Status: Active

Two Kids Stupid and Fearless

Leave It To Mom to Ruin the Moment

The first show of the tour was amazing, to say the least. Jack said it was always his favorite show of every tour. There was a ton of energy, from the crowd, from the band, from everyone.

I watched the action from backstage, fully entertained. It was really a cool experience to see people who you’ve only known in a friendly context go out and perform and put their all into what they do. I didn’t expect that kind of voice from Alex or Lucy. Cassadee, though, her perfection was expected.

Today had been a day of many firsts. My first trip on a plane without family. My first tour. My first time in Ireland, my first time getting in trouble with border patrol. My first time to a concert without my sister. My first time seeing All Time Low perform. My first time seeing Jack play guitar.

That was probably my favorite part of the show. I didn’t know it was possible for one person to have that much energy for twenty songs. For the entire show, he was bouncing around, yelling and singing with Alex, telling dick jokes, catching bras and crowdsurfers, humping Danny’s face, and overall just having a good time. I like seeing him play guitar. He looked really, really happy. The way he interacted with the crowd, the way he smiled at them, made him look like a little kid (or Flyzik) at Disney World.

The last song they played was called Dear Maria. Rian told me that that was always the last song they played, not matter what, and they always made it a big deal. Jack, Alex and Zack had thrown their guitars offstage into the waiting arms of Flyzik, Colussy and Grieco, and Lucy and Cass had joined them to sing along.

By the second chorus, Jack had dragged me onto the stage, much to the crowd’s delight. I waved sheepishly at them as Jack put a sweaty arm around me and pecked my cheek. We did a silly little dance together, and then Lucy and I bernied.

After we loaded up everything, we all retired early. Everyone was thoroughly exhausted from the trip and the day’s events. I collapsed onto the couch in the back lounge beside a freshly-showered Jack. Both of us were in our jammies.

“Did you like the show?” he asked, smiling at me.

“Frick ya!” I replied. “You looked really happy out there.”

“Did you like my dick jokes?”

I nodded. “They were great. You should get an award for best dick jokes.”

“Actually,” he said as he sat up straighter. He pointed to a small, fake oscar statue on a shelf on the wall opposite us. “I got an Oscar for best dick jokes on the last tour we did. A fan gave it to me.”

“That is awesome.” I peered over the rest of the shelf, that was littered in what I guessed were gifts from fans. It included teddy bears, drawings, shirts, several blinged-out bottles of whiskey, and a few dildos. The window on the same wall hung about 3458734089309 bras on the curtain rod.

"It's how we decorate," he explained.

I nodded again. "Where will we be tomorrow?"

He got up off the couch to look at a tour promo poster on the wall. "Belfast," he replied. "Then right after the show we catch a ferry to Liverpool."

"Well, this jetlag is killing me," I said. "I am sleeping." I stood up from the couch and gave him a small peck on the forehead.

However, Jack had other plans. He pulled me onto his lap and blew a raspberry into my neck, making me laugh obnoxiously.

"The twins will be bouncing off the walls all night, you'll never sleep," he advised. "You wanna sleep with me?" He was blushing like an idiot.

"'s hardly been two weeks! At least buy me dinner first!" I fake-gasped.

"You know what I meant. Come snuggle with me!!!!" He gave me puppy eyes and I melted into putty in his hands.

When I gave a groan of defeat (when inside I was going OHMYGODFINALLY KJSDFKLJSBDLFABBDFLJ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ), he squealed like a little girl, took my hand, and together we ran (as much as was possible in a bus) to his bunk. Along the way, basically everyone on the bus with a penis who saw us either hooted like monkeys or yelled something like “GET SOME!!!” or “SKEET SKEET” or “USE PROTECTION!”

To which I stuck out my tongue and Jack smacked my butt. Wow.

He shut the curtain then lied down beside me on his back, with me curled up next to him on my side. He put a protective arm around me as I snuggled up closer to him.

I was just starting to hear Jack’s soft snores when my phone decided to ruin the moment.

I groaned and picked it up after seeing it was my mom. “Hi mom.”

“Mia! I haven’t heard your voice in such a long time!” She exclaimed. “How are you?”

“I’m good, mom, how are you?” From beside me, Jack sat up and rubbed his eyes in confusion.

“Good,” she replied. “Missing you! How about you come home for Christmas?”

Oh shit. Christmas is in two weeks, and I never told my mom about Jack, nor the fact that I was touring Europe with a rock band. “Ah....yeah that’s not gonna work,” I answered hastily.

Once he realized it was my mom I was talking to, and she was unaware of my boy-situation, he took the opportunity to pull me onto his lap and began to kiss, nip and suck gently.

“Why not?”

Jack’s hand moved to my hips and he started to rub circles in my skin with his thumbs. His mouth found my soft spot and I forced back a moan.

I quickly thought of a way to answer vaguely. “Because I’m going to be somewhere else for Christmas?”

“Well where are you gonna be?” She pushed.

“With my boyfriend,” I squeaked. Not a total lie.

“OOOOOOO you have a boyfriend now? What’s his name?”

“Jack,” I stated. It came out as a breathy gasp.

Thankfully, she remained oblivious. “And where are you two gonna be for Christmas?”

“His friends’ place.” Also not a complete lie.

“Alrighty sweetie, if you don’t want to tell your old mom, that’s fine. Anyways, dad and I are going to our surfing lessons. I gotta bounce, holler!” Thank god.

“Okay, mom. I love you!”

I clicked the phone off and without missing a beat, Jack and I got back to our business.
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