Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 21.

“EVERYBODY WAKE THE FUCK UP!” Austin woke up and realized it was 8am. His parents would be home in an hour and it was obvious that he had a party last night. “WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” Yea. He was a frantic mess.

Kellin was the first person to wake up to Austin’s screaming. Kellin looked at his phone and he had over 50 missed calls from his mom.
“Vic, wake up. Wake upppp!” Kellin was nudging his boyfriend off the couch abruptly. Vic shot up realizing they were still at Austin’s. “My mom is going to fucking kill me.”

Kellin grabbed Vic’s arm and dragged him out the door as he was profusely apologizing to Austin for not being able to help. Upon leaving, Vic noticed the only people that stayed over were the same people who took part in Secret Santa. Everybody was strewn in awkward places throughout the kitchen, living room, and dining room. The boys felt bad for leaving Austin to clean up the mess of teenagers in his house, but Kellin had to quickly get Vic home and then face the wrath of his mother.

Kellin quickly pulled up to Vic’s. He quickly kissed his boyfriend and then apologized so for leaving so soon. Vic completely understood. With that being said, Kellin sped home, even though he knew he was going to get yelled, no, more like screamed at. Soon enough he was pulling into his driveway and slowly walking into his house.

“KELLIN!” Oh god. His mother was already yelling. “WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU ALL NIGHT?! I SAID NOT TOO LATE! WE HAVE TO LEAVE IN AN HOUR TO GO SEE FAMILY FOR THE HOLIDAYS.!!!!” Kellin’s mom was screaming as loud as her lungs would let her. Kellin was quite scared, but he’d rather see her get it all out of her system before he spoke.
“Are you at least going to tell me where you were all night?” She asked in a calmer tone.
“I-I fell asleep at Austin’s. I forgot to call. I’m sorry.” Kellin stuck to a safer approach of an answer.
“Whatever. I hope you have the worst hangover of your life now.” Kellin’s mom smirked at her words.
“Well, isn’t somebody being spiteful?” Kellin regretted his word choice.
“Ya know. I was going to let you off easy since this is the first time you’ve ever pulled this stunt, but maybe I should reconsider...” She trailed off sounding completely annoyed.
“No, ma. I’m sorry. I take it back. Be niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.” Yep. There was Kellin’s five year old voice trying to get what he wants.
“Just go get ready. We’re going to your Uncle’s. I’ll consider an easy punishment depending on your behavior today.” Kellin just nodded and ran upstairs to take a quick shower and get ready.

After about 20 minutes, he was finally ready. Kellin trudged down the stairs to meet his mom again. She was standing in the living room talking to somebody but he couldn’t quite make out who it was. He turned the corner into his living room and found Julianna sitting on his couch. Kellin’s jaw dropped slightly. He was in no way expecting to see her sitting on his couch.

“Oh hey Kellin.” Julianna spoke and Kellin’s mother turned around to face her confused son.
“H-hey Jules. What’s up?” Before Julianna could answer his mom decided to answer.
“She’s coming with us to visit family today.” She was very eager about the ordeal.
“W-why?” This was getting weirder and weirder for Kellin.
“Well, your mom thought it would be a good idea since I haven’t seen your family in ages and my parents are on another business trip, so I would have been alone today.” Julianna spoke shyly realizing maybe it wasn’t a great idea for her to tag along.
“What about Amber, Alex, or anybody else?”
“Well. If you must know. Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack are having an all bros day which they haven’t had in the longest. And Austin is still cleaning. And Amber is going out with Mike today. If this is awkward I can leave...” Julianna felt defeated. She didn’t really want to spend her Saturday completely alone.
“No, Jules it’s fine. You can come. I just didn’t think you would want to.”
“Kellin you know I love your family.”
“Okay kids. Let’s go before we hit traffic. We have about an hour of driving ahead of us.” Kellin’s mother interrupted before the two teenagers could bicker anymore.

Halfway through the ride Kellin was getting antsy, just like he always did. He looked back to see how Julianna was doing and he realized she was staring at her phone staring.

“Oooooooh. Is that your loverboy?” Kellin chuckled and winked at Julianna.
“No. Actually. It’s Jack sending me pictures of loverboy and the rest of their crew.” Julianna answered halfheartedly.
“Well then Miss. Snippy.”
“Kellin, where is your loverbooooy?” Julianna broke into a fit of giggles in the backseat. Kellin’s mom just rolled her eyes playfully at the two teenagers.
“My loverboy is at home watching movies. By himself.” Kellin frowned at the thought of Vic being alone. Then he realized he never told him that Julianna tagged along for the day.
“Well. Isn’t that ashame.” Julianna was now sounding sarcastic.
“Oh Kellin, why didn’t you tell me he was alone today? We could have brought him too.” Kellin’s mom felt bad for leaving Vic all alone.
“Mom would that have been a good idea?”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well I don’t know. The family still thinks I’m going out with Julianna. So don’t you think it would be a little awkward introducing them to my boyfriend while my ex is with us?” Julianna even agreed with that comment. What a shocker.
“You’re right. Forget I even said anything.” With that both teenagers went back to staring at their phones and Kellin’s mom driving.

To: Viccc<3
you’ll never guess who tagged along with me & my mom today....

From: Viccc<3
Idunno. who??

To: Viccc<3

From: Viccc<3
what the hell? why?

To: Viccc<3
my lovely mother thought it would be a good idea.

From: Viccc<3
don’t do anything stupid.

To: Viccc<3
Vic, trust me. I wouldn’t even dream of doing anything with her. Plus she’s got Alex.

From: Viccc<3
ok. well I gotta run a few errands. ttyl. xoxo

To: Viccc<3
ok. love you xoxo

After Kellin pressed send he went back to looking out his window. He realized Julianna’s eyes were still glued to her phone. He thought about texting her to distract her, but it was too late. The trio was pulling into Kellin’s Uncle Roger’s driveway. His mother parked the car and they all headed to the front door, gently knocking.

“PATTIIII!” Kellin’s uncle engulfed his mother into an eager hug. He then moved on to Kellin and then just stared at Julianna. “Is this who I think it is?”
“Well, who do you think I am?” Julianna said confused.
“No other than the one and only Julianna.” Kellin’s uncle then wrapped her into his tight embrace. She just chuckled at his response. “Come in, everybody is already here.”

Kellin, Julianna, and his mother followed suit and walked into the house. After about ten minutes of saying hello to everybody, every single family member had remembered who Julianna was.

The day went on with endless chatter with family members. They spoke about the good, the bad, the past, the present, and almost anything you could think of. It was about 4 when Kellin decided he needed a break.

“Jules, I’m going on the swing out back. Care to join?” Kellin gestured to the screen door in the back of the house.
“I’d be honored.” She winked at him and followed.

The two teenagers walked outside to realize it had began to snow. Thank god for winter jackets. Kellin led Julianna over to the swing and sat down next to her. She innocently rested her head on his shoulder as she looked to the sky.

“So how’s you and Vic?” She spoke softly.
“We’re doing good. We haven’t really talked all day. But sometimes the brief distance is good. But how’s you and Alex?”
“We’re actually doing really good. I never thought we’d last this long, but I am truly happy. I mean I’ll never be as happy as I was with you, but I really do love Alex.”
“Awwww, Jules. How cute.”
“Shut up, Kellin. Enjoy the peacefulness out here before we have to go back in.”
“Yes ma’am.” Kellin replied in a sarcastic tone.

Although Julianna and Kellin had been to hell and back, they were still close friends, which was a good thing. After they broke up, they basically became each other’s best friend. They knew each other so well, it wasn’t right to throw everything away completely. And it was still obvious they still loved each other. They always would. But their bond was closer now as friends than as a relationship.

After about twenty minutes of swinging back and forth before they were called inside to dinner. Of course their placemats were right next to each other. Kellin’s whole family gathered at the abnormally large circular table for the dinner his aunt’s and grandmother spent cooking all day.

After everybody finished eating, it was tradition to remain to stay at the table and just talk. Kellin looked over to Julianna and realized she was shivering like crazy. Her anemia always did this to her. Kellin pulled her chair closer to his and engulfed her into an innocent hug. But Kellin’s family didn’t know they had broken up, so to them it wasn’t as innocent.

“Awwwwwww. Look at the two lovey dovey teenagers over there.” Kellin’s cousin Kailey shouted across the table. Then Kellin realized his entire family was now staring. Julianna quickly let go and moved over a little. Before they knew it everybody was chanting for them to kiss.

The chant just got louder and louder with every second. Kellin looked at Julianna with apologetic eyes. But her eyes had some sort of spark in them. Kellin’s mom tried to tame the rowdy family but it was no use. She felt bad for her son in this instance. But before anybody realized, Kellin and Julianna were now embracing in an hug and began kissing at the dining room table. This sent multiple ‘awwws’ around the room. The two teenagers looked at each other with confused looks and Kellin’s mother looked on with a look of disappointment, but she also looked excited. Kellin and Julianna had a feeling there was going to be a new mess they would have to clean up eventually.

Later they vowed to keep it a secret, since none of their friends were in contact with Kellin’s family. Kellin’s mother also agreed not to say a word. About 8, the trio said their goodbyes and drove the hour back home. The car ride was silent but not awkward. When they pulled up to Julianna’s house, Kellin walked her up to the door and kissed her on the cheek before saying goodbye. He headed back to the car replaying the moment they kissed at dinner in his head over and over again. To be honest, that moment was in replay for the rest of the weekend and now Kellin was genuinely confused with the whole situation. But like they vowed, nobody was going to find out...hopefully.