40 Days....

40 Days....

Let's start at one,
And count the days

I sighed softly as I stared up at the blank white ceiling. The bed was cold and empty without Andy by my side. He had been sent to rehab for a struggling drug addiction and he was told that he would be returning home in forty days. I hadn't seen him and months and I get my baby back in just a few weeks from now.

Let's hope to God that time flies like they say,
Cause this instance can't distance my heart from your's tonight

He looked so happy and I hadn't seen that in a long time. His eyes were shining their normal bright blue instead of looking like a washed out gray. A smile was sitting on his pierced lip and I saw the Andy that I had met all those years ago. When he was into all the drugs he looked like a mess and he always wanted to be alone... That almost killed me.

But I'm lying awake now and I'm holding your picture,
It's so cold here without you, without you

There was a small picture frame in my hands and I looked down at it. I missed my Andy and I couldn't wait until he came home all clean from the drugs and destruction he had brought upon himself. A small smile formed on my lips and I ran my thumb over his photograph. I can't wait until he's laying beside me.

And I need you now, cause it's killing me,
And I wish somehow, you were here with me

As usual I woke up alone and crawled out of the king sized bed. The blanket on the other side of the bed hadn't been pulled down in month since Andy's absence. Quickly I straightened out the blanket on my side of the bed and started heading toward the bathroom to get ready for the long day ahead of me.

When I fall asleep I feel you with me,
'til I fall asleep and you are with me

A couple of weeks had passed and I was counting the days until he was mine once more. Currently I was sitting on the balcony of the apartment watching the sunset. It was something that Andy and I always did before he fell apart. The city seemed quiet for once and it was just a moment that I always enjoyed whether I was alone or with the man I love. I glanced down at the picture in my hand once more as I remembered the night we met.

Could this be more,
I've been up all night riding subway lines,
Now we're sleeping on your floor

I had just moved to town and as usual I was lost and slightly intoxicated. The two of us were still living in New York at the time so I was riding the subway trying to find my way back to my apartment.
"Are you alright, sir?" Andy asked watching me with his gorgeous blue eyes.
I felt my heart flutter when I laid eyes on him and I smiled, "I am now," I said with a cheesy grin. A blush rose to his pale cheeks and I took a step towards you slowly.

Can we make this a lifetime, you're all that I want right now,
Life keeps telling me I need to go

I laughed as I remember that I woke up the next morning tangled up in your bed sheets as the two of us were laying in each other's arms on the floor. We fell in love almost as soon as we met. I sighed softly and wiped the stray tear from my eye. Twenty days until he's mine again.

But what if I want to stay,
Cause I'm lost here without you

The days were passing by rather quickly and I felt happier as I marked each day off the calender. Andy was coming home in less than four days and I felt like I was about to explode from all the joy. I had missed him and I just couldn't wait to hold him in my arms once more. I knew he missed me as much as I missed him because the day they let him have his computer back was the day he started video chatting me. We talked every night before he had to go to bed and he had constantly told me he loved me.

And I need you now, cause it's killing me,
And I wish somehow, you were here with me

I turned on my laptop and as soon as it popped up that I was online, Andy had called me.
"Ashley!" he squealed like a little child. He was so adorable.
"Andy!" I said smiling brightly at him. I was actually glad to hear his voice. It had always been something that could calm me at my craziest times.

When I fall asleep, I feel you with me,
'til I fall asleep, and you are with me

"Three days!" he cheered and I giggled. He showed me his cheesy grin and I wished I could kiss him.
"I want you here now," I sighed and he glanced at me.
"At least time flew by quickly," he said softly and I nodded my head.
"Still, I want you sleeping beside me now. Your side of the bed hasn't been touch in months and I sleep next to your picture," I said.

I found a love I never had before, you changed me,
And I will wait however long it takes, you changed me

"You stuck with me and I love you for that reason, Ashes. You're the one that loves me and that's what matters. Distance can't keep us from loving each other," he said blowing me a kiss and smiling.
"I love you too, Andy," I said smiling.
"I've already got my bags packed for when you come to get me. I'm ready to leave and be back home with you," he said tugging at the ring that was hanging from his necklace.
Three days...

You say the words that I've been thinking,
I'll never let you go

It was a three hour drive to the rehab center and I put my phone in my pocket and held my keys in my hand. This was the moment that I've been waiting for, for months. I locked the door before stepping out and heading towards my car. Today he'll be mine once more.

And I need you now, cause it's killing me,
And I wish somehow, you were here with me

After the trip I had finally made it to a fairly large brick building with a sign in front of it that said in thick black letters, "Rehabilitation Center," I walked into the sliding glass doors and towards a receptionist who was sitting at her computer typing.
"How can I help you?" she asked me.
"I'm here to pick up Andrew Biersack," I said and she handed me a clipboard.
"Fill out the papers and we'll get him ready to leave," she said smiling.

When I fall asleep I feel you with me,
'til I fall asleep, then you are with me

I filled out all the papers and I sat in one of the lumpy chairs waiting for him to walk through the set of doors that lay in front of me. I tapped my foot and pulled my phone out of my pocket and started playing with it. I heard a sudden noise and when I looked up someone was walking through the doors. When Andy got one look at me he dropped his bags and ran towards me. I pulled him into a tight hug and he kissed me softly.
"I've missed you so much," he whispered softly and kissed me once more.
"Well you won't have to miss me anymore," I said holding him tightly to me.

You changed me...
You changed me...
♠ ♠ ♠
This used to be part of my collection, but since I didn't know that you weren't supposed to have a bunch on oneshots clustered together I had to set up individual stories for them.
For the new readers, though, the song I used was 40 Days... by blessthefall. I enjoyed writing this one because it was a song that I love.
Originally wrote one September 23rd, 2012.
