Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 16.

Kellin was now pacing back and forth past the entrance to the hospital trying to regain his composure. But he knew if he went back into Julianna’s room, he would just lose it. Kellin honestly had no idea what he should do. But he reluctantly decided to call Vic.

“Hello?” Vic was question why Kellin was calling.
“Hi. I’msorry. Iknowyou’rewithAmber. Idon’tknowwhattodosoIcalledyou!” Kellin spoke so fast, Vic had a hard time understanding and Kellin was now out of breath.
“Kellin, please try that again. But maybe in English this time.” Vic chuckled at his own words.
“Hi. Yea. Sorry. I know you’re with Amber. But I’m freaking out.” Kellin was pacing back and forth still and his voice was getting shaky from his pent up anger.
“Kellin, what’s wrong?” Vic was concerned for his friend. Even though they got off on the wrong foot this morning, he was going to be there for Kellin regardless.
“I can’t go back into Julianna’s room. The doctor said she could come home today, so I went and got her some clothes. And when I got back to her room...” Kellin trailed off. He went over and sat on a bench now choking back tears.
“Kellin, what happened when you back to the room?”
“S-she was with J-justin.” Kellin lost it. He was so mad and hurt he started crying. Vic heard him over the phone.
“Where are you?” Vic sounded sympathetic. He knew Kellin needed somebody to be there for him. No, not somebody. He needed Vic.

Kellin told Vic he was outside and hung up the phone. Vic was sitting in Amber’s room still. She looked at him confused.

“Looks like there is trouble in paradise yet again for Kellin and Julianna.” Vic snickered at his comment yet again. Man, did he think he was on a roll today.
“Why what happened this time?” Amber was looking at Vic like she was going to kill him. She always thought the worst and she thought Vic and Kellin had gone behind her’s and Julianna’s back.
“One. Try not giving me that look. It’s kind of scary.” Amber now look annoyed with Vic because of his comments. “And two. Because Julianna is going home today and Kellin went to get her clothes. When he came back, he said Justin was in her room. So he freaked out and went downstairs.”
“Poor kid can’t catch a break can he?” Vic just shook his head and went to walk out the door.
“Vic, wait!” Amber called him back into the room. “How’s Mike?” Vic now returned her death stare.
“We will talk about that later.” Vic rolled his eyes and sneered back at Amber. She sat there confused but once Vic was gone she had wandered to Mike’s room.

Vic had no clue that she left the room after he did. But he was now comforting Kellin. Vic was holding Kellin in his arms caressing his back and saying things to try and soothe Kellin. It was a perfect movie scene, but that wasn’t the case with these two boys. Kellin’s crying finally slowed down and his eyes met Vic’s.

“W-what if everything j-just keeps g-getting worse? W-what if e-everything keeps going d-downhill for m-me? It’s o-only October and I’ve fucked u-up royally so far this s-school y-year.” Kellin’s voice was beyond shaky from all the crying he had just done. He felt bad about dragging Vic away from Amber, but he needed his best friend to talk to.
“Kellin. You didn’t fuck up royally. You just made a mistake, as you would call it.” Kellin caught Vic’s little remark about the “mistake” but he let Vic finish speaking. “And it just sucks that your girlfriend, ex girlfriend, whatever the fuck she is, just so happens to be an over dramatic bitch sometimes.” Vic felt bad for talking about Julianna like that, but everybody knew it was true, including Kellin.
“What if she wants Justin after what he just did to her? What if she comes to her senses and realize I’m not good enough for her and she leaves me for some ass?” Kellin started tearing again. Vic truly felt horrible that Kellin was feeling this way.
“Kellin, if she chooses Justin over you, she is a dumb fuck. I can’t say it any nicer. And too be honest, I don’t think she’s good enough for you. You guys fight all the time now. And I see the way you guys look at each other. The love just isn’t there like it used to be.” Vic hated telling Kellin things straight up, but it’s what he had to do in this situation.
“Oh Vic. You’re one to talk. It seems like your relationship with Amber is crumbling right under your feet and you don’t even see it.” Kellin was pissed that Vic was being so honest, but then again so was Kellin.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean Kellin?”
“Ugh. Don’t you see it. She’s constantly flirting with your brother, who just so happens to show interest in her all of the time. Let’s see. Uhm, you and her fought at Austin’s party. Who chased after her? Who did she get into a car accident with? Who is she in the hospital with?”
“Kellin. Shut up. That isn’t true.” Vic was now standing in front of Kellin, more annoyed than ever. “At least my girlfriend isn’t running around with some guy who is one of your close friends, and who also just happened to drug her.” Vic was proud of his comeback but he could tell it hit Kellin hard. Kellin sat there and began crying yet again.

It broke Vic’s heart into a million pieces. He hated seeing people broken and crying. He now felt like a douche for what he had just said, but he didn’t want to believe what Kellin was saying about Amber and Mike. But something told Vic that Kellin was right.

Vic pushed all of his thoughts aside and began holding Kellin again. Kellin pulled away. And looked at Vic.

“You just don’t want the truth. You hate hearing things may be fucked up in your perfect world. I know what my problems are, but there’s no need to use them against me!” Kellin was pissed off for the second time today.
“Kellin, I’m s-”
“Save it Vic. I called you down here to tell me what I should fucking do.” Kellin was pacing again and he was just rambling on and on. Vic was too intrigued by Kellin’s movements to listen to what he was actually saying.
“Vic, are you even listening to me? Seriously. This is why I just yelled at you.” Vic stood up from the wooden bench and started walking towards Kellin. Kellin stood there giving him an awkward, confused look.
“Bro seriously. I don’t know what you are doing but I’m still mad at you. But I need help. Should I just go and bash Justin’s face in again? Or shoul-”
“Shut up.” Vic then stepped closer to Kellin, slowly closing the gap in between the two teenagers.
“Vic, what ar-”
“I said, shut up.” Vic interrupted Kellin again. Kellin stood there still confused. He had a feeling of what was coming. But the anticipation was killing him.

Vic placed his hands on Kellin’s shoulders and placed his forehead against Kellin’s. They stood like that for a couple of seconds just looking into each other’s eyes. Kellin was getting annoyed and Vic sensed it. Kellin went to speak again, and Vic cut him off. But not with words this time. He leaned in and kissed Kellin. He knew that this was the reason everybody was fighting in the first place, but Vic didn’t care.

All of Kellin’s thoughts were pushed aside when Vic kissed him. The moment was perfect. The boys didn’t even care that they were in public. Their kissed deepened and got more passionate every second. Vic pulled away from Kellin to catch his breath. Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. Both him and Kellin looked up to see someone staring at them with a confused and exasperated look. Kellin and Vic just stared back at the person watching them with pleading eyes not to say anything.

Vic went to walk over to the person who had just caught them red handed, but he ran off into the hospital disappearing into the crowds of elderly people waiting to get blood work done. Kellin stayed outside and collapsed back onto the bench. Vic was running through the hospital trying to catch the person that witnessed him and Kellin making out, before anybody else found out.

Kellin stood up from the bench, angrier than he has been today. “We’re settling the score.” Kellin angerly said to himself as he walked back into the hospital to fix what just happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm, I wonder who could have caught Vic and Kellin(;
I wonder if you guys will be able to figure it out.

I might update again tonight, if not definitely tomorrow.<3
Thank you to everyone who gives me some sort of feedback<3