Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 13.

Around 6, Vic texted Amber like promised. She said to pick her up at 7 so they could get something to eat before the party. He did as he was told and they walked into the party at 8. It was already in full swing. Vic then texted Kellin and told him to come to the party and that there was no sign of Julianna.

Kellin read the text from Vic and went to say goodbye to his mom. She said to call her later and then Kellin walked out the door.

When Kellin got to the party, he saw Vic was sitting with Amber and then he noticed Jesse, Jack, Gabe, Tony, Jaime, and Mike sitting in a corner talking. He walked over to his friends to see what was up. He noticed Justin was missing but didn’t make a big deal out of it. That was until he saw Justin walk through the door holding hands with Julianna. Kellin’s jaw dropped and his friends saw the expression on his face. He turned to look at all of them.

“Guys, when did Julianna and Justin become a thing?” Kellin was at a loss for words. Gabe looked around at the other guys in the group. Nobody wanted to answer Kellin’s question.
“Is anybody going to tell me?” Kellin was now annoyed.
“Supposedly they hooked up before school today...” Gabe was the brave soul that answered.
“That fucking bitch!” Kellin yelled. Almost everybody at the whole party turned to look at him.

Vic heard Kellin’s outburst. He looked away from Amber, to Kellin. He noticed Kellin was looking in another direction, so he followed Kellin’s line of vision. When Vic realized what Kellin was looking at his jaw dropped as well. Amber turned around to see what everybody was looking at. Amber didn’t looked surprised though and Vic sensed this.

“Amber, answer me truthfully. How long has that been going on?” Vic was a little annoyed.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Amber couldn’t hold back the smirk that escaped her lips.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? How long has Julianna been with Justin?”
“I don’t see why it is any of your business Vic. It’s her relationship. Why do you care so much?” Amber was getting annoyed with Vic’s curiosity.
“Oh. I’m sorry. I knew that her and Kellin broke up last night. And I just happen to look over and see my friend’s hurt expression, so I wanted to know how long Julianna has been with another guy. Sorry for caring about my friends.” Vic stood up and began to walk away when Amber grabbed his arm.
“Vic, you’re still fucking friends with him? After everything that has just happened, you’re going to call him your friend?” Amber was fuming now.
“Yea Amber, I am calling him my friend. I’ve known Kellin since 5th grade. I’m not throwing our friendship away over some bullshit mistake. Do you have a problem with that?” Vic was now arguing with Amber in the middle of the party. But he didn’t really care.
“Yea, actually I do have a problem with that. It’s him or me...?” Amber was sounding overly confident.
“Why are you making me choose? You know I love you and Kellin is my best friend. Just because him and Julianna are having problems doesn’t mean you could pit me against him? Quite frankly, I think this little act you are pulling right now is bullshit.”
“Vic, if it’s such bullshit why do you put up with it?”
“Amber, why the fuck are you making this out to be something that wasn’t intended? All I asked was how long has Julianna been going with Justin and now you are basically asking me why I put up with you. I’m not dealing with this right now.”
“Fine Vic. You don’t have to deal with this right now.” And with that Amber got up and walked away. Vic watched as she disappeared out the front door. He was too mad at her to even see where she was going.

He turned to walk over to the guys in the corner when he saw Mike run past him, but Vic didn’t really give a fuck about what Mike was doing right now. When he saw Kellin, he asked if he was okay. Kellin just nodded. Vic stated that he was going to get a drink and he’ll be right back.

Basically everybody at the party was either drunk, high, or both. But Kellin wasn’t. He watched his friends down shots and beers and do other illegal things for their age, but Kellin didn’t want any part of it tonight. He just watched Julianna and Justin from the distance. They were laughing, dancing, and having a good time. Kellin envied Justin right now. Then he noticed Justin walking away. Justin was filling a cup up with liquor and then he sprinkled something into the cup before handing it back to Julianna. Kellin didn’t think nothing off it until he witnessed Justin do it again.

Julianna was now beyond fucked up and she only had 2 drinks. Kellin marched over to Justin and started screaming at him.

“Bro, what the fuck do you think you are doing?” Justin looked at Kellin puzzled.
“Nothing, I’m just getting my girlfriend a drink.” Justin replied and winked at Kellin while he was getting another tainted drink for Julianna.

Kellin couldn’t control his anger. He cocked his arm back and punched Justin in the face. Justin began pouring blood out of his mouth and nose. Kellin shook his now stinging hand in the air before he got on top of Justin and started hitting him repeatedly. Julianna began screaming at Kellin as she watched him beat Justin to a bloody pulp. That’s when Vic and Austin came running out of the shadows. Vic pulled Kellin off of Justin and Austin was holding Justin back.

“There will be no violence at my party!!” Austin started screaming at the guests. “Now Kellin, what did asshole over here do to make you beat the shit out of him?” Austin sounded truly concerned.

When Kellin told Austin and Vic had happened, rage took over Vic. He let Kellin fall to the ground and punched Justin in the stomach. Austin grabbed Justin by the collar and literally threw him out of the party.

Kellin was thankful that he didn’t drink tonight. He picked Julianna up and started walking out of the party when he noticed everybody was looking for Mike. Tony and Jaime were the most worried because Mike never just disappears from a party. And when he does, he usually resurfaces within a half an hour. Vic mentioned how he saw Mike run out the door after him and Amber had a fight. Then that’s when Vic’s phone started ringing. He walked outside with Kellin and Julianna to answer the call. Austin, Tony, Jaime, Gabe, Jesse, and Jack were standing in the doorway being nosy. Vic answered his phone and a look of worry and shock struck his face.

♠ ♠ ♠
I had such a hard time writing this chapter. So much drama!
But thanks to everybody giving me feedback<3