Status: Active

Two Kids Stupid and Fearless

Playing Doctor

Even though there was nothing to do today, I still came into work that Tuesday. Technically. Nicole had texted me around seven saying that I had to come in, and it was an emergency. I had a half-asleep, pajama-clad Jack drive me to Nicole's apartment, the address of which she had texted me after I agreed to help. Her apartment was across the street from Galaxy House, and was directly above a CVS pharmacy and hair salon.

Now I sat on the bathroom counter, beside Nicole, who sat defeatedly in front of the toilet, both of her skinny arms on either side of the seat. She looked up at me with worried bloodshot eyes.

"I think I'm sick," she stated matter-of-factly.

"No shit Sherlock," I commented, shaking my head.

"I think I have food poisoning," she said, flushing the toilet and wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her hoodie. She stood up and exitied the bathroom, with me following close behind.

"I don't think it's food poisoning," I commented, noting the empty candy wrappers that littered the floor.

She took a container of ice cream out of the freezer and shut it with her hip. "Well, then what is it, Doctor Jenovic?" She asked sarcastically, shoving a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

I considered the options. I had taken health in high school, plus I volunteered at a hospital, so I knew a fair amount regarding disease and medical stuff. "When was the last time you and know..."

She rolled her eyes and took another bite of ice cream. "I don't know, like, a week ago I guess. Why?"

I gave her a knowing look from across the kitchen and crossed my arms. "You don't think I'm..." she whispered, looking scared. All I could do was nod. She slid down the wall and came to a seated position on the floor and rubbed her face worriedly. I joined her, and enveloped her in a comforting hug. Her shoulders shook lightly as tears left her eyes. "What am I going to tell Austin? Shit, what am I going to tell my dad? He'll be pissed at me. He's gonna kill Austin when he finds out," she rambled.

I rubbed her back and shushed her. "We don't know if it's for real yet," I assured her. "Let's go to CVS and get you a pregnancy test, kay?"

She looked up at me with scared eyes, tears still streaming down her face. "Don't make me go in there. My worst enemy from high school works there. If she sees me buying a pregnancy test... I'm screwed," she said.

I nodded in understanding. "Okay, I'll go. I'll be right back." I stood up and left the apartment quietly.

When I got back, Nicole was on the same spot she was before, eating ice cream like her life depended on it. I held up the box with the test and shook it. "Hope you have to pee," I told her, helping her up.

"Only every ten seconds," she commented, taking the box from me.

I followed her to the bathroom and waited outside for a couple silent minutes. I heard her open the box, then pee on it. It shouldn't take that long for it to do its thing. So what's the hold up? I knocked carefully on the door. "Everything okay in there?"

When I didn't get an answer, I twisted the knob and opened the door. Nicole sat on the floor in front of the tub, staring at the test with silent tears falling down her cheeks. When she heard me come in, she held up the stick with one hand, and the other hand covering her eyes.

I took it from her and examined it closely. A small, pink plus sign was in the center of a white circle in the middle of the stick. There it was, clear as day, that little pink plus sign that meant Nicole's life would change forever. I handed it back to her.

"What am I gonna do?" She whispered, mostly to herself.

"First thing you need to do is call Austin. It's his baby, too," I told her. "Then we're going to watch chick flicks and eat ice cream."

A small smile made its way onto her face, and she stood up slowly. We left the bathroom, me to go prepare a movie, and her to tell Austin the big news.


She left her room about fifteen minutes later. Her tears were gone and replaced by a happy, relieved smile. She rushed up next to me on her leather couch and hugged me tightly. "He's cool with it! He's excited! He's supportive!" She exclaimed with excitement. "He told me he couldn't wait to see us," she added, quieter this time. The smiled down at her belly, and rubbed it with a happy sigh.

"That's great babe," I said honestly. Austin really is a great guy. "Did he say when he'd be home?"

"Not till after thanksgiving," she said. "So at least another week or so.

"Well, do you wanna spend thanksgiving with me?" I asked. "Jack and I are going to his friends' house. They said you could come."

She smiled at me. "That sounds awesome," she replied. Her gaze returned to her belly. "Now I have an excuse to eat a ton of food!"
♠ ♠ ♠
This was mostly a filler. I wanted to go a bit more in-depth with Nicole. She'll end up being a part of the outcome of the story. Next chapter will be longer and more exciting :)