Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 29.

"Vic. If you can hear me, I love you. You need to wake up. It's been three days. C'mon. You need to wake up." Kellin was leaning against Vic's hospital bed holding the boy's limp hand begging for his other half to wake up

Kellin heard the door to the hospital room open and then close shortly after. The room was now filled with Kellin, Mike, Amber, Julianna, Alex, and Austin. 

"Is he any better?" Amber asked solemnly. 
"I guess. I mean everything is working normal but he just won't wake up." Kellin answered trying not to sound too distraught.

"He shouldn't have even went out that night." Mike choked angrily. 
"Mike don't start." Amber snipped at him. 
"But it's true. I don't even get why they're here. They're basically the reason Vic is in here." Mike motioned towards Julianna and Kellin.
"Michael. Outside now." Amber snipped. 
"No. Am he's right. It is our fault Vic is in here." Kellin looked to the floor as he spoke.
"Kellin don't beat yourself over this." Austin interrupted, trying to cheer his friend up. 
"Austin, dont make him feel better. He deserves to feel like shit." Mike interrupted again. 
"Mike enough!" Amber, Austin, and Alex yelled. But there was a fourth voice. Everybody looked around the room. Thats when they realized Vic had woken up. 

"M-mike please. Kellin knows he was wrong. We had this conversation before I left the other night. This is nobody's fault." Vic choked out sounding groggy. 

Before Mike could answer, a doctor had run into the room.

"Well, well Victor. It's about time you woke up. You will be discharged later. We ran tests while you were unconscious. You just have a minor concussion and a few scrapes and bruises. The main reason you slept for so long was because of the concussion. Thank your friend who pulled you out of the car when he did. If you were in there any longer, who knows what damage could have been done. But enough of that. I will get your papers. Have a nice evening." and with that the doctor had left the room but the drama still remained. 

"Okay. Before anybody else decides to blame people and fight, just don't. I'm not dealing with it. I feel like shit. I don't need you guys making it worse. Mike, just chill. I love you brother, but don't blame people. It doesn't get you far. And Kellin, we have to talk later. As for everybody else, thank you for coming and showing me that you care." Vic spoke sternly and nobody dared to interrupt him. Everybody just nodded in silence. 

Later that night, Vic got discharged and Kellin offered to drive him home. 

"Kells, you didn't have to do this." Vic said wearily. 
"I know vic. But I wanted to." Kellin replied. 
"Okay well I don't know if you figured it out or not. But I was coming to see you before the accident."
"Mike told me. But why?" Kellin asked confused. 
"because I wanted to come forgive you. Kellin. I love you to death. You fucked up our trust royally. But I would rather us work on our trust then be not together." Vic answered in the most serious tone.
"Vic I truly am sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I love you I'm so sorry."
"okay Kells. Let's leave it at that. I'm over it. I don't want to know anything else. Let's just forget about it for the night."
"Alright." Kellin replied reluctantly. 

The rest of the ride was silent, but not awkward. Finally Kellin arrived at Vics house. Mike and Amber were sitting on the porch waiting for them. Kellin got out of the car and helped Vic walk over to his younger brother. 

"Kellin." Mike began to speak and Amber shot him a worried look. Vic just stood there silently. 
"yes Mike?"
"I really wanted to beat the shit out of you. But that wouldn't solve anything. So thank you. Thank you for driving Vic home."
"no need to thank me." Kellin answered in barely above a whisper.

"okay let's go inside." amber interrupted before anything else got awkward. 

"you guys go on in. I want to talk to Kellin." Vic quickly responded. Mike and Amber nodded and went inside

"Thanks for the ride Kells."
"Really its fine Vic. "
"alright well. I guess I'll see you in school on Monday?" Vic sighed. 
"I was thinking since tomorrow is Saturday, we can go to eat or the movies or something." Kellin trailed off
"I can handle the movies." Vic smiled. 
"really?" Kellin asked overjoyed. 
"yes Kells." Vic nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"tomorrow it is." Kellin smirked and began to walk back to his car. 
"Kellin wait!" vic yelled from his porch. Kellin spun around. 
"Yes Vic?"
"I love you." Vic spoke softly and smiled. 
"I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow." Kellin chuckled and headed back to his car. Once he got in, he watched Vic go inside. That's when he drove away. Kellin was silent on his ride home. He was happy Vic gave him another chance. And he would definitely not have a repeat of the night with Julianna. And he wasn't going to bring it up either. 

I guess we'll never know why Kellin and Julianna hooked up that night. But everybody has secrets that get revealed eventually...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is short.
But I'm sad to say this story will be coming to an end. I'm not exactly sure how many chapters are left but it will be less than five.
Considering a sequel if I get enough feedback. No promises though.