Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 25.

Monday morning eventually came. Nobody met at the fountain like they always did. Alex swore he didn’t watch the video. He wanted to watch it with everybody else, which was only fair. There was much tension between everybody in their morning classes. Vic and Kellin barely talked in ice skating. Same goes for Julianna and Amber. Everybody was just worried as to what that video could possibly be. Julianna wished that Alex had watched it when he found it so he could give them some reassurance, but she knew he wouldn’t do that to everybody.

Finally the moment of truth came. The lunch table was soon filled with teenagers with worried eyes. Alex looked into everybody’s eyes before he spoke.

“Guys. Whatever is in this video, we shouldn’t get mad about it. We were all fucked up and none of us remembered anyway. Deal?”
“But what if there’s some fucked up shit in it?” Vic asked worried.
“Well, number one. It will only be us who see it, let alone know about it. And Alex is right. It’s not like any of us remember what happened that night anyway.” Kellin tried to reassure his boyfriend and Vic just nodded to him in response.
“Alright. Can we please just get this over with?” Julianna asked nervously. Alex grabbed her hand and placed his phone on the table so everybody could see the screen. After glancing around at the group of friends one more time, he pressed play.

As soon as the video started, they were greeted with Austin’s drunk yelling.

“Yo! So likeeeeeeeeee. We, yea us. We are drunk.” Austin started off.
“Yeaaaa buddy!” Kellin was now in the video.
“Yo. This is my home boy Kellin Quinn, peeps.” Austin said loudly then kissed Kellin lightly in front of the camera. After that ordeal Kellin ran and tackled Vic to the ground. Julianna was dancing on the kitchen table with Jack and Gabe. Amber was dancing in between Mike and Tony. Jaime, Rian, Jesse, and Zack were playing beer pong. Everybody was screaming and being obnoxious. Then Jack, Alex, and Justin run into the room holding 40 ounces in each of there hands. Kellin then reappeared into the camera along with Austin.

“K-Kellin. What are we doing next?” Vic yelled from the background.
“Truth or daaaaaare! DUH!” Kellin yelled back in response.

And that was the end of the first video. Everybody sighed in relief until Alex said there were two more. The worry set in again. The second video was filmed about 10 minutes later. This time Jack was filming.

“Barakat! Give me my motherflippen’ phone back?” Alex yelled obnoxiously in the background. Jack started giggling on the camera.
“Don’t mind Alex. He’s just mad. He caught his girlfriend making out with her ex boyfriend. But it’s ok. She’s a wh-” Jack was being tackled by Austin.
“Justin is a manwhore tonight. I saw him kissing Amber.” Austin yelled into the camera and winked. Jack grabbed the phone back from Austin.
“Anyway. This is my main man. Jack.” Jack Fowler was now on camera.
“And we’re called Jack Jack Attack!” Jack F. yelled as he skipped away to jump on Jesse.
“Guys, nobody calls you that.” Gabe was yelling in the background.
“Whatever you say Barhaaaaaaaaam!”
“Fuck you Barakat!” And with that the second video was over.

The tension at the tabled had grown. Justin was glancing at Amber awkwardly. Mike was practically growling at the poor kid. Vic gave Kellin worried eyes, and Kellin just shook his head in disbelief. Yep. Hard feelings were being taken out of this video.

“Alright. Look on the brightside. There is only one more.” Tony tried to be reassuring. It didn’t work well. Alex reluctantly started the third and final video, which happened to be the longest.

“FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” Zack now had Alex’s phone and Rian was the one chanting. The camera zoomed in on Rian and Zack.
“Alex and Kellin are bouta fight!” Zack started.
“Yea buddy. The fag tried to get Julianna back during truth or dare.”
“STOOOOOOOOOP!” Vic was yelling in the background. By this point in the video, everybody’s clothes were mysteriously missing. That one wasn’t going to be explained on video.
Jesse was holding back Kellin and Jack was holding back Alex. Julianna was crying. Then the camera turned away.
“Oh look what we have here.” Jaime was narrating. “We have a wild Justin and mysterious Amber cuddling on the couch. OH NO! Here comes Michael!”
Before everybody saw what happened with Mike and Justin, the camera turned back to Kellin and Alex. Both boys were passed out on the floor. Julianna was now cuddling Gabe. And Vic was running out of the back door. That’s when Mike followed him.
“Well here’s some more baby mama drama.” Zack said into the camera before handing it off to Rian.
“Well. We’re all drunk. Austin is, well I don’t know where he went. Vic and Mike ran out into the yard. Julianna is now cuddling in between both Jack’s and Gabe. Justin and Amber have disappeared. Jesse is raiding the fridge. Alex and Kellin are both still knocked out. And Tony and Jaime are cuddling on the couch. Thank you for watching. This has been the commentary of Rian Dawson and Zack Merrick.” Rian hands the camera back over to Zack.
“We’re R-Dese and Z-Mese. Peace out yo.” And with that the video ended.

The tension was twenty times worse. Nobody wanted to look at each other. All hand holding or embracing was not present after that last video.

“C-can someone say something? Anything?” Julianna asked nearly in tears.
“You just did.” Kellin answered her.
“Don’t talk to my fucking girlfriend like that.” Alex snapped.
“Don’t yell at my fucking boyfriend like that!” Vic retaliated.
“Vic relax.” Amber was trying to calm him down.
“Which one of us do you really want?” Now of course Mike joined in.
“Mike, I don’t think she meant anything by it.” Justin added his two cents.
“Justin, haven’t you done enough?” Jaime replied.
“B-but we were all drunkk. Let’s not fight.” Austin was trying to be the referee.
“Austin, where exactly did you vanish to?” Rian snapped at him.
“Why do you care?” Jesse snapped at him.

Everybody just argued back and forth for a good 5 minutes before Gabe yelled at all of them.

“Didn’t we say not to take any of this to the heart? We were all fucking drunk. None of us remember. Alex just delete the videos. Just fucking forget about the videos. It’s done, over, complete.” Gabe clearly annoyed with everybody’s response.

Alex agreed to delete the videos. And everybody started to try and move on from what just happened. Until Mike decided to be his usual smart ass self.

“At least he wasn’t the one cuddling with my girlfriend.” Mike snarled under his breath.
Alex caught on and decided to fire back.
“At least my girlfriend didn’t go fuck somebody else.”
“Alex! Jesus Christ. You don’t know what fucking happened!” Julianna was defending her best friend.
But before anybody knew it, Mike tackled Alex to the ground, pushing Julianna in the process. Mike was now straddling Alex, throwing punches. Smart ass comments were flying. Now the whole cafeteria was watching. The whole group of friends were yelling and screaming at each other. And pretty much all of them were in a fight with one another. Teachers finally realized the commotion and everybody was pulled apart from their brawl.

Each person from the group was taken away by a different teacher. They were all brought to different classrooms where they would await the speech from the principal.

Each and everyone of them got the same speech. They were all suspended for two weeks. Their senior trip was taken away from them. And prom was still in question. Now, walking on stage for graduation was still up in the air. Each one of the students were taken home by their clearly pissed off parents.

Would Kellin and Vic’s relationship now be in jeopardy? Will Julianna and Alex work things out? Are Amber and Mike over? Is anybody going to be friends after the whole situation? Can the close nit group of friends pull through this with now hard feelings?

Those were the questions everybody was asking themselves as the left school with their parents. Everybody felt like shit for what happened. But maybe two weeks away from each other could give all of them to clear their minds and think rationally upon seeing each other again. But then again, it can go either way with everybody’s luck.
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Sorry this took me so long. I had horrible writers block! But I'm baccck(: I already have ideas lined up for the next chapter. I hope I didn't disappoint with this chapter. But enjoy(: