Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 4.

Before Kellin and Vic knew it, it was Friday. The school day dragged on, but it was finally over. Vic, Amber, Julianna, and Kellin all met up near the school’s fountain after school.

“Kellin, you ready to party tonight?!” Vic asked in an over excited tone.
“Hell yea. I don’t even want to remember my name tonight!” Kellin sounded just as excited. He regretted saying what he had though, because Julianna had given him the look of death. But Kellin wasn’t going back on what he said. Julianna finally looked to Amber, and Vic laughed under his breath at what just happened.
“Amber, are you ready to go prom dress shopping tonight, and then watch a movie at my house later?” Julianna asked Amber in her sweetest voice possible.
“Of course, Jules. Let’s just hope I remember my name tonight.” Amber winked at Kellin and the group began laughing.
Vic finally stopped laughing and this caught Kellin’s attention. The girls were still in there own little world laughing. Vic opened his mouth to speak when his attention was reverted to Mike.

“Vic, let’s go. I need to get home and start getting ready for tonight!!” Mike yelled while leaning on Vic’s car.
Vic rolled his eyes at his brother and turned back to the group, “Well that’s my cue to leave. Kellin, I’ll get you at like 7. Have fun tonight Julianna. And Am, do you want a ride.”

Kellin and Amber had nodded to the statements Vic directed to them. Julianna just gave him a sly look. Then the group broke up. Vic and Amber slowly walked towards Mike while holding hands. And Kellin and Julianna practically raced to Kellin’s car.

After about a half an hour everybody was at their own homes getting ready for the plans they had tonight. Kellin was looking for a decent outfit to wear to the party when he finally decided on gray skinnies, black Toms, and his faded denim vest. Julianna had changed into purple sweats and a black hoodie so she would be comfortable while shopping with Amber. Amber on the other hand wore her blue skinnies with rips in the knee, her Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle t-shirt and a black cirque du soleil hoodie. And Vic, well Vic was arguing with Mike on what to wear.

“MIKE, GIVE ME MY GODDAMN JEANS BACK!!!” It was war in the Fuentes house. And all because of a pair of dark red skinnies.
“No Vic! You have a million and one more pairs you could be fucking wearing!”
“Seriously Mike, so can you! Just give me the fucking pants and this conversation will be over!”
“If it makes you shut the fuck up, take the goddamn pants.” Vic was pleased with what Mike had said. What he wasn’t pleased with was having the jeans being whipped across his back as a result of Mike throwing them.
“I swear to god, I can never win with this kid.” Vic mumbled under his breath.
“I heard that.” Mike replied slyly.
“Just go get ready, asshole!” Vic retaliated by yelling.

Finally, the house was quiet and the boys were dressed. Vic was wearing his dark red skinnies that him and Mike fought over, a black v-neck, and his black vans. Mike on the other hand was wearing black skinnies, a black tank top covered with his blue and black flannel shirt, and blue vans.

Mike had left at about 6:30 to meet up with Jaime and Tony before the party had started. And now it was 7, so Vic said goodbye to his parents and made his way over to Kellin’s house. Kellin was already outside so when Vic pulled up he just walked over to the car.

“Heey man,” Kellin greeted Vic in a cheerful voice.
“Hey Kells, ready to fucking party tonight?” Vic asked with a devilish grin.
“Hell fucking yea. It’s been a while since I partied. I honestly can’t wait!”
“Okay good, Mike left about a half an hour ago to help set up and he texted me saying this party is going to be ridiculous.”
“Well, what are we waiting for then?” Kellin asked in the most serious tone ever.

Vic just looked at Kellin, then decided it would be best to head over to the party. By the time they got there, the party was well under way. You could hear the music from down the block. Kids were going in and out of the house, and you could see that their were strobe lights and multi colored lights inside the house.

Vic parked his car a few houses away, so it wouldn’t get damaged like it would if he parked in Jaime’s driveway. Kellin got out of the car first. And started his fast paced walk to the house.
Vic jumped out of the car. And tried to get Kellin’s attention.

“Kellin!” Finally Kellin stopped.
“What Vic? Let’s fucking go party.” Kellin was getting annoyed.
“I just wanted to say, try and be mindful tonight. Don’t do anything you’ll regret in the morning. Please just be careful.” Vic sounded sincere but Kellin just laughed.
“Oh c’mon Fuentes. You can’t seriously be worried about me, can you?”
Vic just nodded. and Kellin sighed.
“Fine I will be ‘mindful’ tonight. Just please can we go now?”
Vic just nodded again. But with that being said the two boys walked into the party screaming and the crowd already inside cheered as Vic and Kellin entered.

They had a feeling this would be one of the best parties so far this year.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was kind of supposed to be a filler in between school and the party. The next chapter is going to be the party and the aftermath(;

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