Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 30.

A month had passed and now the gang of friends were on spring break. They were driving to Myrtle Beach for the week. Kellin and Vic were back on good terms. Amber was still with Mike. And shockingly, Alex and Julianna were still together. 


"Kellin and Vic! We are waiting for you two and you two only! Hurry the fuck up!" Austin was yelling from the first floor of Vic's house. 
"Austin. This is my house! I will take as much time as I want!" Vic retorted.
"Fine. We'll leave without you!" Austin screamed as he slammed the door leaving Vic's house. 

Kellin gave Vic a weary look.
"Vic cmon. You've had forever to pack and you wait til now. Hurry up or they will leave. I'm going downstairs to by time." Kellin sighed and began to walk out. 
"Well. You know if somebody didn't keep me up for a majority of last night, I would be packed and ready." Vic smirked at Kellin. 
"Shut up and get your ass downstairs." Kellin scrunched his face and walk out of Vic's room, down the stairs, and out to the two vans parked outside.

After about 5 more minutes of waiting Vic finally appeared in his doorway hauling three bags.

"Holy shit. I thought I took a long time." Mike yelled at his brother.
"Yay. Princess finally decided to join us." Austin spoke sarcastically.
"shut up Austin. I thought you were leaving without me." Vic replied just as sarcastic.
"Well. You little boyfriend over here told us that it would be in our best interest to wait for you. And we didn't want to get poor Vicky mad." Alex chimed in.
"Okay. Okay. Guys knock it off and leave Vic alone. Who's going in what van?" amber chimed in cutting off any more arguments.

Everybody looked around afraid to answer. Nobody wanted to be stuck with the crazy drivers or insane people in general.

"Well since nobody wants to answer let's just go pick out of a hat." Julianna tried to break the awkward silence that over came the group of friends.
"That isn't a bad idea." Rian answered agreeing with her.

After being set back a half an hour because of Vic's horrible packing skills and pulling a number out of a hat, the group of 16 were beginning their ten hour journey from Jersey to South Carolina. Luckily the seating arrangements werent too bad. Vic, Kellin, both Jacks, Mike, Amber, Austin, and Zack were in one van. Of course Austin just had to drive. Then Alex, Julianna, Jesse, Rian, Justin, Jaime, Tony, and  were in the other van with Alex driving. Other than a few stops for food and taking care of other business, the ride went pretty smoothly.

A little after 9, both vans pulled up to their new house for the next week. It was huge. From the outside, it looked like a typical beach house. It had three floors and a basement.  There was also a deck in the front and the back of the house. Inside it looked like a legit mansion. It had 9 bedrooms, three full bathrooms, a giant kitchen, a dining room that opened our to the living room, and a finished basement that was considered a game room.

Before the group of friends decided to take in the house, they were all running around looking for the best bedroom.

"WAAAAAAAAIIIIITTTTT!" Julianna screamed at the top of her lungs from the front door. Everybody froze and retreated back towards her direction.

"Okay honestly. I think we need some ground rules." she spoke sternly. Julianna wasn't serious too often, but when she was, nobody wanted to go against her.
"Alright. What did you have in mind?" Vic eyed her skeptically.

"okay. Well since me and Amber are the only girls here, we get our own bathroom. There are three. You guys can workout a schedule but me and Am get our own."
"Yeaaa. I like that idea." Amber cheered joyfully. All the guys just nodded waiting for her to continue.
"Since me and Amber are the girls, do NOT expect us to cook and clean for you lazy asses this week. We want to have fun too." everybody just nodded again. Nothing was too overbearing...yet. 
"Oh oh oh! Also, since me and Jules are the only girls, we get first pick at bedrooms. But like we should leave one room open. It's only fair that everybody shares a room." Amber spoke up, going along with Julianna.
"oh cmon! Thats not fair!" Austin yelled.
"Austin it is too fair. They are the only girls here. I don't think they want to deal with our bullshit every second of the day for the next week." Kellin interrupted Austin's rant.
"Ughhhhh. Fine whatever. Finishing stating your rules." Austin replied sounding defeated.
"okay so me and Amber are going to pick rooms. We'll shut the door to our rooms and the extra room. When we get back you will be able to pick." Julianna spoke eagerly. Next thing you know, her and amber are running like lunatics through the house.

After about 5 minutes they finally reappeared in the living. 

"Okay. Go have fun." amber spoke and the guys ran to pick the best out of the rooms that were left. Mike and Alex just sat and watched, also feeling grateful that their girlfriends had probably picked the best rooms.

It was about ten when everybody picked their rooms and were settled in. Everybody was down in the game room when Jaime suggested everybody should go to bed so they weren't completely tired their first full day there, considering the drive down was tiring enough.

Everybody said goodnight and headed to their rooms. Kellin was obviously with Vic, Alex with Julianna, and Mike was obviously with Amber. As for the rest of the guys, Jesse was with Austin, Tony was with Jack B. Rian was with Zack, Justin with Jack F., and finally Jaime roomed with Gabe.

Vic and Kellin made it to their room first. They listened to the mass chaos taking place in the hallway. Too afraid to ask and too tired to care, the couple laid down rather quickly in the king sized bed that occupied their room.

About 5 minutes later, the chaos in the hallway died to pure silence.

"Hey Vic." Kellin muttered.
"yes?" Vic mumbled half asleep.
"Do you think this week will be fun?" Kellin always looked ahead, but he really just wanted to have fun. 
"Mmmm. Sleep." that was all Kellin could understand coming from Vic. Kellin just chuckled.
"Well I think it will be." Kellin smirked and rolled over to face away from Vic. Vic placed his arm over Kellin's waist and that's how the pair slept for the rest of the night. They both knew this vacation was going to be perfect.
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Guys there's approximately three chapters left. And instead of doing a sequel, I may just write an epilogue. Give me suggestions though(: