Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 7.

Once Vic got home, he immediately called Amber. He needed to escape for the rest of the weekend and he planned on doing just that. After a few rings, Amber finally answered.

“Hey babe,” she said excitedly.
“Amber, pack a bag. I’ll be over in like a half an hour. We’re going to my house in the mountains for the rest of the weekend.” Vic was almost demanding.
“Well, Vic when are we coming back? You know we have stuff to do for school...” Amber trailed off at his idea.
“We can bring stuff for school with us. And we’ll leave early Monday morning. We’ll leave early enough to be at school on time.” Vic was now pleading.
“Fine. I’ll pack. But I cannot miss school on Monday.” She was getting very stern with Vic now.
“You won’t, you won’t. And by the way Mike is coming with us, just letting you know.”
“That’s fine. Just hurry up and get here.” Amber then hung up on Vic.

“Mikey! Pack a bag. We’re leaving for the weekend!” Vic yelled at his brother as he ran around packing his own clothes and stuff for the two day vacation.

About 20 minutes later, Vic and Mike were all packed up and on their way to Amber’s. But Mike wasn’t aware that she was coming until it was already to late to tell Vic he didn’t want to go. Amber put her things in the trunk with the help from Vic and Mike climbed into the backseat of his older brother’s car. He knew that these two days were going to be extremely awkward, but he wanted to escape from their shitty town.

The car ride was pretty silent. Yea there was music blasting, but there wasn’t much talking. Vic was focusing on the road. Amber was staring at the window looking at the scenery and occasionally catching Mike’s attention in the side mirror. She thought it was awkward since Mike kept giving her dirty looks, but Amber just brushed it off.

Finally after a two hour car ride, they arrived at the house. It was a little chilly since it was the middle of September, but it wasn’t cold. The leaves were just beginning to change colors and fall off of the trees. It was peaceful and the perfect place to escape to when you were tired of the city.
The trio had brought all of their luggage in and raced to the couch. All three of them were fighting over the television remote. But Mike and Vic had given up and let Amber win. She put on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and Mike and Vic were content with her choice.

Vic and Amber spent the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday either cuddling on the couch, near the fireplace, or going out for walks. They were just being the adorable couple that they were. Mike was by himself, but he enjoyed the peace. He disappeared quite a few times during those two days, which worried Vic. But Mike reassured him that he was okay being on his own. For the rest of the weekend Vic’s undivided attention to Amber. He didn’t think about school, his family, and certainly not what had happened with Kellin. Being in the mountains was pure bliss.

It was now Monday morning. Vic, Amber, and Mike were on the road heading to school. It was about 7 am and they were almost back to the loud city they lived in. About a half an hour away, to be precise. The three teenagers had to wake up at 4:30 that morning just to be sure they wouldn’t be late. They had left the house by 5:30 and now they were happy when they did because they had just hit traffic. Mike was getting antsy in the back seat. He just wanted to get out of the car, stretch, and have a cigarette before going into school. But at the rate of the traffic, he might have to skip out on the last part, unless he goes to homeroom late. But finally, the cars were moving.

It was ten minutes till homeroom when Vic pulled into the school’s parking lot. Mike was in luck with the perfect timing. But as soon as Vic parked, Amber jumped out of the car and ran towards Julianna, telling her about the perfect weekend. Mike had already disappeared with Jaime and Tony. Vic got out of his car slowly walking towards his girlfriend, Julianna, and unfortunately, Kellin. The look in Kellin’s eyes was pure fear. Even though they said to forget about the whole ideal, there was no possible way that could happen. And as of right now, nobody else knew, but you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. The girls sensed Kellin and Vic being very hostile towards each other. Too bad they had no clue as to why..
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-Sorry for any errors, I was in a rush.
-Please comment. I want to know how you guys like the story so far.<3
-Recommend too.
-All feedback helps me write more <3