Status: Active

Two Kids Stupid and Fearless


Jack and I had arrived with Nicole at Alex's tribeca flat around two in the afternoon. It was now almost five, and Jack and Alex were in the kitchen, finishing up cooking. I sat with Nicole on the living room couch, watching Juno, because Alex had banished her from the kitchen after she licked the mashed potato spoon and then put it back in the bowl.

I nearly fell off the couch when I heard someone clap their hands super loud. "Dinner is served, ladies!" Jack announced. He gestured to the kitchen, where the counters were packed with bowls, trays and platters of all sizes holding our delicious feast. The small square table had turkey-shaped placemats (courtesy of Alex's mom) and candles in the center. It looked perfect.

Nicole and I got up off the couch with a groan (me of laziness and her of pregnant-ess) and took our places at the table. Jack and Alex joined us.

"It's a Gaskarth family tradition to say what we're thankful for," Alex began. "So I'll go first."

Jack cut him off. "That's every American families' tradition, dumbass."

Alex waved a finger at him. "We have rules, however. No repeats, be specific, no cliches, and nothing food-related," he advised. "I'm thankful for Don't Panic, and its success."

Jack mumbled a damn under his breath. I guess he wanted to say the same thing. "I'm thankful for Mia and Agnes. You guys are lovely," he smiled.

I beamed at him and gave him a peck on the cheek, because why not. "I'm thankful for New York, and all the people I've met here."

Nicole rubbed her belly contently. "I'm thankful for my growing family," she said. "And for my new friends, so I don't have to spend thanksgiving alone."

We all smiled at each other before Alex clapped again. "Let's eat, eh?"

We formed a line at the counter, Nicole in front, me last. After a couple minutes, Alex, who was behind Nicole, began to protest.

"Come on, Nicole!! You're feeding an adult and a fetus the size of a sea monkey, not a fucking army!!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

Nicole turned around and put her hands on her hips. "Excuse me for being hungry," she huffed. She picked up her full plate and continued down the line.

Once we had all gotten our portion (or more, in Nicole's case) of food, we took our seats at the table and while we ate, we talked. About music, jobs, bad tour experiences, and cats. Then we watched Mean Girls, one of Alex's favorite movies. He quoted it the entire time. It was honestly one of the best Thanksgivings I've ever had.
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Sorry this took so long to update, guys. I had it planned out, then I changed my mind and rewrote it. Plus I was almost done, but then my computer restarted and I lost all my work :/

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it!!! ccc: