Complicated Love


The first thing I did when I awoke Thursday morning was phone my dad, and he answered the phone today unlike the last time I called but he sounded drunk which was upsetting considering it was only about nine thirty. And I sincerely hoped that it wasn’t the start of something terrible but I couldn’t think about that, all I could seem to think about was Ric.

I knew I was beginning to really like him despite finding him frustrating sometimes, but he was my hero. And I couldn’t wait to see him today.

Ding-dong. I jumped as I lay in bed, I sighed and didn’t move; hoping that whoever was at the door would go away and leave me to sleep. But the doorbell rang again and again until eventually I gave in and hurried down stairs to answer the door.

I couldn't figure out why Ric was standing there on the porch. He smiled and said "Am I too early?"
It suddenly hit me; last night just before I left with my aunt, he said he'd come round about half past nine and walk me back to his house.

"Ohh! I forgot!" I said, rubbing my eyes.

He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Do you need me to wait?"

I looked down at myself and I realised I was still wearing my pyjamas. “You’ll be waiting a while.” I said, not bothering to try to make myself look more presentable.

“It’s alright; I’ll watch telly whilst you make yourself prettier.” He said, walking through the front door and plonking himself down on auntie Morgan’s sofa and began to flick through channels.

After my shower, I straightened my hair and plaited it loosely; I dressed in black leggings and my long black and white striped top and white converse. I layered on the black eye make-up and teamed it with a clear lip balm.

I realised I was making an effort on my appearance and I didn’t have to guess what the reason behind it was.

When I was back down into the living room, I found Ric watching ‘Family Guy’; considering I caught him watching ‘Animaniacs’ yesterday, I wasn’t surprised he liked adult cartoons as well.

“Come on.” I said, standing at the front door.

He did as I said and fallowed me out before I locked the door.

“I don’t want to go back to mine yet, do you want to go to the park or something?” He asked, his hand buried in his jean pockets, laces of his trainers trailing along the ground.

I nodded and smiled.

The park wasn’t far away and when we got there, Ric somehow managed to trip over a twig and fall to the ground.

I began to laugh, that was the funniest thing I’d seen all week and it just made my day. “I cant believe you just fell over that.” I said and continued to laugh.

“My laces got tangled in it.” He said, and stood up. Apparently, he didn’t find his misfortune funny.

“That’s why you should always tie your laces.” I couldn’t stop myself laughing, I wasn’t entirely sure why but my stomach was beginning to hurt.

“You’re a pain in my arse.” He said and grabbed me from behind and lifted me into the air.

He started to walk backwards, still holding me in the air, still not letting my feet touch the grass.

"Ric!" I laughed, "Ric, we're gonna fall! We're gonna f-" I began to say, and then finished when Ric was sitting on his bum on the grass and me sitting in his lap. "all..." I turned my head to look at him. "I told you so."

And we both started laughing together.

When we had calmed down, we went for a walk around the park. At first we walked separately but then I ended up linking into him and when we reached a small play area, complete with a climbing frame, swings, a see-saw and roundabout. I sat down on the swing and Ric began to push me.

“So what brings you down to Manchester?” He asked.

My face fell. Magenta must not have told him although I wished she had. I was glad I had my back to him, I didn’t want him to see the sudden almost crippling depression expressed on my face. Had I actually forgotten about my mother?

“Maria? Are you alright?” He stopped pushing the swing and placed himself in front of me.

“I forgot about my mum.”


“I came down her to be close to my aunt and I’ve spent most of my time with you, I actually forgot that I didn’t have a mum anymore. What kind of daughter am I?”

At first, Ric just stood silently in front of me, probably too scared of saying the wrong thing to talk.

“Maria, I’m sorry.” He knelt down, his eyes looking up at me now instead of the other way round. “I knew about your mum, my mum told me. I stupidly asked, and I shouldn’t have but it is alright to not think about it all the time. My dad’s in the army, there is every chance he could die at any time but it is alright for me not to think about it all the time.”

“But your dad isn’t dead.” I said, partially ignoring his point.

“But for all we know he could have died five minutes ago.” He said very seriously. “If I did lose him I’d probably feel just like you. But it is ok to smile.” He took his thumb and index finger and used them to physically make me smile.

"Oi!" Somebody yelled from behind us.

Ric stood up, looking over me and I turned around on the swing.

"Wait a minute." I said then paused, "What are you doing here?" I demanded, standing up.

"Get away from her!" Leo swaggered up to us.

Ric grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Leo! What are you doing down here?!" I demanded yet again.

"My gran lives here, she’s not very well my mum wanted to come and visit her." Leo said looking Ric up and down. "And who are you? Let go of my girls’ hand!"

"I'm not your girl Leo. I stopped being you girl when you cheated on me." I said, surprised at how calm and uncaring I was about the previously touchy subject.

"I never cheated on you, Gypsy is only saying that because she tried to get me and I said no." He said stepping closer me, which made me step closer to Ric, grasping his hand tighter.

"Get over yourself Leo. You’re nowhere near as hot and charming as you think you are. How pathetic are you chasing me down here?” My question was rhetorical but that didn’t stop him attempting to answer it.

“I came down to see my gran; I didn’t know you were here.” He said, frowning and crossing his arms.

“I know both of those statements are a lie. One because all of your family lives in Dundee and two because Chelsea told me that you knew, as she’s the one who told you in the first place.” I raised my eyebrows sceptically and I heard Ric snort beside me.

Hearing Ric’s snort also, Leo turned to him. “Who the hell are you?!”

“Leo. Go home. How pathetic do you have to be to fallow your ex into another country?” I could tell I hit a nerve when his eyes bulged.

"I don't want an orphaned slut to me my girlfriend!” He said and looked me up and down; he had a look of utter disgust on his face.

Tears started to fill my dark brown eyes; I turned around and buried my face into Ric’s chest. The word slut didn’t bother me but the word he used before it did.

Ric put his arms around me and shouted at Leo, "Look what you've done!" he paused. "You never deserved her in the first place. She's way out of your league!"

I smiled at that and felt a flutter inside my chest.

"Yeah? If that orphaned slut-!" Leo started but I didn't let him finish. I turned around and punched Leo as hard as I could in the face.

He fell to the grass, cradling his nose.

"Do not EVER call me that again!" I threatened then stomped off, not waiting for Ric to fallow me although I hoped he would.

Ric knelt down next to him on the ground, I didn't know what Ric was saying to him but I was too busy massaging my hand in attempt to rid the pain of punching Leo so hard.

Ric caught up with me a few minutes later, “Should I ask?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I said rather coldly but apparently Ric didn’t take it personally.

“I think you broke his nose.” He smiled and pulled me into his side and placed his arm across my shoulders and started to direct us back to his house.

As we walked my heart fluttered, my mouth became dry and my palms started to sweat. The last time those particular symptoms plague me was when I was infatuated with Leo.

Later that day I was sitting on Raven’s bed as she painted my toe nails, she was blethering away about something I couldn’t focus on; although if it was obvious, she didn’t seem to care.

But the mention of Ric’s name caught my attention. “What?”

Raven smirked as she closed the nail polish bottle, “He told me what happened today, heard you sucker punched your ex. That’s hilarious. Although insanely creepy that he fallowed you here.”

“I know but hopefully the message ‘landed’.” I said and smirked, hoping she was smart enough to understand the pun.

She did and giggled hysterically.

“Calm down, it wasn’t that funny.” I said, not understanding her amusement.

“It is funny but your crush on my brother is funnier.” She smirked, and then laughed at the shocked expression on my face. “Oh come on. I may be stupid but I’m not blind.”