Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 2.

Although the first day of school was a half day, it dragged on forever. Kellin had learned he had his close friends, Justin Hills and Jesse Lawson, in his English, Calculus, and Shop classes. He also had Amber in his physics class. But in his other classes there weren’t really too many people he knew. Kellin decided his two favorite classes this year would be ice skating and lunch.
Vic was quiet in school so he didn’t know too many people. His brother’s friend Tony was in his Algebra class. He also had English with his close friend Austin Carlile. And right before gym, he had physics with Julianna. But along with Kellin, Vic loved his ice skating class and lunch.
Kellin and Vic loved ice skating and lunch so much because they were all together. In ice skating Vic got to skate with Amber while Kellin got to skate with Julianna. And in lunch they pulled two table together because of all of their friends. At one table sat Julianna, Kellin, Jesse, Justin, and two other close friends of his, Jack Fowler and Gabe Barham. At the other table sat Vic, Amber, Mike, Mike’s friends Tony Perry and Jaime Preciado, and Austin also sat at their side of the table.
Everybody ate their lunched quickly and just talked for the rest of the period. Once lunch was over, Kellin walked Julianna to her next class, which was Child Development. Kellin hated that she took that class just for the fact that she will get a simulator baby to take care of for a week. But he just brushed it off, for now. Kellin kissed Julianna goodbye and headed to his woodshop class.
After lunch, Vic walked Amber to her photography class. He was upset that they didn’t have the class together. The worst part was that Vic was in the photography class right after. He’s considered going to his guidance counselor to change that. But Vic quickly erased his thoughts as he said goodbye to Amber.
After school, Kellin and Vic walked over to the parking lot to wait for their girlfriends. While waiting, Vic caught Kellin eyeing him up and down.
“Kellin, may I help you? You’re staring at me like I’m a new toy.”
“Sorry bro. Just thinking. Didn’t mean to stare at you. Guess I just zoned out,” Kellin replied in a half hearted tone.
“Kells, are you ok? You sound like you’re trying to hide something from me. You know you can tell me anything, right? We’ve been best friends for how many years now? Spill.” Vic was determined to get to the bottom of this before the girls came.
Kellin just looked at Vic, not knowing how to tell him what was running through his mind. Quickly acting on his thoughts, Kellin moved closer to Vic and grabbed him by the back of his neck and looked down to Vic. He quickly kissed Vic, but then pulled away before anybody could see what had just happened. Vic had just stood there dumbfounded. He open his mouth to talk when he was completely cut off.
“Kellin! C’mon, you know we have practice today! And I am not running by myself. Please come.” Julianna yelled at Kellin from the parking lot. “Oh and hi Vic ,” she said sweetly and smiled towards the other teenage boy. Suddenly Amber showed up out of nowhere hugging Vic from behind asking him if they could leave now. She also waved to Kellin in the process.
Vic just turned and looked at Kellin still confused. “Go practice. We will talk later,” Vic said sternly.
Before Kellin could get another word in, Vic had already jumped in his car and was gone.
“What the fuck did I just do.” Kellin said those words to himself lowly before walking over to Julianna to go to track practice.