Complicated Love

Pretty Girl.

I woke the next day rather early, my aunt had already left for work but she did leave me a note: Maria, when you are ready, just go to Magentas. Morgan x

I sighed, fairly glad she wasn’t here. I didn’t want to face any possible repercussions my storm out may have caused.

The time on the oven told me it was only seven thirty am. Apparently as well as being smart; being a workaholic was in the genes.

My stomach growled in protest to my unintentional fasting, I sighed again and began to rummage through cupboards. Eventually I settled on Weetabix and cold milk, disgusting but satisfying.

As usual, I took a long shower and forced myself to get dressed which seemed to be a new habit of mine the past few days. Even the smallest of things seem to be a big effort, even texting my best friend, having my phone off was just so much easier.

When then reminded me; I hadn’t spoken to my father since Sunday and I felt as if I should. There was no way of him contacting me with my mobile turned off. Half past eight seemed a reasonable hour to receive a phone call from ones daughter.

I turned on the mobile and waited for it to load. It seemed to take ages but I guess that is what happens when a mobile is not in use for a few days. I searched for my dad’s number and waited for him to answer. But he didn’t, the phone went to voicemail after eight rings.

“Hi dad. I’m sorry for what we said the other day. I’ll be back home on Saturday, I’m not sure of the train times yet but I will let you know when I do. Hope you’re alright and I will see you soon. Love you dad.”

I hung up and sighed. I turned my mobile off again, ignoring the various texts from different people. It seems so silly but in the last couple of days where I’ve cut myself off from people, I’ve never thought so well about myself. No one there to tease me on my life ambitions, no one pulling me away from doing my homework and constant studying. The only thing I actually feel is my mum, or lack of her. It’s like the only thing I feel is the empty space where she should be. She was the brightest star in my universe and now she’s gone and turned into a black hole, sucking away everything else.

Obviously I can’t stop myself missing my mum and I don’t think I ever will, nor do I want to but I just wish it would just go away. I would rather be numb inside than feel the black hole.

I sighed and wished I could go back into the shower and let the feelings melt away but I knew that would cost more of auntie Morgan’s hard earned money and I’m not a freeloader.

I was dressed in the same jeans as the day before and a black and white striped pullover top and black shoes. Once I felt I was presentable to the outside world, I left the house and decided to walk to my destination.

It only took me about ten minutes to reach the little strip of shops which were on the route to Magenta’s house which meant I was nearly there.

Suddenly someone grabbed me into a body-lock and then dragged me into a small dark alley way. The person pressed me against the cold bricks of a building.

Three guys had me cornered to the building but the guy in the middle had me pinned using his body. I was smart enough to realise that I wouldn’t be able to fight them away but there had to be a reason I joined the debate club at school.

The guy who had me pinned to the wall had a short Mohawk and wore a black and red flannel shirt. The guy to our right had a full head of dark hair, a white t-shirt under a blue hooded jumper. The guy on our left wore what I thought looked like a jacket for a school footballer but I couldn’t be sure; he had darker skin than the other two but he didn’t look as rough as them although they all reeked of strong alcohol.

“Who’s a pretty girl?” Said the guy pinning me down, leading me to think he was the leader of this little group. His hands began to roam over my body, eventually remaining on my bum. He had a huge smirk on his face that made my skin crawl and the other guys just started laughing.

The two guys at the sides held my hands to the walls, as the leader pulled up my top and put his hands on my bare skin and started to caress my back.

I couldn't say a word. I was too scared of what the might do to me. He then leaned in and stuck his tongue in my mouth and pressed me harder into the wall.

I figured this this could be my chance!

I lifted my right knee, and kneed him as hard as I could between the legs. As the two other guys let go of my arms to help him, I ran. But as soon as I was on the street the two guys grabbed me, one body-locked me and the other picked up my legs.

I screamed as loud as I could but they dragged me back into the alley anyway. “Get off me!”
The leader with the Mohawk was on his knees on the ground, obviously still in pain while he two guys pushed me hard against the brick wall.

The leader stood up and tried to walk normally over to us. He put his big firm hand around my throat and said "That was a stupid idea bitch! Now you will be sorry!"

I was terrified. The leader undid the buttons on my jeans then started to undo his belt, when an unfamiliar male voice shouted, "Leave her alone! She's a human, not a toy!"

All four of us turned our heads in unison in the direction the voice came from. The guy was alone but he had an aggressive look on his face. He was taller than the two followers but not the leader. He had longish light brown hair, bronze skin and wore a black t-shirt and pale jeans.

The leader kept a firmer grip of my throat, which was starting to affect my breathing. “Go away asshole, this doesn’t concern you.”

The way the Mohawk guy sounded unconcerned and disregarded the guy made me think they knew each other.

"Do you really want the fact that what you are about to do, will ruin her life? If not, I suggest you walk away and if you don't give a damn, you'll have to deal with me." The guy said as he strode towards us.

The two followers backed off and stepped away leaving the Mohawk guy with his hand around my throat. They looked cautious but the leader still seemed unconcerned.

“Let her go.” The bronzed guy said with a firm tone, he actually looked angry.

The leader let go of me and swaggered up to the guy, stopped right in front of him and said, "Alright then moron."

Then he threw a punch but the bronze guy blocked it and punched the Mohawk guy hard in the stomach and when he was bent down in pain, the bronze guy kicked him right between the legs.

The Mohawk guy fell to the ground, grunting in pain and holding his sore area.

The bronze guy turned to me, held out his hand and said, “Come on.”

I did what he said and headed towards him but I didn’t take his hand. As I walked past the leader I kicked him hard on his butt, forcing him to fall on his face.

I stood behind the bronze guy while he stared at the followers. “If I see you guys around here again, doing anything even remotely similar, I’ll do worse to you than kick your nuts inwards.”

He turned and motioned to me to walk out first as he fallowed, making sure the guys didn’t come after us. Then he turned to me and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Yes I am. But who’s to say you’re not going to do the same thing to me?” I said, beginning to slowly back away.

"What?!" He hissed. He looked insulted and angry.

I instantly regretted what I had said but I had to protect myself so I continued to back away from him.

"I just saved you from getting raped! There were three of them! Do you really think you would have gotten away?!" He shouted at me. I could tell he was furious but instead of shouting at me, he stormed off down the street, leaving me alone beside the alley way. “Good luck on your own.”
What's the matter with me? He saved me from getting raped and I treated him like he was the rapist. So much for feeling good about myself, I am definitely the queen of self-sabotage and undeserved dishing of abuse.

I heard muttering and groaning from the fateful alley, so I ran from it and hid in one of the shops. I waited in there until the guys left the alley in the opposite direction of where I needed to go. So I took that as my opportunity and practically ran from the shop and I didn’t stop until I reached the street Magenta lived on.

I walked up to the house, rang the doorbell and waited for an answer.

Afew minutes later, a young bronzed guy opened the door. He had clear blue eyes, longish light brown hair and was about six inches taller than me. He was wearing a black t-shirt with short sleeves, pale blue jeans with small rips at the feet and wore no trainers.

"Oh my god.” I was literally gobsmacked. The guy who saved my virtue was standing staring at me with the same horror in his face as I was sure was plastered over mine.

“What are you doing here?" He asked, the shock on his was layered his voice too.

"Do you live here?" I asked, too amazed and shocked to answer his question.

"Ric, who is it?" I heard a woman calling from within the house before coming to the door herself. "Oh hello Maria, you’re early this morning."

I was still staring at my saviour in awe. I literally couldn’t speak. It was as if my voice box had been removed completely.

Magenta’s eyebrows pulled together in confusion but she didn’t say anything other than, “Ric, don’t be rude let Maria inside.”

He wordlessly did as he was told and stood aside; letting me though the front door but his uncomfortable gaze never left my face.

“It seems a little redundant now, but Maria, this is my youngest son Ric. And Ric, this is Morgan’s only niece, Maria.”

My mouth felt dry but I forced myself to make the simplest greeting I could think of, “Hi.” I shook his hand, despite having met him before.

Magenta still had the confused look on her face as she stood beside us. “Are you two alright?”

Ric’s eyes were still on me, still in amazement but he never spoke. He just nodded his head, as did I.