Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 23.

The rest of the school week dragged on. Same routine different day basically. Vic ended up staying over Kellin’s house Friday night. As cheesy as it sounds, they cuddled, watched movies, and played board games like they were ten year olds again. Kellin’s mom cooked them breakfast Saturday morning. They went out on a lunch date a little while after. They went to a small cafe in town. Then afterwards they went back to Kellin’s to get ready for Alex’s little get together. Kellin opted to wear dark gray skinnies, a purple plaid shirt, black Toms, and a black beanie. Afterwards, they drove to Vic’s house so he could get ready. Vic decided on dark blue skinnies, his favorite A Day To Remember tshirt, black vans, and a red hoodie.

The two boys were well on their way to Alex’s.

The car ride was filled with mindless chatter. Kellin and Vic didn’t stay on one topic for too long. Before they knew it they were pulling up to Alex’s. They were a few minutes early, so Kellin and Vic decided to wait in the car for a little bit. They continued talking and listening to music, the usual. Soon enough, Kellin leant over and kissed Vic. They started making out right there in the car in front of Alex’s house. Vic pulled away. But it didn’t take long for him to reconnect with Kellin’s lips. The kiss was starting to get a little more passionate, until Kellin pulled away.

“What the hell Kellin? Way to be so abrupt...” Vic sounded purely annoyed.
“I’m sorry. I thought I heard yelling.” Kellin answered solemnly.
“Of course you did.” Yep. Vic was pissed.
“See. I was right.” Kellin pointed into the distance. He did indeed hear yelling. Alex and Julianna were fighting while getting out of Alex’s car. The two boys slid down into their seats so neither Alex or Julianna would spot them. That would have been a little awkward.

Kellin and Vic felt bad for witnessing their fight, but at the same time they were trying to eavesdrop. The yelling got lower, so the two boys couldn’t really make out much anymore. They did catch what the fight was about though. Apparently Julianna was flirting with some guy in a band while at the store with Alex and she denied it but Alex saw it with his own eyes. Typical teenage bullshit.

Vic realized it had gotten really quiet so he looked over the dashboard to see what was going. He saw Julianna crying on Alex’s porch and Alex was nowhere to be found.

“Kells, what do we do?” Vic was worried.
“Well, I don’t want to just get out of the car because she’ll know we just saw the whole thing, but if we drive away, she’ll know somebody was in the car the whole time.” Kellin was also worried.
“So what do we do?” Vic was annoyed.
“We can either just get out of the car and possibly cause awkwardness, or we can wait til she goes inside, or wait for somebody else to show up and then go in with them.” Vic contemplated Kellin’s ideas. They both agreed on the second or third one. Which ever happens first.

Unfortunately, fifteen minutes later, Julianna hadn’t budged from her spot on the porch. And nobody had arrived yet. Just when Vic was about to say they should get out of the car, Jesse and Justin pulled up.

“Oh thank fucking god.” Kellin threw his hands up in relief. Vic just laughed at his antics. The two boys waited until Jesse and Justin walked up to the porch. They realized Julianna was going in with them. Now they could finally get out of the cramped car.

Vic rang the doorbell and the two teenagers waited patiently. Finally, Alex answered the door.

“Hey guys. Come in. Jesse, Justin, and the rest of my band are already here.” Alex was being very polite.
“Wait, you have a band?” Kellin asked in confusion.
“Oh yea that’s right. I forgot not everybody knew. Well yea, Jack, Rian, Zack, and I are all in a band.” Alex answered Kellin very shyly.

Vic and Kellin shrugged and entered the living room. They noticed all of the seats were in a circle
arrangement so Kellin sat next to Jesse and Vic followed. Zack, Rian, and Jack were also already there. Kellin figured they have probably been here all day but didn’t bring it up. Kellin also noticed that Julianna was missing, but he didn’t want to ask where she was so nothing would be awkward. But of course, what ever Kellin didn’t say, Vic did.

