Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 28.

"Fuckkkkk!" was all Kellin could yell when he began chasing after Vic. 

"Vic! Vic wait!" Kellin was now screaming as he chased Vic out to his car. 

Vic stopped dead and his track and turned around so fast it was kind of scary. 

"Why Kellin? Why do you want me to wait? Do you want me to see more of you and that whore?" Vic pointed to Julianna as he yelled in Kellin's face. And she took that as her cue to leave. 

"Kells, I'm just going to go." She spoke softly as she walked to her car as quick as possible. 

"No Jules stay. It's not like he wants me around anyway. Just pray to god Alex doesn't find out." Vic practically growled at her. 

"Pray to god Alex doesn't find out what?" Alex walked over smiling and embraced Julianna in his arms. 

"I don't know ask Kellin and your girlfriend, if that's what you even want to call her." Vic turned and started walking towards his car. 

"Vic. Please let me explain!" Kellin chased Vic to the car barely holding back tears. As he was running towards Vic, Julianna  and Alex's faint arguing can be heard. But that was the least of Kellin's problems at the moment. 

"What Kellin? What more can you possibly want? You practically just tore my heart open and now I'm left to sew myself shut. What more is there to do or even say? Nothing. So just drop it. Go be with her because I'm sure Alex is at his wits end with you and her since our last big blow up cause I know I sure am." Vic was now choking back tears as he spoke to Kellin. But he didn't want Kellin to see him weak even though he was dying on the inside. 

"Vic, it was not your fault, but mine. It was your heart on the line. I really fucked it up this time, didn't I my dear?" Kellin let a few tears stain his cheeks as he tried to make his point. 

Vic just eyed him and then it clicked in his head. 

"Did you honestly quote Mumford & Sons? Really Kellin? God. I'm so done. Have a nice life. I can't take this shit anymore. I fucking can't. Go toy with someone else's head." Vic's sadness turned to pure hatred in a matter of seconds. Kellin had never made him this made before but now he just wanted to punch him in the face. 

"You basically quoted Papa Roach. I thought Mumford & Sons sounded appropriate. But I actually meant it as the Tonight Alive cover." Kellin replied sarcastically which made the situation worse. 

"You are such a fucking smart ass. This is exactly what I mean. All you care about was me yelling at you for quoting a song. Nothing else matters to you. I can't believe I spent 6 months dating you and put up with out friendship for even longer. I'm so done. Just forget I even existed." Vic let a tear slip down his cheek at his last sentence but immediately jumped in his car and drove away before Kellin could say anything else. 

Kellin stood there and watched Vic drive away as fast as he could. When the car was out of sight, he collapsed to his knees and began sobbing in his hands. Finally he stop crying and realized Alex and Julianna were still fighting behind him. 

"Stop fucking around with my emotions. I'm sick and tired of false devotion!" Alex screamed at Julianna, who was now hysterically crying. 

"Alex. I'm sorry. I fucked up. I'm sorry. Please don't do this. Please." Julianna tried speaking through sobs but somehow Alex managed to understand her. 

"Julianna. Ugh. Why do you always do this?" Alex looked in her eyes with sorrow as she looked more hurt than him. 

"Yo-you called me by my whole name." Alex never called her by her full name. Julianna knew she fucked up.

As Alex went to speak, he realized Kellin was still standing there. 

"Alex I'm sorry. Don't blame her. It was all my fa-"

"Kellin save it. I may be upset and disappointed with her. But you? I can't believe you could be so stupid. I'm not saying I can forgive you for this, but I don't want to rip your head off. After hearing your argument with Vic, I'm just going to drop it for now." Alex sounded sympathetic for the situation but their friendship may be completely ruined. 

Kellin looked Alex dead in the eyes and nodded. He then put his head down for good and started walking back into his house. He didn't even look at Julianna. As he turned to shut the front door, he saw Alex and Julianna hug and then walk off together. 

"Why can't me and Vic be that easy?" Kellin thought to himself. 

He slowly trudged up to his room thinking of whether he should call Vic or not. 

Kellin caved and started calling Vic and sending him a million and one texts. None of which Vic responded to. Kellin eventually gave up and fell asleep. 

*Vic's point of view

"What the fuck did I do to deserve this, Mike?" Vic was crying and looking to his brother for advice.

"Vic, he isn't worth it. Just ignore him. What he did was fucked up, no matter how sorry he is." Mike tried to console his brother, but what he was saying made Vic sit back and think for a moment. 

"But Mike. You pulled the same shit. You knew I was going out with Amber for like ever but because you wanted her, you got her. Are you saying you aren't worth it?" Vic snarled at his brother as he remembered what happened just before him and Kellin began dating. Then he realized Kellin was there to comfort him. Kellin was the one who deserved a second chance because he was always there. 

"Vic, no. I mean. I guess. I don't know..." Mike trailed off as he tried to save his ass. 

"Sorry I was mad. I didn't mean anything by that. I love you little brother, but I really think I should go see Kellin. I at least want him to voice his side of the story considering he's been calling and texting me all night." Vic shot up and ran down he stairs to tell his parents he was leaving. 

"Vic just be careful. This big ass storm is starting to roll in. It's already slippery out!" Mike yelled after Vic, but Vic was already out the door, rushing to his car. 

Vic began speeding towards Kellin's house. If only he had heard Mike's warning before he left. Vic began swerving but managed to regain control of the car. He started driving more carefully. As Vic was going through the intersection by Kellin's house, a tractor trailer ran the red light. All Vic saw was the lights and his car ended up flipped over half way down the block. 

Vic was still conscious when he felt someone pull him out of the car. Once he was fully out, Vic saw a figure holding him but he couldn't make out what it was. 

"Vic. I love you. I'm sooo sorry. Cmon stay awake. You can't leave me. Darling, you'll be okay." Then it clicked. It was Kellin. Vic had realized Kellin may have just saved his life.

"Kellin, I will always love you." Vic spoke softly before losing consciousness in Kellin's arms. 
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Sorry this took so long to update. I don't have Internet at my new house yet. Sigh.
Hope you enjoy. (: