Status: one-shotttttttt

Dear Hannah...


Point of view: Hannah’s

I was always a quiet girl, I’m not sure why, but I was. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy talking and once you got me started, you couldn’t stop me. I never had a bad word to say about anybody, well, apart from Josh Franceschi.

Argh, don’t get me started on that infuriating, ridiculous man. I hate him. Well, no, I don’t. I don’t think I could ever fully hate anybody, I mean; everyone is good at heart, no matter what they’ve done in the past. To my best friend. Cough. But I do dislike him the most out of anybody I’ve ever yet to meet, but I won’t explain why, just yet.

“OLI!” I yelled, running after my best friend as he giggled childishly, my bag dragging behind him. “SERIOUSLY, OLI, GIVE IT BACK. NOW!”

I could hear his manic laughter as I chased him. He’s such an irritating person, oh my god. I mean, I love him and everything, and we have been best friends since we were 11, but he’s an annoying twat. I care about him more than anybody else though; I guess when your friend gets so easily hurt, you have to.

I rolled my eyes, as Oli continued with his running. Well, that’s until he went smack bang into a shorter boy, who in turn fell to the floor, on his back. Oh god. I ran closer, my eyes widening. This was one of Josh’s friends, and I could already guess that he wouldn’t be very happy that Oli had knocked him down like that. Josh’s friends were arseholes, much like Josh himself. Argh, I’m getting over it, I’m getting over it.

“Whoa, sorry, Max. You alright there?” Oli exclaimed, offering his hand to help the fallen boy up. I was sort of expecting a fight to break out, but then I don’t really know that much about Max, not as much as I know about the rest of Josh’s friends. To my surprise though, Max took Oli’s hand and even SMILED at the boy. Well, that is unheard of for anyone that Josh associates with, he must not be like the rest then.

“It’s alright, Oli, don’t worry about it,” he grinned, standing back up again, “better me than Josh, aye?” he chuckled, though stopped as he saw my best friend’s face drop. Oh. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean like that, I just...yeah, Josh is a twat. I’m sorry, mate” hmm, he was definitely better than the rest then, and even admitted that Josh is a twat.

“Yeah, definitely,” Oli muttered, staring down at his shoes for a few seconds, before his eyes met mine quickly. “I’m gonna go to er, Art now. Here, have your bag back. Sorry again, Max and I’ll see ya later, Hannah. Bye.” Then he practically ran away, leaving me and this Max boy staring at each other awkwardly. Whoops.

“So, uhm. I guess you’re the person to talk to- basically, Josh is having a party tonight and is kinda hoping to get Oli back. Now, before you start shouting and saying how he broke Oli’s heart, because I KNOW, just understand that I’m Josh’s best friend, and I know that he didn’t mean that. He really, really regrets it. But...please, you want Oli to be happy again, right?” how dare he try to guilt-trip me like this?! Maybe I was wrong about him, damn.

I glared at him, “where?”

“My house, I’ll give you the address now. Don’t tell Oli the truth though, otherwise he’ll never turn up” at least he knew that about Oli, they must have at least got on when Oli was seeing Josh.

“No promises” I muttered, picking up my bag and walking away to my next lesson: Drama. How fitting, really.


“So, wait. This is a party of some guy that ONLY you know? No offence, Hannah, but more people at school know me than you, and the only people that you do know, know me” he laughed, looking at me in confusion. Oh, whoops.


“Yeah, well, you don’t know this one. Look, just shut up and get ready already!” I muttered, leaving the room so he could change in peace. I know he’s gay and everything, but he still might not be comfortable with me watching him dress. I know I wouldn’t be, oh my god.

After an hour, yes an HOUR- even I don’t take that long- Oli was finally ready, and we were set to leave for the party. I was dreading it, if I’m honest. I’m not really a party person, and certainly not when Josh Franceschi is involved.

I knocked on the door of Max’s house, following the address he’d given me. If this is a joke then I swear to god, I will lose this nice approached everyone thinks I have. I swear, I will. Oli was mumbling something about “remembering this house from somewhere” but thankfully, he didn’t seem to know any more. I didn’t want him to run away and hate me forever...yet, well at least not until AFTER I know what Josh wants.

A few seconds later, the door was pulled open and Josh stood there, a small smile on his lips as he spotted Oli. However, Oli clearly didn’t feel the same as his eyes widened and he went to make a break for it, but I gripped his wrist tightly, preventing him from escaping what he viewed as hell right now. I’m not going to pretend that Josh wasn’t a prick to him, because he really was, and I think that Oli would be stupid to take him back after all that. BUT I have to play the good best friend card, as well as just letting him make his own mistakes. I mean, he won’t learn important life lessons if I just wrap him in cotton wool.

“Oli, please, we need to talk” Josh pleaded, his puppy dog eyes widening dramatically, and I feared he’d actually start begging soon. That’d be awkward, wouldn’t it? Oli looked at me, then back at Josh, before sighing in defeat and nodding towards his ex-boyfriend. Josh gestured for both of us to come into Max’s house, where he then led us into the front room, where Max sat alone, a beer in his hand.

He looked up as he heard me enter, a smile gracing his lips quickly. “Hey” he grinned, tilting his beer bottle towards me. I smiled back, moving to sit next to me, where he patted. I liked that he was always happy, as I was quite a happy person myself. I didn’t like people that sat around moping about life, rather than just getting on with it and dealing with what they’ve got, you know, maybe looking for the positives is a good start.

Josh and Oli had left the room again, to go back upstairs, leaving me with Max. Alone. He’s so adorable, oh my god, why would someone do this to me? I mean, it’s not like he’d ever like me- look at me, I’m nothing special. I’m just some random girl to him, a nobody; he’s probably devastated to have to spend this time with me.

We’d been watching this film for a while now, and I swear to god, he was inching closer to me with every minute. Though, I can’t imagine why. Like I said, who’d pick me? Especially him, he must have dozens of girls just queuing up for a phone number! Stop kidding yourself, Hannah.

Suddenly, he broke the silence, “would it be really, really awkward if I kissed you?” he mumbled, turning to me, as I turned towards him. My heart almost stopped at that. He wanted to kiss me? HE wanted to kiss ME? Well, that’s an unexpected change of event.

I just giggled, rolling my eyes at the boy in front of me and his oblivious idea of romance. Not that I’m complaining, I thought it was quite cute actually. But aw, I still can’t believe it. I mean...Hannah and Max. Sounds pretty good, huh?
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ILY <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333