Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 32.

"Vic.... Vickyy.... VICTOR!"
"Sorry I thought you were sleeping."
"Oh yea. Lemme just fall asleep in a jail cell."
"I'm sorry. I didn't know.."
"Well why the fuck would I be asleep?"
"Guys. Knock it off." Julianna interrupted Vic and Kellin's bickering.

"Sorry Jules...." Kellin replied solemnly and hung his head down.
"Vic is there anything you would like to say?" Amber asked slightly annoyed.
"Other than I want to fucking go home, nope nothing at all." Vic answered in a monotone voice.
"Whatever. You're such an ass." Amber scoffed.

"Guys. Seriously. Fucking stop. I know this is the last place we all want to be but the fighting isn't making it any better. If you aren't going to be nice, shut the fuck up until we leave." Jesse practically shouted at everyone. Nobody dared to even respond. Everybody just nodded.

Five long minutes after Jesse snapped, a police officer walked into the room dismissing everybody. 

"You all can have many charges placed against you. But since you shouldn't have even belonged in the club in the first place, we'll cut you some slack and let you leave with a warning. nothing will be placed on your records, but cause trouble here again, you will strongly regret it. Now gather your belongings and go back home." the police officer spoke sternly but was nice about the situation.

The group left the police station angered and annoyed. But yet, they were relieved to be going home. Nobody spoke. Nobody held hands. Absolute silence. 

When they got back to the house everybody practically ran to their rooms to pack their bags. When Kellin and Vic were now alone so Kellin made an attempt to talk to his boyfriend.

"Vic. Listen, I'm sorry about everything that happened past night and this morning. I really am." Kellin spoke shyly afraid of Vic's reaction.
"Kellin. Don't apologize. If I should be mad at anyone it should be Mike. He's the one that got us into that mess. If anything I should be apologizing for snapping at you." Vic spoke sympathetically as he embraced Kellin into a hug.
"Come on Kells. Lets go downstairs and go home."

When Vic and Kellin got downstairs, they realized they were for once the first ones ready. Everybody else was running around like madmen gathering all of their clothes and necessities. 

After twenty minutes, everybody was waiting on Amber and Mike.

"What the fuck are they doing? I just wanna go home." Tony mumbled as he waited impatiently. Then the room went silent as They heard Amber and Mike yelling from upstairs.

"Mike. I'm fucking done. I can't take this shit anymore. Last night proved that."
"Amber. Stop. Just stop. You were the one getting all close with that fucking perv."
"I was dancing Mike! Dancing! Stop being so protective. Im not and will never cheat on you if that's what your fucking thinking."
"Well. Sorry for fucking caring. But isn't that how we got together? You cheating on my brother with me?" Pure anger and hatred could be heard in Mike's voice as he argued with Amber.

"Guys maybe we should go wait outside..." Julianna suggested.
"No this is getting good!!!" Justin answered making everybody laugh. Julianna just shook her head and walked out the door. Alex and Jack weren't too far behind her. Now everybody was back to focusing on Mike and Amber.

"Mike don't even fucking go there. That's different!"
"How the fuck is it different? Tell me please. Once a cheater always a cheater. After you and Vic broke up for good I should have left your ass too. But no. Me being a guy who always gets what he wants decided to stay with you and almost lose my brother. Damn I was stupid for fucking being with you in the first place!" Mike screamed and slammed the door behind him. Once he began descending the stairs, everybody who stayed to listen ran straight for their bags and out the door to make it seem like they weren't listening. 

Everybody was huddled by one of the vans talking about what they just heard when Mike joined the group. 

"Please tell me you didn't hear all of that..." Mike spoke cautiously. 
"Nope. No. Not at all." Austin replied sarcastically. 
"fuck. Sorry guys."
"Come on. Let's just get in the vans and go home." Jaime suggested. 

Once settled into the vans, they all realized they were still waiting on Amber. Julianna ventured back into the house to retrieve her best friend. Once out of the house it was apparent Amber had been crying. And she certainly was in no mood to sit in a van with Mike for five hours. Some people switched places in the vans to accommodate Amber and Mike. But finally they were on their way home with Julianna, Amber, Alex, Jack, Rian, Zack, Gabe, and Justin in one van and Kellin, Vic, Mike, Jaime, Tony, Jesse, Jack, and Austin in the other.

After about 5 hours of continuos driving, everybody made it home
In one piece. Both vans stayed relatively silent as they ventured back to jersey. It was more of a relief to be home.

Once everybody was dropped off at home, they wasted no time to go see their families. Awkward goodbyes were made, but nobody seemed to care because they were home.

It became evident that Mike
and Amber were no longer together but they had 2
days to calm down before they had to face each other in school.

Nobody told their parents about what had happened just for the fear of being reprimanded and possibly grounded. But then again, who knows what everybodys parents would say, if they even cared. They were just happy that their children returned home from an adventurous spring break. 

With only two months of senior years left, the next big thing the group has to tackle is prom. Prom night with this group will either be magnificent or a complete disaster. Hopefully problems will be sorted out and it will be a night to remember instead of a night to forget. Then again, nothing is predictable with this group of oddballs. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this sucks. It was kinda rushed. Ooops.