“Guys, Julianna isn’t here yet?” Well, Vic played that off good.
“Oh, she’s upstairs getting changed. She should be down in a few.” Alex answered happily. Realizing she must have been up there for a while, Alex headed over to his stairs and sprinted up them disappearing into the hallway upstairs.

The group of guys just sat awkwardly.

“So why are we here?” Jesse asked breaking the silence. “I mean, I didn’t have anything better to do tonight, but like what are we doing?” Jack laughed and went to reply to Jesse when Zack cut him off.
“Alex wants us all to bond and just chill since the only time we are all together is drunk at parties, or in lunch, but that doesn’t do much.”
“That’s actually a smart idea to have us all bond.” Vic said aloud.
“Yea. But hopefully everybody else hurries up and gets here. I’m hungry and Alex won’t get food until everybody gets here.” Rian replied crankily.

Within the next ten minutes Alex and Julianna had descended from the stairs and everybody had arrived. Vic realized the circle of his friends were complete with Kellin on one side of him and Mike on the other. Jesse, Justin, Jack, Gabe, Tony, Jaime, Amber, Austin, Jack, Rian, and Zack were all seated accordingly in the rest of the circle. Rian peeled his eyes away from the group and realized Alex had returned.

“Finally we can eat now!” Rian yelled while storming into the kitchen. Kellin followed closely behind since he was starving as well. Vic just laughed at his boyfriend and Alex stood in the doorway dumbfounded.

“Well I guess you can all follow Rian’s lead.” Alex chuckled heading into his kitchen.

About an hour later, everybody was engulfed in mindless conversations. Although nobody was under any kind of influence, everybody was having a great time. Vic was sitting on Kellin’s lap when the two boys secluded themselves from the rest of the conversations.

“See, being sober isn’t too bad.” Vic chuckled while looking at his boyfriend.
“I guess you’re right. I mean. I can still have fun now, and not feel like shit in the morning.” Kellin smirked.
“Exactly.” Vic mumbled while leaning in to kiss his boyfriend. Kellin kissed back, but leaned backwards onto the couch. Now he was practically laying down with Vic on top of him. But before the boys could do anything else, they heard Alex begin to speak.

“Well. Before these two can do anything else on my couch, let’s make this ‘party’ more interesting.”
“Alex. Leave them alone.” Julianna chimed in and smacked her boyfriend.
“Ow Jules. What the fuck?” Alex sounded very annoyed.
“Let. Them. Be.” She replied in a very bitchy tone.

That caused Kellin to start laughing. Him and Vic sat up slowly. They looked around the room to realize everybody was staring.

“Welcome back,” Mike mocked them.
“Oh Mike. Stop it.” Amber interjected his comment.

“Jesus. Everybody hates us tonight.” Kellin made fake puppy dog eyes and looked around the room.
“Well dude come on!” Gabe yelled from across the room.

“ANWAY!” Alex yelled interrupting everybody. Once he had everybody’s undivided attention he began to speak again. “I know I said no drinking tonight, but I want to make things more interesting.” Before he could speak again, both Jacks interrupted.

“YOU HAVE ALCOHOL AND YOU DIDN’T TELL US?!” They both screamed as loud as they could.

“Jesus christ calm the fuck down.” Rian and Kellin yelled at them.

“Okay seriously guys, listen.” Alex got the attention on him again. “We’re going to play never have I ever but instead of using fingers, we’ll use ten shot glasses. Whoever finishes all their shots first loses that round. When you lose a round, you lose an article of clothing. Whoever loses all of their clothes first loses entirely and the game is over. Deal?”

“That is so not fair! Me and Jules are the only girls here!” Amber yelled sounding completely nervous.
“Oh would you fucking relax, it’s not like you’ll lose every single round, let alone one.” Julianna responded to Amber’s comment a little rude, but Amber brushed it off.

“So is everybody in?” Alex asked the whole group.

Kellin and Vic looked at each other and then back at Alex, and nodded

“LET THE DRINKING BEGIN!” The entire room yelled in unison. Well this turned out to be an interesting Saturday night....
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Sorry I haven't been updating as often. Just a lot of family stuff going on right now. I will try and update again tomorrow. No promises though<3