Status: Active

Two Kids Stupid and Fearless

Freaky Friday

Friday night had come all too quickly, but there was nothing I could do about it. I sat on the edge of the stage beside Nicole, kicking my legs back and forth. We'd cleaned, prepared, organized, everything. Now we sat side by side, chit-chatting to make time go faster. I checked my phone for the millionth and couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh. 8:40. Doors open at nine.

"So, how're things with you and Jack?" Nicole asked, picking at a loose string on the leg of her gray skinny jeans. "I saw you guys kissing during blessthefall's set the other night but I never got a chance to talk to you about it." She nudged my arm jokingly.

"We're alright I guess. When I came to get my paycheck yesterday, I found a kitten. So we bonded over her a bit. Then we kissed," I admitted.

Nicole squealed and flapped giddily. "Awwww!!! What's her name?"

"Agnes," I told her.

"Oh my god!!!! I can't handle this!" She exclaimed. "Why did you and Jack kiss?"

"I don't know," I said, shrugging. "He told me I was pretty then he kissed me."

"Jesus," she whispered with a shake of her head. "You guys just need to get together already."

"I'm waiting for him to make the move. I don't know if he likes me back," I told her.

"What?! Or course he likes you back! You guys have kissed! Twice!"

I shrugged. "Whatever. They didn't mean anything. We were just caught up in the moment."

Nicole shook her head again and glanced at her Disney princess watch that looked like it had came in a happy meal. "It's nine. Look alive, sunshine. Let's get this show on the road," she announced, hopping off the stage ad marking her way to the door. I was close behind and I saw that there was already a line of people going down the sidewalk in front of the building. This Freaky Friday was sure to be Freaky.

***Jack's POV***

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, spiking my skunk-striped hair into a mohawk. Alex was beside me, sitting on the toilet, keeping me company as I got ready for my first Freaky Friday.

Today, after I had taken Agnes to the vet (which was terrible), Alex and I had been working together on designs for our clothing lines at the Glamour Kills office downtown. After we had finished for the day, I had invited him to come clubbing with me at Galaxy House, because he was my best friend and didn't have anything better to do. He accepted, and we had gone out to dinner at Olive Garden before returning to my apartment where we had worked on new songs together and now we were getting ready for our night out. More like I was. Alex had already brushed his teeth and shaved, which was all he needed to do.

I, on the other hand, was fairly new and very unskilled at the whole doing my hair thing. After years of wearing it flat, like it naturally was, I had started to spike it. And people liked it. So I kept doing it. Even though it had been a few months, I was still getting the hang of creating the perfect mohawk. It made me feel like a total girl.

I felt even girlier when I had blushed excessively when Alex had asked me about Mia. He didn't know much about her, just that she lived with me, but he caught on to my little schoolboy crush easily, so I spilled the beans to him. All of the beans. About Eric's insanity, Mia and I kissing, and getting a cat.

Speak of the devil. Agnes jumped on to Alex's lap and cuddled happily into his junk. That's the most pussy action he's had in a while. "I can't believe you have a cat," he said for the millionth time, picking Agnes up and looking at her. "I thought you couldn't stand cats, Jack. This Mia girl must be pretty special." He looked at me and smirked.

"She is," I sighed. "Just, she's so sweet and cute and funny...I think I might be falling for her." I rubbed shaving cream onto my face and started to shave off my creeper-stache.

"Alright man, just be careful though," he replied. "Don't move too fast, you might freak her out."

"I won't, I swear. I don't even know if she likes me back," I told him.

"What are you talking about, Jack?! You've kissed her twice! She obviously likes you," he said. Then, in a deep voice, he added "Get someeeee!!!"


"Shit dude, this place is packed," Alex said in my ear so I could hear it. We had just walked into Galaxy House and he spoke the truth. It was only nine o'clock, but the club was near capacity. I was glad we left when we did.

