my suspicious.

“Here,” the nurse did a switch and Evgeni sat in the chair looking more terrified then ever to be holding his daughter.

“I think we might have a little daddy’s girl,” I smiled at Evgeni as Lacey wrapped her tiny hand around Evgeni’s finger.
“She’s beautiful, just like her mum,” he smiled at me before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

Evgeni’s POV
“Daddy my brother and sister,” Asher peered over the casing to see his new siblings.
“Here,” I picked him up so he could look at them as my parents fussed over them and Kate.
“They beautiful,” my mother cooed.
“Play hockey,” my father smiled.

If they wanted too. They could do whatever they wanted and it wouldn’t matter to me. As long as they were happy.

Once my parents had gone and taken Asher home because it was way passed his bed time Kate and I spent most of the night sitting and watching them.

I was a father finally. After so long waiting, hoping and praying for everything to be ok we finally had two precious twins.
“I love you,” I lent over to Kate and kissed her for about the millionth time. I didn’t believe I would ever get sick of kissing her lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here it is, the moment we have all being waiting for... Geno is a daddy!!!!