Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 5.

About an hour into the party, Kellin and Vic were completely wasted. Kellin disappeared for about a half an hour so Vic just assumed he was smoking with Justin, Mike, and Jesse. Vic’s point was proven when Kellin came back with bloodshot eyes and his super wide shit eating grin.

“Kells, c’mon. You’ve had enough fun for one night.” Vic slurred his words as he tried to speak to Kellin. But by this point, Kellin couldn’t talk. All he did was laugh. You could punch him square in the face and he’d probably start laughing.

Vic gave Kellin a sincere look but it was obvious neither one of them wanted to leave. They wanted to test their limits on how much they can party in one night. Kellin hadn’t drank all that much so he walked over to play beer pong with Jaime, Mike, and Tony. Mike and Kellin were on the same team, and they were losing miserably.

By the end of the game, Kellin could barely stand and Vic. Well Vic was nowhere to be found. Kellin tried to go search for him, but he was not in his right mind. He had made it half way up the carpeted stairs, but slipped on the rug and tumbled right back down. Gabe and Jack caught him before he reached the bottom. Kellin had just smiled at them, and as they went to walk away Kellin grabbed ahold of Gabe’s leg. Gabe was 100% sober so Kellin’s actions didn’t phase him. But all Kellin wanted was to know where Vic was. He tried asking but his words were so slurred. Somehow Jack just knew what he wanted.

“Kellin, c’mon. He’s on the back porch. I’ll bring you to him.” Jack said with a shy smile.

Vic was sitting on Jaime’s back porch just staring up at the late night sky. He was also trying to sober up considering he had to bring Mike and Kellin home, but he just couldn’t. Too much alcohol had entered his body in such a short amount of time, there was no way he would be completely sober anytime soon. But Vic’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard the back door open. He whipped around to see Jack holding Kellin up.

“Sorry man, he was trying to look for you, but it didn’t end very well.” Jack said sincerely.
Vic was struck with worry. “Isheokay? Ishehurt? Didhefall? Whathappened?” Vic was talking so fast and his words were slurring again, but somehow Jack understood him. A laughed and then began to speak again.

“Vic, he’s fine. He just took a little tumble down the stairs. Just sit out here for a little while until we figure out how to get you guys home.” And with that, Jack went back into the house looking for Gabe.

Kellin toppled on top on Vic. Their eyes both met one another’s and they began to giggle. After they stopped laughing, Kellin had the look of lust in his eyes. Vic was just looking down at him smiling. Before he would process anything else, Kellin’s lips had met with his for the second time in one week. But this time the kiss didn’t feel as awkward. Vic actually took it seriously and things got intense.

Before stuff went down on Jaime’s back porch, Vic and Kellin were interrupted by a bunch of junior girls smiling and giggling as they made eye contact with two of the hottest seniors in the school. Vic just got up and dragged Kellin up into Jaime’s parents bedroom. After the door was shut, nobody had seen Vic or Kellin for about two hours.

It was about 2 am when they made their way back downstairs to the party. By this point, almost everybody had left to finish the party at the diner or some other place where they could get food this late at night.

Kellin and Vic ended up calling a cab to go back to Vic’s house. At this point they were walking hand in hand, but everybody was either too drunk or high to notice. But from a sober person’s point of view, Kellin and Vic looked like an extremely happy couple. Anyway. When they got back to Vic’s house, they quietly ran to Vic’s room. Both of their drunkeness slowly fading away, they started to get tired. But Kellin ran infront of Vic and started stripping until only his boxers were left. Vic smirked at Kellin, but did the same. They both crawled into Vic’s bed. Vic held Kellin tightly in his arms as they both fell into a deep sleep.

They next day, Kellin didn’t wake up until around noon. He had a massive migrane. The light was unbearable and he was sick to his stomach. Kellin finally came out of his morning haze and looked up.

“Aw, Vic is so precious while he sleeps.” Kellin whispered to himself as he saw the other teenage boy, still holding him from last night.
Kellin started looking around the room. Then it hit him.
“Wait, what the fuck?” Kellin thought to himself.

“Vic get the fuck off of me. Why the fuck am I at your house in your goddamn bed, with you fucking cuddling me?!” Kellin started yelling.
Vic woke up abruptly. But he had no answer for Kellin. He was just as confused as Kellin was. Or at least that’s what he made it out to seem like. Kellin didn’t believe that Vic didn’t remember what happened. But Kellin was in no position to question anything right now since he was paying for all the fun he had last night.
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