Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 22.

It was the Monday morning after break. Vic hadn't talked to Kellin since Saturday after they hung out but he liked distance every now and then. 

Just as Vic pulled into the parking lot at school, he noticed Kellin's car was already parked. 

"well that's odd," Vic thought to himself out loud. 
"What's odd?" Vic forgot Mike was in the car, so he was a little startled. 
"Kellin's car is already here. He never gets here before me." Vic was a little confused. 
"Vic it's probably nothing. It's already after 8. I don't see the problem."
"yea. I guess you're right." Vic answered his brother while pulling into a parking spot. 

The two boys exited Vic's car and started walking over to the school's fountain. That's when Vic spotted something out of the ordinary. He saw Kellin talking to group of people. Kellin never talked to anybody in the morning so Vic was a little suspicious but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. 

As Vic got closer, he realized the group consisted of Julianna, Alex, Jack B., Rian, Zack, Jesse, Gqbe, Amber, and now Mike. Vic approached the group with more caution the closer he got. He thought he was in the clear but Kellin noticed him. 

"Viiiic!" Kellin yelled from the group of teenagers. Vic decided it would be best to go see his boyfriend.
"Good morning Kells." Vic spoke and then kissed Kellin lightly, but the way Kellin responded wasn't as light. Vic pulled them apart and Kellin started giggling. Vic was utterly confused but they both turned back to the group to realize Alex, Julianna, Amber, and Jack were overly giggly. 

"Looks like some people in this group are blazed out of their faces." Mike chuckled interrupting Vic's thoughts. 
"Pshhttttt. Noooooo." Jesse answered a little too eagerly. Then everybody burst out laughing. Vic realized if he wanted answers he would have to pull Kellin away and try to sober him up, so he grabbed the other boy by his arm and dragged him away from the group. 

"Vic. No, Vic. Where are we going?" Kellin whined as Vic tugged on his arm.
"we are going to our lockers and then class." Vic was being stern and it was obvious he was ticked off. 
"okay Mr. Meany Pants." Kellin retorted while sticking his tongue out like a five year old. 
"Kellin. Whyy? Why did you smoke? You never do stuff like this? What is going on?" vic was genuinely concerned for his boyfriend. 
"Oh Vic. Relax. I just wanted to have some fun. I got here a little early trying to surprise you. But then I saw Alex and Jack. They had some so we waited for Julianna and then we smoked. I'm sorry I won't do it again." Kellin was giving Vic puppy dog eyes. He was sorry, but that didn't mean he would never smoke again. 

Vic was content with Kellin's answer. He just didn't want Kellin doing it all of the time. But he guessed every once in a while couldn't hurt. 

The couple went to their lockers and said their goodbyes as they went to homeroom. Vic had lab with Julianna today, so that classed dragged on. But  after the class was over the rest of the morning flew by. In lunch nobody really ate except the people who had "fun" this morning. Vic watched as Kellin easily devoured 2 hamburgers and about a dozen chocolate chip cookies. Vic just shook his head at his boyfriend's antics. 

After lunch, the group separated again until after school. Everybody's unofficial meeting place seemed to be the fountain since all of the underclassmen knew not to go anywhere near the fountain. It is also said that the group of kids who sat at the fountain but Vic found that to be so cliché, even though it was partially true. 

When everybody made their way into the overcrowded circle by the fountain, Alex spoke. 

"Guys, I know I'm rather knew to your group but I think we should have a party on Saturday. " Alex was shy but he made his point.
"And where will this party be taking place?" Austin asked a little to eagerly.
"Well I just wanna say this. I think the party should be. I wanna get to know you guys more and that's hard to do with a million people at every party that goes on. I mean I thought that would happen over break, but to be honest, I don't remember my break." Alex chuckled as he remembered all the parties from the previous week. 
"That actually sounds like a good idea." Vic replied to Alex's statement. 
"Yea. I think it'll be fun." Kellin chimed in backing up what his boyfriend just said.
"okay, so does everyone agree?" Alex looked around the group and realized everybody was nodding. "Well, it's going to be at my house." Alex spoke again. Everybody nodded and they all decided to break into all their own groups and head home. 

Vic was going over Kellin's after school, but he went home first to change and eat. As soon as Vic walked through the door, he realized Mike was somehow already home. He walked into the living room to greet his younger brother when he realized Mike and Amber were making out on the couch. He slowly backed out of the room not wanting to interrupt and headed to his room to get changed. 

A half an hour later Vic was ringing Kellin's doorbell. Of course Kellin's mom answered. 

"good afternoon Vic." Kellin's mom smiled a she opened the door. 
"Good afternoon Ms. Quinn." Vic sweetly replied.
"Come in, Kellin's sitting in the kitchen." Vic thanked his boyfriend's mom and walked into the house. 

He walked into the kitchen and placed his hands over Kellin's eyes so he couldn't see. 

"Vic, I know it's you." Kellin chuckled at his boyfriend's antics. 
"Aw man. You cau-"

Vic was cut off by his and Kellin's phones vibrating. They both looked at their phone realizing Alex had texted them. They both looked at each other confused bit decided to read the text. Kellin glanced over at Vic's phone realizing they received the same message. 

From: Alex G.
By the way, there will be no drugs or alcohol at this party. We're going to have us some sober fun(;

Vic and Kellin groaned since the party would probably be boring and awkward now. But they were sure it would be some what fun. Vic and Kellin were both kind of eager for the nonalcoholic party that was five days away. 
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I feel like this was short and all over the place. Sorry if it's repetitive or confusing. The next chapter will make more sense. I promise