Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 34.

"Goodmorning students and faculty of Clairemont High. If you didn't already know, this is your principal speaking. I'll keep this short since it is the last day of school. I just wanted to say thank you for another wonderful, successful year. And as for the seniors, you'll hear my speech tonight. But I will say congratulations. Now I would like to see Julianna Jozwiak, Amber Yanick, Kellin Quinn, Victor Fuentes, Michael Fuentes, Alexander Gaskarth, Matthew Flyzik, Austin Carlile, Jenna McDougall, and Patrick Stump. Please gather your belongings and head over to my office. Thank you and everybody have a wonderful day."

The Mrs. Skyes' message rang through the hallways and classrooms of the school. When the announcement, everybody met at the fountain, except for Jenna, Matt, and Patrick.

"Guys, why the fuck are we being called to the principal's office the last day of school?" Vic asked wearily.
"Babe. Ten of us were called. Ten people out of the senior class. Why do you think we are going to the office?" Kellin asked in a rhetorical manner.
"OH! OH! I get it now!" Vic half yelled as the group walked swiftly down the hallway.
"Dumbass." Julianna mumbled as they walked through the doors to the principal's conference room and took a seat.

Within the next five minutes, the principal entered the room smiling, holding a big folder full of papers.

"Geez. What's in the folder?!" Kellin asked in an overexcited tone.
"Nevermind that Kellin. Okay. So I'm sure you all have figured out why you were called here. If not, well then maybe you shouldn't be here." Mrs. Sykes chuckled before she began the next part of her speech. 
"Okay. Well anyway. You ten have the top ten highest grades in the senior class. This accomplishment alone will get you very far in life. But regardless of your ranks, I have personally met and had time alone with seven of you, so I know you'll all go far. Anyway. We'll start with number ten and count backward to number one. Ten is Alex, nine is Mike, eight is Jenna, seven is Matt, six is Amber, five is Austin, four is Patrick, three is Vic, two is Julianna, and number one, your valedictorian is Kellin."

The small group cheered as they received their ranks. With a short celebration, Mrs. Sykes began to give another mini speech.

"Alright alright. This is short notice. I am aware. But Kellin and Julianna, you need to write speeches so go see Mr. Calzini and he'll help you guys out."

Julianna and Kellin hurried out the door as soon as a speech was mentioned. 

"As for the rest of you congratulations. I will be making an announcement later this afternoon. Now go down to the football field to begin graduation practice."

With that being said everybody got up and again walked together except Jenna, Matt, and Patrick.

"So I can't believe this is real! We're graduating tonight! Holy fuck! We did it!!" Vic cheered as they walked to the field.
"Yea we did. It took us long enough." Mike added.
"I still think this is all too real. But come on. Let's start practice." Amber stated as she began jogging to the field.

The top ten students had a special section on the mini stage. It was a tad intimidating to be looking towards the crowd instead of being in the crowd, but they deserved it.

"I don't like being out of the crowd. There's too much attention on us." Alex stuttered, clearly nervous.
"Dude they are out of the crowd. We may not be sitting with them, but we are the in crowd." Austin laughed as he took his seat for practice.

The group laughed at Austin's pun towards the band We Are The In Crowd. Although they were only a local band, less than a year older than the group of seniors, they were well known throughout town.

After three hours of graduation practice, Kellin and Julianna had returned clutching papers towards their chests. Vic figured it was their speeches for graduation since he heard Kellin say "we'll read them tonight." and the teacher nodded so it obviously had to do with speeches.

Kellin and Julianna sat closest to the podium due to their ranks but Kellin kept stealing looks with Vic. Vic was also watching Kellin rather intently because he had been distant lately. Vic watched as Kellin absentmindedly placed his hand on Julianna's thigh. Quite frankly, Vic became green with jealousy and envy. But he let it go since he didn't want to run everybody's graduation day.

Vic began to calm down over his melodramatic reaction when his phone started buzzing wildly in his pocket. Vic snuck a peak at his phone and realized it was a text from Kellin. Vic smiled and open rather quickly which he regretted as soon as he read it. Vic looked over at Kellin who was intently staring at Mrs. Sykes. Vic then looked back at his phone and reread the message over and over again until graduation practice was over.

Silently he read,
"we need to talk about us. I don't know if we'll make it. But I really do want to talk. Love you.
-Kellin x"