A Dad is a Son's First Hero and a Daughter's First Love

First Night Home

Kate’s POV
The day had finally come that we could go home and god had I been waiting for it. To sleep in my own bed, eat my own food. It was all I wanted right now.

“I think we need bigger car,” Evgeni looked at the Range Rover with everything stuffed in it.
“I forgot how much space baby seats take up,” I shrugged, "it will be fine for now, your happy there aren’t you Ash?” I looked at the little boy wedged in between his new brother and sister.
“Besides are you going to drive a mini van?”
“No,” Evgeni laughed, “never drive mini van.”

He was going to have to suck that one up, we were going to need a bigger car. Maybe not a mini van but at least a 7 seater four wheel drive.

Evgeni looked a little scared as we walked into the house, “Don’t worry everything is going to be ok,” I ran my hand up and down his arm reassuringly.
“Just nervous, no doctors, nurses, what if something happen?” he looked at the twins sitting in their carriers on the coffee table in front of us.
“They will be fine,” I kissed him on the cheek.

“Kate?” Evgeni looked up at me from feeding Lacey.
“I meant to go to Russia , you not been yet. You want to come?”
“Evgeni but what about the twins?”
“Not yet, in month. I ask nurse she say month they fly.”

I couldn’t say no if he had been asking the nurses about flying. His pleading eyes were too much, “ok, it will be fun right?”
“It will be best trip of your life,” he smiled.

Evgeni’s POV
I had already begun to pick up all the parenting things like changing diapers and feeding but I was yet to master the getting them to sleep.

“Hey Ash can you grab the twins tub?” Kate was trying to include him as much as she could.
He came running in with the little tub so we could give them a bath so they would hopefully go to sleep.

My grip tightened around Lacey as Kate put Luka into the water. Everything they did made me nervous. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to them, ever.

“Do you want to do her?” Kate asked as she pulled Luka from the tub and wrapped him tightly in a towel.
“No, you do,” I couldn’t bring myself to all but dunk my little princess in the water and upset her.

She handed Luka over and he curled up with his face mashed into my chest. “His diaper and pyjamas are on the kitchen bench.”

But I wasn’t ready to put him down just yet. I was going to take advantage of finally having no one else around wanting to hold them; no nurses, no guests and keep him all to myself.

We finally got the twins to bed and then it was Asher’s turn for some of our attention.
“What do you want to do?” we all sat on the couch looking at each other in the silence of the house.
“Can we color?” Asher piped up.
“If that is what you want to do then sure,” Kate smiled at him before he grabbed our hands and dragged us out to the dining table.

It was then that one of the twins started crying, “Evgeni no let them cry,” Kate grabbed my hand stopping me from going to check on them.

The crying continued for a good half an hour and I could see Kate’s patience beginning to wear thin.
She got up in a huff and headed upstairs where silence began to fill the house again.

“Sid right, babies cry,” Asher frowned.
“How they talk,” I explained to him, “you used to do it too.”
He scrunched up his face, “no, never.”
“Yes you did,” I poked him in the ribs.
“No,” he pouted.
“You did, you cried all the time,” I began to tickle him.
“No Daddy,” he protested.
“Is true, cry more than Lacey.”
“Daddy,” he stood up with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Fine, not all the time.”


“I am so glad to be home,” Kate whispered as the twins were sound asleep in their bassinet next to our bed.
“I am glad you home,” I kissed her forehead.

“What are we going to do in Russia?” she laid on my chest.
“You see, I have big plan, surprise just for you,” I ran my hand through her hair.
“Really?” she looked up at me.
“Yes, going to be best,” I rolled over and laid on top of her.

“Evgeni,” she moaned as I kissed her neck.
“Shhh,” I smiled up at her.

That was when one of the babies started crying and I sighed letting my head fall into the crook of her neck.
“Your fault,” she rolled her eyes and slid out from underneath me.

I knew from then on we would be in for no sleep, no sex and complete exhaustion. But I was sure it would be worth it in the end.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am not exactly sure about this one but I am filling some time here