I nodded slowly and looked around, taking in the scenery. Music was blasting from huge speakers on either side of the stage, and a giant astronaut stood on the stage, DJ'ing. The floor was packed with people, dancing and yelling and some were even kissing. The bright colored lights moved around constantly, lighting up every inch of the room for a split second before moving elsewhere. The bar was lined with people, too, each getting more than their fair share of booze. The whole place reeked of sweat and alcohol.

"I'm gonna get a drink," I shouted to Alex over the music. He nodded and went straight to the dance floor. Meanwhile, I headed to the bar, squeezing and shoving my way through the sea of people until I reached the worn out, wooden counter. I took a seat and soon, a petite girl with purple hair stood behind the counter in front of me.

Despite being small, I heard her voice loud and clear over the music. "Hey, you're Jack, right?" She asked me.

I nodded in response. "Yeah, do you know where Mia is?"

"I figured you'd be looking for her. I'm Nicole, by the way. Wait a sec, I'll go get her," she told me, leaving the bar. She returned quickly after, Mia in tow. I saw she had curled her hair, and her square glasses were replaced by smoky eye shadow that made her look sexy and pretty and adorable at the same time.

"You came!" Mia yelled when she reached me, leaning over the counter for a hug. I gladly hugged her back. She looked back at Nicole for a second, and I saw Nicole nod, before Mia turned back to me. "You wanna dance?" She asked with a wink.

"Sure," I agreed. She went to go around the bar, but I leaned over and wrapped an arm around her tiny waist, picking her up bridal style and lifting her over the counter as she giggled cutely. I set her down gently and she looked up at me and mouthed a thank you, before taking my hand and leading me onto the dance floor.

We danced for a couple minutes, her being cute and fun and me being totally awkward. I'm not really one to go to clubs much, and if I do, I don't really dance. But she wanted me to, so I did. And she hadn't ran away yet, so I wasn't too terrible. But we weren't even touching. It's like we're not even dancing together. Jesus, Jack. Why do you have to be so awkward? Just touch her. Not inappropriately. Be fun. Be confident. Don't be creepy. That's Alex's job.

I reached my arms out and took her little hands in mine. I held my arms up high, and she twirled under them, smiling. At this point we were both laughing loudly, partly at each other, partly with each other. She swung our arms back and forth, then lifted one up so I could twirl this time. I did, and she laughed even louder.

I twirled her again, not really knowing what else to do, but she only spun halfway before stopping so she was facing me. A slow song came on right then, and I lowered our hands so they rested at our sides. We swayed back and forth in time to the music, while lots of people left the floor for a break.

"Did you take Agnes to the vet?" she asked, looking up at me.

"Yes I did," I replied. "She was a very nice kitty."

"And what else did you do today?" She went on, smiling cutely.

I twirled her around again, because yolo, before answering. "Well, I went to work, and then I went to Olive Garden with a friend, and then I came here."

"Sounds like fun," she said. "Which friend? I don't know any of your friends."

"His name is Alex. He's my best friend. He lives just a couple blocks away from us. I work with him."

"Oh right!" she exclaimed. "You never told me where you work and why it's such a big deal!"

I bit my lip. I don't know how to tell her. I was scared she would freak out, or worse: fangirl. But she couldn't be too big of a fan if she hadn't recognized me yet. Is there a manual out there that can show me how to tell the girl I like (who also happens to live with me) that I'm in a world-famous band? If so, I would like to have it. But I don't think there is, so I'll have to explain it without help. "Okay, I'll tell you later," I told her. She pouted up at me and I kissed her on the nose. "Tomorrow, okay? For now I just want to dance."

I saw her nod quietly before a familiar song came on and she smiled up at me. "I love this song! Dance with me, Jackie-poo!!!" she yelled excitedly.

I got your picture,
I'm coming with you,
Dear Maria, count me in,
There's a story at the bottom of this bottle....

Oh yeah, I definitely had to tell her soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this in an hour, so sorry if it's boring. i also wanted to make it short because i noticed my chapters are a lot longer than others on mibba. what do you guys think? too long? just right? should i shut up and update? let me know xx