A Dad is a Son's First Hero and a Daughter's First Love

He Is Ours

Kate's POV
I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. I groaned grabbing my phone and checking the time 7:00am. No Evgeni had the day off and we were up this early? Whoever was disturbing our sleep was asking for it.

"Jack? What are you doing here?" I frowned seeing my ex standing on the front porch looking sleep deprived.
"Kate who here?" Evgeni plodded down the stairs with Lacey attached to his hip.
"It's Jack," I opened the door completely letting him in.

"What you want?" Evgeni looked angry at the helpless looking man standing in the kitchen.
"I came to bring these back," he pulled a yellow envelope from his jacket.

I knew exactly what it was and the fact that he had come all the way here to give them back annoyed the hell out of me.

"Jack you know you have no argument to take him away from..."
"He's yours," he deadpanned.
"What?" I stopped.
"I signed them," he tossed the envelope onto the kitchen bench, "Asher is all yours," he clarified before turning around and hurrying out the door.

"Jack!" I called running after him, "Jack," I grabbed his shoulder turning him around.
"Why what?" now he was just playing dumb with me.
"What made you sign them?"
"I have no argument, they were never going to let me keep him," he shrugged.
"So you just gave up like that?" I was a little shocked. Jack always fought, he had something made up in his mind and kept at it. Maybe he never planned on taking Asher, maybe that was the way his mind was made up.
"Yep... Bye Kate, have a good life," he walked off and jumped into the taxi on the verge.

Evgeni's POV
I looked down at my little girl sitting on the bench in front of me holding onto my shirt as if her life depended on it.

What kind of person just gives up on their child? I would never give up on any of my kids like that.

"I never leave you," I brushed my hand through her short dark blonde hair.

Kate came back in looking rather confused but opened the envelope in a hurry.
"He did," she pointed to his signature, "just like that."
"So Asher is ours," I tilted my head scanning over the papers.
"Once the papers go through, he is all ours," she smiled in disbelief.

"Come here," I picked Lacey up and walked over to Kate as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"He is all ours," she repeated as I wrapped my free arm around her.

"We go tell Ash," I suggested as she pulled away wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Hey buddy wake up," Kate shook him before sliding into the bed next to our little guy.
"Mummy," he moaned rolling over.
"How are you feeling?" she ran her hand through his hair.
"Head still sore," he grumbled burring his face into his pillow.
"It will get better soon," she kissed the back of his head.

"We have some exciting news for you."
"What?" He sat up looking so worn out I actually felt bad for waking him up.
"I be you real dad now," I sat down putting the twins on the bed with him.
"For real?" He seemed to perk up a little.
"Yeah for real," we laughed as he threw his arms around me.
"I love you daddy,"
"I love you too bud."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I know this one is short but I just had to get the point across. The adorable family can be one at last... soon!