Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 12.

When Kellin finally got home, dinner was waiting on the table for him and his mother to enjoy. During dinner, he explained what had happened with Vic. And why he was suspended. Kellin had explained everything to his mother. She was a little upset with him, but she felt bad. He was just happy his only punishment was to clean up around the house and take care of everything during the day while he was at school.

Friday morning, Vic did his usual routine. He got up, ate, got ready, and then drove to Amber’s house, even though he wasn’t going to school. He wanted to surprise her and still drive her to school. Thankfully today Mike didn’t need a ride. He had to go to school early for extra help. Vic knew this wasn’t true but he didn’t question his brother’s antics.

When Vic pulled up to Amber’s, she skipped over to his car happily.

“You know, you’re suspended. You didn’t have to drive me to school.” She was still smiling ear to ear.
“I know I didn’t have to but I wanted to. But anyway, why are you so cheery?” Vic was questioning Amber’s happiness since she is never this happy in the morning.
“Well... I just found out that there is a party tonight.” Amber sounded quite excited.
“Really? Where is it?” Vic was confused since he always hears about parties before anybody else.
“Oh, it’s at Austin’s house. Like everybody is going.”
“Well, are you?” Vic was still puzzled, especially since Austin never throws parties.
“I waaaaaaaant to. But I want you to come with meeee.” Amber was giggling like crazy now, for no apparent reason.
“Obviously, I’ll go with you if you want me too. But why the hell are you so damn hyper and happy?” Vic was happy she asked him to go with her, but he still couldn’t figure out why Amber was so happy.
“Because I had waay too much coffee this morning. Sorry.” Amber began to blush.

Before they knew it, Vic arrived at school. He kissed Amber goodbye and said he’d call her at 6ish to see when she wanted to go to the party. He watched as she got out of the car and walk over to Julianna. He noticed Julianna looked melancholy and like she didn’t sleep all night. But he couldn’t go talk to her since he would get in even more trouble for being on school property.

Vic pulled out of the school parking lot and drove straight to Kellin’s house. He knew his mom wouldn’t be home, so he knew they could talk.

Vic rang Kellin’s doorbell and stood there for a few minutes before Kellin answered the door. When Kellin realized it was Vic, he took a step back and made an awkward face.

“Sorry, I should have told you I was coming over.” Vic chuckled at Kellin’s reactions.
“No, it’s cool. What’s up?” Kellin stepped to the side letting his once best friend into his house, which he was cleaning per his mother’s orders.
“”Nothing, I figured since you were suspended too, you’d be bored outta your mind. And I kinda didn’t want to go home and sit by myself.” Vic said shyly.
“Oh, well. I’m just cleaning up a little bit. But do you want anything to eat or drink?” Kellin was trying to be a good host, but he knew Vic would deny his offer anyway.
“Naah. Thanks though.”

There was awkward silence filling the room before Vic spoke again.

“So, Austin’s throwing a party tonight?” Vic spoke lowly.
“Is he really?” Kellin sounded as confused as Vic when he first found out.
“Yep. That’s what Am told me this morning.”
“Who is going?” Kellin was giving a questioning look.
“Apparently everybody. I think you should go. I’m sure we’ll all have a great time.”

Kellin took in what Vic was saying and thought about it for a moment never breaking eye contact. Finally after contemplating his thoughts, Kellin decided to speak again.

“Is Jules going to be there?” Kellin sounded sadden by his question.
“Most likely. I can ask though.” Vic looked confused, but he knew something wasn’t right about them. Especially since he knew they had been fighting.
“Nah. It’s fine. Yea I’ll go. I need to get my mind off of things.” Kellin brightened up just a little bit at his own words.
“Ok, great. But if you don’t mind me asking, what happened with you and Jules?” Vic was basically pleading for Kellin to answer.
“We broke up. She basically said she couldn’t handle our relationship and drama anymore. It’s whatever.”
“Alright Kells. Well I gotta go home and do some shit before tonight. If you need to, call or text me. By the way do you want a ride to the party?”
“No thanks. I’ll drive my car. But thanks Vic. After everything that’s been going on, I really appreciate it. I still trust you with my life. I hope you know that.” Kellin was sounding hopeful.
“I know Kells. I still trust you too. Well. I’m gonna go. I’m going to call Amber at like to get the details for tonight. As soon as I find out, I’ll text you.”
“Alright. Thanks again for telling me.”

Vic looked at Kellin, smiled, and waved him off as he headed out to his car. Kellin stood in his door way to watch Vic leave. As soon as pulled away, Kellin ran straight to his room pulling out his grandmother’s old music box with the secret compartment in it. He opened the the compartment and looked down devilishly.

“Oh my friends. How I’ve missed you.” Kellin though to himself.

He reluctantly pulled a small razor out of the box. This one happened to be from an old pencil sharpener. Kellin had hid these away for almost two years now. He stopped self harming when him and Julianna became serious. She gave him something to look forward to. But now that she’s gone, Kellin isn’t too sure what he has to look forward to anymore.

Yes, he still has Vic thankfully. But his blades were once his bestfriends. Slowly bringing the small razor to his wrist, Kellin made shallow slashes across his wrist. After he realized the blood bubbles forming from five gashes, he decided to stop. He felt numb for a few minutes until the realization kicked in.

Kellin regretted his decision to cut. He had been clean for almost 2 damn years. And relapse fucking sucks. He put the blade back into it’s secret compartment and put the box back in his closet where it belonged. Kellin then walked to his bathroom to clean up the fresh tally he made on his skin.

After bandaging himself up, Kellin proceeded to clean up the house for his mother like nothing had just happened. While cleaning he was blasting Mariana’s Trench, which made him feel a little bit better.

It was around four when he finished cleaning. He picked up his phone about to call his recent ex-girlfriend. But Kellin decided not to. He figured he’d see her later at the party and he didn’t want to make it any more awkward than what it already was. Kellin grabbed his phone charger from the living room and walked up to his bedroom. He decided to watch Lords Of Dogtown, while he awaited Vic’s text about the party later that night.
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel like this was longer than usual, but I felt it was necessary.
Sorry if some of you weren't expecting what happened (;

Major thank you to everybody who has been reading, commenting, and subscribing. It truly means a lot<3