Status: Active

Two Kids Stupid and Fearless

Blondie's Vengeance

*Eric's POV*
I could hear them screaming at each other from all the way down the hall. I smiled to myself. Everything was going as I planned. Poor, little Mia had fallen for my whole story. Stupid girl. It was only a matter of time before she came running back to me. I know it was a bit rushed to try and kiss her, but I couldn't help myself. She was hot. And she was also everything I needed. Alone, fragile, vulnerable, gullible. But most of all, she was a Jenovic.

You see, Mia's family, the Jenovics, owns a huge law firm. After its collapse in Bosnia during the war,
Jenovic Law Associates had came to the USA. They made a fortune getting Bosnian immigrants welfare and suing various Serbian businesses that had turned against them during the opposition. As the war came to an end, Jenovic Law became famous in solving murder cases in Detroit.

In February of 2007, when I was twenty years old, a huge web of killings occurred all across Detroit. All of the victims were teenage girls. Members of a notorious gang would first rape the girls, then kill them. All in all, fifty-six girls were killed in that month. The Jenovics solved every case, except for one. That's where I come in.

Hanna Emilie Forge was nineteen when she died. Her little sister found her dead in her closet on the morning of February 14th. Valentines Day. It was declared a suicide at the scene, as she was hung and had deep cuts on her wrists and up her arms. The police couldn't find any evidence saying otherwise, so they figured she had done it to herself. That was the end of it.

But I knew better. Hanna had been my girlfriend for three years when she died. I knew her better than myself. She was not the kind of girl to up and kill herself on Valentines Day. We had planned to go ice skating and watch the Little Mermaid, her favourite movie. I was going to propose to her. I had the ring and everything. Imagine my shock, my anger and sadness when I learned that she had apparently killed herself. It had to be a lie. It had to be. My precious Hanna hadn't killed herself.

She had been murdered.

And the sick asshole that killed her made it look like a suicide. I was disgusted. With the police, with Jenovic law, and with whoever had killed my angel, my Hanna.

So I made it my life mission to take down those Bosnian dickheads at Jenovic Law and Associates. Not for Hanna, but also for myself.

You see, that whole schlump I told Mia about Jack and his gambling, drug and sex addictions? It was a lie. But not completely. It was true, it just wasn't Jack who had done it. It was me.

Since Hanna had gone, I had gone to sex, drugs, and gambling to feel better about myself. It got way out of hand. It started to affect the band I was in at the time, called Solstice Nothings.

Jack and I had been friends in high school, back in Baltimore. About four months after the Jack's band, All Time Low, released their sophomore album, So Wrong It's Right, he called me up and told me he wanted to start a side project that was more rock-sounding than All Time Low. We called gathered up some buddies from Baltimore and called our little project Solstice Nothings.

Anyway, Hanna was killed a week after the release of our first EP. I started with drinking. It was expected, since I was in a band. Then came gambling. Then drugs. We started recording our debut album, but I was too caught up in my fantasy world to care. The boys found out, put me in rehab, then when I left a few weeks later, we finished recording and started touring. That's where the sex came in.

Our set list for the tour included a song called 'Angel', which I had written about Hanna, and my love for her. It was our most popular song, and the fans didn't know about her murder, so we played it. I found myself missing her more and more. I started paying prostitutes for sex. I borrowed money from Jack to pay for everything. Then I overdosed on heroin. The boys found me passed out in my bunk and kicked me out shortly after.

After I got home from the tour, I realised how fucked up my life was. And I blamed it on Jenovic Law. If those stupid fuckers would've found out who killed Hanna, none of this would've happened. I just wanted the peace of mind knowing that she had been done justice and that her killer was in prison. But they wouldn't bring it to me. So I had to destroy them. Maybe it was the drugs that made me so enraged. Maybe it was the fact that I knew I would never get over Hanna's death. Either way, I had a plan to ruin the Jelovics' lives as they had ruined mine.

And that was through Mia.

I heard that the Jenovics had retired to Hawaii after their older daughter's death and that their younger daughter was moving to New York. I could finally put my plan in action.

It was luck, though, that brought her straight to me. I had seen that idiot Rian come up the stairs with a moving box three days ago. Behind him was a girl. He asked her a question, and when he turned around to answer, I knew I had my girl. She looked exactly like the girl in a picture I had gotten from some sources. Maybe a bit more worn, and skinny, but it was obvious who it was.

So I did my best to turn Mia Jenovic against her only confidant in all of New York City and did my best to ensure it was me that she ran to when she did.
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Eric u filthy animal