Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 14.

After a five minute, panic stricken conversation on the phone, Vic finally hung up. He looked at all his friends standing in the door way.

“M-mike and Amber a-are in the emergency surgery r-right now.” Vic started gently sobbing.
“What the fuck happened?!” Jaime was now beyond worried.
“Well, from what they can tell is that Mike was speeding, while drunk, and he lost control of the car and smashed dead on into a tree. They aren’t sure if that is what exactly what happened, but I wouldn’t doubt it knowing my brother.” Vic was in an all out crying fit right now.
“Shouldn’t you be at the hospital?” Tony asked curiously.
“I would go, but I can’t fucking drive and neither can any of you. We were all drinking and we don’t need another accident happening on the way to the hospital. And plus, he’s in sur-”

Vic was cut off by Julianna’s violent puking. She was getting worse by the minute. Kellin was flipping the out. Since Kellin hadn’t been drinking he went with his gut instinct to pick her up and rush her to the hospital. That’s when he looked over at Vic.

“Vic, I need to bring her to the hospital. This isn’t good. And I’m completely sober. Sit in the back seat with her while I drive.” Kellin was talking so fast, it was hard to understand him. But Vic managed to process everything within a few seconds. After comprehending what was said he nodded and ran to the car.

Before Kellin got in the driver’s side door he looked at all of his close friends still standing in the doorway with the party still going on behind them.
“Guys, I’ll call when we figure everything out. Don’t wait for us though.” Kellin then climbed into the car and sped away to the hospital. All of his friends turned back into the house to finish off partying.

“Kellin, what the hell did Justin give her?! She doesn’t look good at all.” Vic was looking at Julianna very nervously.
“I don’t know. Just shut up. We’re almost at the hospital. Just shut up she’s fine.” Kellin snapped. He was worried about his ex-girlfriend. Then he looked back at Vic and saw his defeated look.
“I’m sorry Vic. I’m just really scared. But when we get to the hospital don’t come with us. Go find Mike and Amber!” Kellin sounded stern and Vic didn’t even bother questioning what Kellin was saying.

About 10 minutes later, they finally pulled up to the hospital. Kellin rushed into a parking spot. He went to the back seat to pick Julianna up and Vic ran off to go see if he could find his brother and girlfriend. Kellin ran to the ER and explained what had happened to Julianna. They were taken immediately. The doctor rushed in to see her since she was having such a bad reaction to whatever she was drugged with. The doctor decided it was best to have her stomach pumped before they did anything else.

As Julianna was getting her stomach pumped, Vic found Mike’s OR. We watched as the doctor’s were working on his brother’s insides. Then all of a sudden, the heart monitor was no longer beeping. Vic saw the dreaded straight line. He began crying and screaming for the doctors to help his brother but they were to focused on saving Mike. A nurse ran to Vic’s side.

“The girl Michael was with has just gotten out of surgery.” The nurse was being sympathetic.
“I don’t care right now! What the fuck is going on with my baby brother.” Vic snapped at the poor nurse. He was an emotional reck at the moment.
“Sir, they are doing the best they can. He has internal bleeding. I was just in his OR. They managed to get his heart to start back up. The doctor is stopping the bleeding as we speak. He will be out of surgery within the next 20 minutes.” Vic let out a sigh of relief. He looked at the nurse with sad eyes before he began to speak again.
“Now, is my girlfriend ok?”
“She is fine. Just a few broken bones and a minor concussion. Would you like to go see her?” The nurse let out a shy smile.
“Yes please but can you let me know when my brother gets out of surgery?”
“Of course, Sir, but now, come this way. I’ll show you to her room.”

Vic and the nurse began walking down the hallway in silence. Vic was peering into the rooms curiously. He didn’t pay to much attention though until he saw Kellin sitting in one of the rooms. He ran straight in. The nurse looked at him puzzled. He looked back to her.

“I need to speak to my friend real quick, just tell me the room number and I’ll go in a few.”
The nurse rolled her eyes but finally replied, “0826.” Vic just nodded at her.

He turned to Kellin and saw Julianna asleep in the hospital bed.
“Dude what happened?” Vic knew Julianna was drugged but he didn’t think they would keep her in the hospital.
“Justin was pouring coke into her drinks and it led to an overdose. The doctor said she’s lucky to be alive right now.” Kellin burst out into tears. Then he remembered why Vic was here.
“How’s Mike and Amber?”
“Mike’s finishing up surgery and Amber’s down the hall. She just has a few broken bones and a concussion.” Vic was just shcoked at what happened to Julianna.
“Bro, go see Amber. After the fight you guys had earlier, I think she’ll be happy to see her.” Kellin didn’t want Vic to leave his side, but he knew it would be better if Julianna woke up with just Kellin there. Vic nodded and began to walk out.

He turned to face Kellin one more time.
“I’ll be back to see you later.” Vic smirked as he said those seven words. He then winked and walked out.

Kellin was taken aback by Vic’s actions. There is no way, no how, he expected Vic to be “flirting” with him in the hospital while his brother and girlfriend were near and Julianna was unconscious two feet away. Kellin just hoped it was the alcohol talking, but he had a strong feeling it wasn’t and that worried Kellin.

They were finally fixing their problems, and Kellin was trying to get Julianna back. But no. Now Vic wants to go and flirt.

'Why can’t Vic make this easy?’ Kellin thought to himself before he got up and climbed into the hospital bed with his ex girlfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
-Sorry for the cliffhanger in the last chapter. I seriously hate cliffhangers, so I'll try not to do them that often. I feel like it keeps the story going.
-Sorry for any errors. I edited this, but sometimes I don't picked up on errors until later on. Idk lmfao.

-Thank you to everybody who subscribes, comments, and recommends <3