Status: Active

Two Kids Stupid and Fearless

40 Days...

For All Those Sleeping was playing their set right now. Jack had come over about an hour before the show, but he didn't bring Rian. He told me he was with his girlfriend or something.

Jack and I were backstage. He was helping the techs tune guitars and I was sitting beside him on the couch with the body of the guitar on my lap.

"Okay, pluck the third string down for me," he commanded. I did what he asked. "Now all of them." I strummed all of the strings. He shook his head and kept turning the knobs at the top of the guitar.

"I didn't know you played guitar," I commented, watching as he turned the knobs, deep in concentration.

"I sure do. Not everything Eric told you was a lie," he replied.

I shivered a bit at the thought and Jack put an arm around me and squeezed. "It's okay, he's gone now," he whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly. He took his arm back and resumed tuning.

After a few seconds, he took the guitar from my lap and started playing a bit to make sure it sounded okay.

He saw I was still a bit gloomy and stood up on top of a coffee table in front of me. "Any requests?" He asked, winking.

I rubbed my chin, thinking. "Play something by Blink-182," I said.

Jack nodded quickly with a smile. He placed his fingers on the strings and started to play Dammit. Beau, who I learned does vocals in blessthefall, joined Jack on the table with a mike stand and they started singing.

"It's alright, to tell me, what you think, about me, I won't try, to argue, or hold it, against you, I know that, you're leavin, you must have, your reasons, your pictures, are falling down!" Beau sang. The break came and him and Jack did a little dance. I clapped and laughed with delight.

This continued for a bit until Jeremy, Of Mice and Men's manager, told us to shut up. Jack and Beau got off the table with much hesitation. Jack gave the guitar to a tech, who gave it to Aj, who ran onto the stage with the rest of Issues.

Soon, they finished their set and ran off, much to the crowd's protest. Blessthefall's crew ran on stage shorty after to set up.

I handed cold water bottles to each of them, who all gladly downed them in a matter of seconds. A very sweaty Tyler collapsed onto the couch. The rest of the band did the same in various areas of the room. Ben came out of nowhere and put a skinny arm around my shoulders.

"So whaddaya say?" He began. "Do we have a new Issues fan?" He asked.

I nodded, smiling. "You guys killed it. I can't believe you have that many fans from one EP," I commented.

"Well most of us come from another band. We have a lot of fans that came from that," Michael said from the floor.

I nodded my head in understanding. "You guys should shower. You all smell," I told them.

They all begrudgingly got up and walked down the hall to the showers. Soon I was alone with Jack again. "Who's up next?" He asked.

I took the clipboard from the table. "Blessthefall," I told him, just as they ran onstage. Beau slapped Jack on the back before taking his place at the microphone. The crowd went crazy as they started their first song.

Jack took a sip from a red plastic cup I hadn't noticed he had. We stood beside each other to the side of the stage. I listened to the song and started to drift off in thought.

"I need you now, cause it's killing me," Beau sang. "And I wish somehow, you were here with me."

I listened closely to the song. At first I thought of my sister, but as the song went on, my mind wandered to Jack. It had been doing that a lot lately. After he said that he'd never let anything happen to me while we watched Home Alone, I'd been thinking about him more and more. He was just so cute, and nice. I felt comfortable around him. Which was weird, usually I don't feel too comfortable around people that I haven't known for a long time. But Jack, he always made me feel safe, and he made sure I was never unhappy.

Can we make this a lifetime, you're all I want right now
Life keeps telling me I need to go
But what if I wanna stay
Cause I'm lost here without you

Those lyrics definitely hit home. They described exactly how I felt with jack. What if I wanna stay, I'm lost here without you. Basically.

I felt Jack fidget next to me. I heard him finish off whatever was in his cup, then he threw it off behind him. Before I knew it, two warm, hoodie-clad arms went around my waist and hugged me from behind. He gently rested his head on my shoulder and bent his neck so his lips brushed my collarbone.

Oh my god. What was he doing? Did he have any idea what he was doing to my head? I could barely think straight and my heart was beating so fast I thought I might faint.

"Can I kiss you?" A husky voice whispered, lips almost touching my ear. I nodded quickly an he spun me around. Our lips met and in that moment, it was just me, Jack, and the music.

I've found a love I've never had before, you changed me
And I will wait however long it takes, you changed me
You say the words that I've been thinking
I'll never let you go

My hands tangled in his hair and his arms tightened around me as we kissed. I tugged at his hair gently and felt him smile into the kiss. His hands left my waist and planted themselves on my hips, under my shirt. His thumbs traced circles on my hipbones and I basically melted. He pushed us so my back was against the wall and kissed me rougher. He licked my bottom lip for entrance which I gladly gave him. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth whilst my hands gripped the sides of his neck, making sure he wouldn't leave.

The song came to an end and I realized that this shouldn't go any farther, and I pulled away. He held my face gingerly and stared me in the eye. I was grinning uncontrollably and so was he.

Please let this moment last forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooo they kissed!! Finally!! Sorry if it sucks, I've never written kissing scenes before -_- Lol, this chapter's cute. Song is 40 Days, obviously by blessthefall. Hope you liked it xx