Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 27.

The rest of February had flown by and it was only a week into March. Finally the weather was getting warmer. The group of friends were still on good terms. Everybody got to know Jesse and Jack's girlfriends, Alan was becoming closer with the group, and everything was genuinely going good. 

It was Vic and Kellin's 6 month anniversary and luckily it was a Friday. 

"what are you guys even doing tonight." Mike asked Vic curiously. 
"I'm not too sure. Kellin said it was a surprise. But he said to dress decently." Vic replied in a monotone matter. Kellin knew Vic didn't like surprises but he pulled them anyway. 
"Maybe he's taking you to dinner or something." mike responded to Vic. 
" Yea. Maybe. But we'll deal with that later. Let's not be late to school." 

Vic and Mike walked out of their house together practically in sync. They walked over to Vic's car and made their journey to school. When Vic pulled up, him and Mike subconsciously walked over to the fountain, but Vic noticed someone was missing. 

"Guys, where's Kells?" Vic asked the group of friends eagerly as he searched for his boyfriend. 
"Oh." Julianna started to speak and smirked as she did so. This left Vic a little weary, but he let her continue. "he said something about being late." she smirked again and turned around to talk to Alex. 
"Vic. He didn't forget about today. I'm sure he'll be here soon." Austin tried giving Vic words of encouragement but of course Vic was thinking all negative thoughts. 

Vic was too upset to talk to anybody so he said his goodbyes for now and made his way to his locker. That's when Vic saw him. Kellin. The tall, skinny teenager was standing in front of Vic's locker with a small bunch of roses. A smile quickly spread across Vic's then pursed lips and he rushed over to where his other half was waiting. 

"Finally. I thought you'd never get to your locker." Kellin then let out and overdramatic sigh. 
"is that any way to address your boyfriend on your anniversary?" Vic asked a little too sarcastically for Kellin to realize. 
"I guess not. But I was only kidding. But here have these." Kellin then pushed the roses towards Vic's direction. 
"Kellin. I was kidding too. But thank you. Happy anniversary." Vic than leaned to Kellin in attempt to kiss him, but Kellin pulled away. Vic looked at him hurt and confused. 
"not here. The teachers are everywhere." Kellin tried to think of a good excuse to not kiss his boyfriend back. 
"oh. Okay I guess." vic was hurt and confuse but was in no place to argue with Kellin right now. 

Before anything else was said, the morning bell rang and the boys headed to homeroom with only a kiss on the cheek from Kellin to Vic. 

Vic spent the rest of the day thinking about why his boyfriend wouldnt kiss him. Especially on today out of all days. Vic's thoughts were interrupted by a buzzing coming from his bag. He realized it was a text, and of course it was from Kellin. 

From: Kells<3

Meet me at the fountain after school. I have some bad news. I'll try to be back on time to see you. Love you xoxo. 

To: Kells<3

Alright. But where are you going?

From: Kells<3

Cant explain right now. See you later

Vic didn't even attempt to reply. Today was not going as planned at all and it worried him.

Kellin hadn't shown up for lunch and Vic was bombarded with a million and one questions he couldnt answer about Kellin's whereabouts. After lunch was over, the day dragged on horribly. But finally the day was over and Vic was standing near the fountain waiting for Kellin. 

After about 10 minutes of impatient waiting, Kellin pulled up and got out of his car to meet Vic.

"Hey." Kellin smiled and went to kiss Vic, but this time Vic pulled away. Kellin frowned but supposed he deserved it.
"what's the matter? Where were you? Why weren't you in lunch?" Vic bombarded Kellin with questions hoping they would all be answered truthfully. 
"Well if you waited like 10 seconds I would have told you." Kellin snapped and Vic only rolled his eyes. So Kellin just continued. 
"My mom got into a car accident on her way to work. She got pretty banged up so I left school to make sure she was ok. And she's conscious thank god. But uhhh....I have to cancel tonight." Kellin sounded truly upset and disappointed. Vic pulled him into a bear hug and began mumbling something into Kellin's neck.
"Vic I can't understand one word you just said." Kellin chuckled and Vic pulled away blushing. 
"Sorry. I said I completely understand. I just hope your mom's ok." 
"oh. Thanks. I will make up for tonight. I promise."
"Kells don't worry about it. Your mother comes before me. Bu when are you going to see her?"
"After I leave you Im going back up to the hospital and I probably won't be home until 8 at the latest."
"ok. Kellin go see your mom. I'll talk to you later about everything." Vic then kissed Kellin, which left a smirk on Kellin's face. They said their goodbyes and Kellin drove away. 

Vic drove straight to the jewelry store in town to pick up Kellin's gift. He bought a simple silver chain that held a ring and in the ring had the date they met and the date they started going out inscribed in it. The gift was simple yet elegant. Vic then drove home. He was going to surprise Kellin later tonight since he knew Kellin would be upset and by himself.

Around 7:30 Vic began to get ready and made the 15 minute ride to Kellin's house. He pulled onto his boyfriend's street about 8:15. Perfect timing. Vic parked his car across the street and began to walk up the path that led to Kellin's front door. He knocked and after about two minutes of waiting, he realized the door was unlocked. 

Vic walked into Kellin's house eagerly. But he regretted it once he got into the hallway. He heard a girl giggling and now Vic became sick to his stomach but he couldn't turn around. Vic proceeded to Kellin's living room. That's when he saw where the giggling was coming from. Kellin and Julianna were making out of the couch. That's when Vic dropped the necklace and stood in shock. Kellin heard the box drop and realized his boyfriend had just witnessed him cheating. 

"fuck!" was all Kellin could yell as he chased Vic out the front door. 
♠ ♠ ♠
1. I am so sorry I haven't update sooner. I've been having a lot of issues taking place & updating wasn't one of my worries
2. I didn't edit this so I am sorry for mistakes.
3. Hopefully I will be back on track with updating.
