Status: Active

Two Kids Stupid and Fearless

Galaxy House

My alarm went off at eight am. When I got up, the sun was just coming up over the skyline, and I could see a fresh coat of frost on the rooftops of the city. Even though I was wrapped up in a comforter, a blanket and wearing fleece pajama pants, I was shivering. I could hear Jack rustling around in the kitchen. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes and felt around the nightstand until I found my glasses. I put them on then shoved my long, brown hair into a messy bun on the top of my head. I slid off the bed, taking my blanket with me, and walked to the kitchen.

"Good morning sunshine! I made you pancakes...but I ate them." Jack frowned and looked at his feet. Even in his jammies, he looked flawless.

"It's fine," I said, putting some frozen waffles in the toaster. "Would you mind turning the heat up?" I pulled my blanket tighter around my shoulders.

"Ah...yeah, about that," Jack started. He scratched his neck nervously. "This apartment isn't heated. The heater thing broke a while ago and I just don't have the time or money to get it fixed."

I groaned and rubbed my temples, slightly frustrated and annoyed. Seriously? This isn't a third world country. For four hundred a month, I would've expected this place to at least have heat.

"That blanket looks cute, though," Jack replied, trying to comfort me.

I looked down at my blanket and blushed. I had completely forgotten how embarrassing it was. It had kittens with mittens printed on it. They were walking through the snow. What can I say, I like cats and it was a gift. "Nice jammies," I retorted. Jack looked at his legs and pulled at the fabric. His pj pants were dark purple with the Baltimore Ravens logo printed all over them, and he wore a Ravens jersey to match.

"My mom got them for me!" Jack argued. He handed me a plate.

I took my waffles out of the toaster and put them on the plate and opened random cupboards, searching for Nutella. "Do you have any Nutella, momma's boy?"

"Ew, no," Jack shot back with a disgusted look on his face.

"How can you say such a thing?" I exclaimed. "Nutella is a gift from heaven above. It is the very product of love and happiness, mixed together by angels and packaged by saints! I bet you've never even tried it."

"I don't have to try it to know I don't like it," Jack argued, smirking. "I've never been shot before and I know I don't want to get shot."

"You're stupid. I'm going to the store later and buying Nutella. You will try it and you will like it. It'll change your life." I pointed my finger at him accusingly.

"Whatever you say, cat lady," he said, rolling his eyes and taking a coke out of the fridge. "I have to go to work. I wrote down the venue's address on the whiteboard in the hall. Go and get yourself a job, champ. I'll be home at four." He started towards the door.

"In your pyjamas?!" I asked, confused.

Jack turned around. I waited in suspense, hands on hips, expecting him to answer. He didn't say anything for a few seconds. Then he pulled his pants down.

"MY EYES!!!" I yelled, covering my face.

"I'm wearing pants underneath, Mia. That's how I keep warm," he explained calmly, as if talking to a little kid.

My mouth formed a small o as jack took his coat off the hook and pulled it on, along with his shoes. He gave a quick goodbye and I heard the door squeak shut, signalling he was gone.

I shrugged and shoved a waffle into my mouth. I should get ready so I can look presentable for this job. I hope they don't want an interview, I'm terrible at talking about myself to strangers. I don't even have a copy of my résumé. It is a club though, they shouldn't be too prissy.

I entered my bathroom and turned on my flat iron. While it heated up, I pulled a pair of black jeans and threw on a random band crew neck and my old black vans. I quickly rubbed some lotion on my face and brushed my teeth. Once my flat iron beeped, I ran it through my hair, paying extra attention to my bangs, which hung straight down on my forehead. They made me look like a little kid, but I liked them.

After I turned all the lights off and made sure I had everything I needed, I tugged my coat on and locked the door behind me, humming quietly. I was just turning around to leave when I ran into someone.

"Oh sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going," I quickly apologised.

The person I ran into was a tall, blonde guy who had a skater look to him. He was carrying a laundry basket and wearing a snapback. He didn't look too mad about me running into him.
"Hey, no big deal. Did you just move in? I haven't seen you before. I'm Eric," he said.

"I'm Mia. And yeah, I moved in yesterday."

Eric nodded. "Cool, cool. Well, welcome. I live just down the hall. I'll see you around."

"Yeah, see you later, Eric." I turned and then started down the stairs.


The venue was about a twenty minute walk from the apartment. It was a bit longer than I expected, but I didn't mind. I got to know the neighbourhood a bit. It was called Galaxy House, and on the front of the building was a spray-painted picture of an astronaut with a cocktail. Classy. I saw a help wanted sign in the window.

I opened the door, which was covered in ads for upcoming shows and graffiti. Inside, it was nearly empty. There was a bathroom to the left and a desk like thing to the right where I'm guessing bands could sell their merch. There was a wall with two wide doorways that led into the auditorium. It was small, but looked cool enough. There was a small bar to the right and stairs that went up to the balcony on the left. Most of the walls were covered in paintings of galaxies and planets. A black velvet curtain hung over the stage. A giant logo of the astronaut with the cocktail was in the middle.

"Hello? Anybody here?" I called.

"Up here!" A voice replied from the balcony. I went into the auditorium to see who it was. A petite girl with blue and purple hair waved down at me.

"I'm here for a job," I explained, looking up at her. "Are you the manager?"

"No," the girl answered. "But my dad owns the place so I'm basically in charge." She disappeared in the darkness for a second and then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Soon, she stood before me. I could see now that her hair was only half blue and purple, where it parted on the side of her head, the purple turned into dark brown. She was wearing all black, with the exception of the print on her t-shirt that read Galaxy House nightclub and concert hall with the astronaut and the cocktail below. Even in the dark, I saw a several tattoos on her little arms and a small silver hoop through her lower lip.

She stuck a small, tattooed hand at me and introduced herself with a smile. "I'm Nicole. Welcome to Galaxy House."

I shook her hand and smiled back. "Mia. About that job-"

"Oh right!" She interrupted. "You're hired!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up.

"That's it? You don't want an interview or anything?" I asked, shocked. I hadn't expected it to be this easy.

"Psh, no," she said with a laugh. "No one has applied yet and as long as you're over 21 and can work late and on weekends, you're hired!"

"Awesome! Thank you so much," I said truthfully. "I really need this job. I just moved here."

"Oh really? How do you like NYC so far?" She crossed her arms and motioned me towards the bar. "Sit," she said as she sat down.

"Well, I haven't been robbed or murdered yet, so, pretty good," I snorted and sat at a barstool. Nicole laughed and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You're funny. I like you. You'll be a great addition to the galaxy team," she smiled.

"I hope so. When do I start?"

"Right now," she nodded and stood up from the barstool. "Tonight is Freaky Friday, our busiest night of the week. I already mopped the floor. You need to help me set up lights and make sure the music works okay. We also have to clean Phil's costume," she explained.

"Phil? Who's Phil?" I asked.

"Our mascot. The alcoholic astronaut. On Fridays, my brother puts on the costume and DJ's and gives free t-shirts to whoever can down the most shots in a minute. It's kind of what we're famous for," she said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

I nodded, showing I understood, and Nicole showed me backstage to introduce me to Phil.

----six hours later----

"Thanks for your help, Mia. That was a lot more fun than I expected!" Nicole said between laughs. We had just finished testing the lights, and we had a little dance party of our own.
"Since it's your first day, I won't make you come back tonight. But I'll need you starting at eleven am tomorrow. It's Unsigned Night, a bunch of local bands come play, it's cool."

"Sounds fun, I'll see you then!" I put my coat on and waved her goodbye.

Parties, dancing, bands and fun coworkers? This job might be the best I've ever had.


On my way home, I stopped at a small grocery store in chinatown to buy some Nutella. I was determined to get Jack to try it, plus I couldn't go another day with plain waffles. That was torturous.

When I got home, it was a bit after three, so Jack wasn't there yet. I ordered a pizza in case he was hungry, and if not, he could heat it up later. After I hung up with the pizza place, I washed some dishes that were sitting in the sink. Of course, the apartment had everything except an elevator, dishwasher and heat. Not to mention privacy. Perfect. I snorted to myself at the thought. I finished the plate I was working on, and put my phone in the stereo on the counter. New Found Glory came on, and I started singing and dancing along as I washed more dishes. Time went fast, and before I knew it, Jack was home from work. He walked in and stared at me a bit before greeting himself.

"Honey I'm hooooooome!!" He yelled, tossing his coat on the couch. "How are the kids? You look lovely." He came around and sat at the counter so he was in front of me and the sink.

"They were little angels as always, dearest! How was work, darling?" I asked, playing along.

"Exhausting. I'd rather not talk about it. What's for dinner?"

"I slaved over this eighteen inch pepperoni pizza just for you! I even put it in a box!" I motioned dramatically to the pizza that sat on top of the stove.

"How nice of you, cupcake! Just what I wanted," he walked to the stove and shoved a piece in his mouth.

"You're welcome," I added, placing the last glass in the cupboard then turning around to face him. "The gods brought you something." I handed him the Nutella.

He wrinkled his nose and pushed it away. "More like hades himself brought it from the fiery pits of hell."

I opened it and tore off the foil. "Stick your finger in this, young man. Then eat it," I commanded, pushing it at him.

He giggled slightly. "That sounded dirty."

"You're gross. NOW EAT!" I stuck my finger into the jar then licked off every last bit of the chocolatey goodness. "See? Good." I nodded like I was introducing a kid to a stranger.

Jack looked at the jar one last time. He made a grossed-out face before he finally put his pointer finger in the jar and took a glob. He brought it up to his face, stared at it for a second, then shrugged and put it in his mouth. Instantly, his eyebrows shot up and a huge grin appeared on his baby face. He took another glob on his finger and laughed like a little kid at a toy store. "Yummy!!!!" He squealed after he ate the second glob.

I couldn't help but giggle at him. He was just so freaking cute. "How do you feel?" I asked between laughs.

"I am a changed man," he declared with his hands on his hips. "Thank you, Mia. For showing me the path of chocolatey enlightenment." He patted my shoulder in appreciation. I curtsied.

"It is a privilege to have converted you Jack. We shall celebrate with pizza," I announced, raising a fist with excitement.

And celebrate with pizza we did.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry for sucky quality but I figured this would be a good place to leave off. Next chapter will be in Jack's pov and give you guys a glimpse of his job (although I think you all know what it is)!!
Thanks for reading, don't forget to subscribe lovelies xx