Status: Updating often depending on feedback.

The Fast Times At Clairemont High

Chapter 8.

Monday kind of flew bye for everybody. There was obvious tension between Kellin and Vic durning ice skating and lunch. Nobody really questioned it, but Julianna and Amber were starting to get a little worried. They were always referred to as the “Fantastic Four” and you can’t have a fantastic four when two of them aren’t talking. But both girls knew it wouldn’t be a could idea to question Kellin and Vic in front of everybody else.

That night Julianna went over Kellin’s and brought it up. He just said that he and Vic had a little argument but it’s nothing to be worried about. Amber asked Vic what was going on and he told her they were having their differences. When Julianna got home, she decided to call Amber to get to the bottom of things. After telling each other what their boyfriends had said, they concocted a plan to get to the bottom of things tomorrow since Amber had lab with Kellin and Julianna would be alone with Vic in ice skating. With that being said, they ended the call and waited for tomorrow.

Tuesday morning, Kellin picked Julianna up like usual. And Vic and Mike went to get Amber. When both couples and Mike got to school, Mike naturally left and Vic went with him leaving Amber alone with Kellin and Julianna. Kellin wouldn’t even look up at Vic and Amber looked at her boyfriend with disbelieving eyes. Amber knew something was going on and she needed to know what. Amber nodded at Julianna referring to the plan that would take place later on. She then left to go catch up to her boyfriend. Julianna then hugged Kellin and decided to go to homeroom early to avoid a possible argument and the horrible tension.

The morning dragged on, but it was finally time for ice skating. Julianna walked into the rink and saw Vic sitting by himself listening to his iPod. She walked over and bear hugged him. After realizing he wasn’t being attacked by some stranger, Vic hugged her back.

“Hey stranger,” she said in a sarcastic tone.
“Hey Jules.” Vic smiled and shut his iPod off.
“Ok, Vic, I have a question.” Vic gave her a worried look but nodded as for her to proceed.
“Well. I noticed. You and Kellin. What the fuck is going on? You guys won’t even look at each other, let alone talk. What are me and Amber not missing? And please do not say that you guys had an argument or that you are having differences. We all know it would have blown over by now.” Julianna was very stern and wanted the truth. Vic looked scared to reply but he knew it would be best to tell her the truth. He began to tell her everything that has been going on between him and Kellin. Then he finally told her what happened at the party.

Julianna really regretted asking what was going on. She sat there in a state of shock. Her face was just a blank stare. Vic snapped his fingers in her face which broke her out of her trance.

“Julianna. I know it’s not what you were expecting. B-but please say something...” Vic was extremely nervous now.
After about 5 minutes of silence, she finally replied.
“ guys weren’t going to tell Amber or me? You were just going to “forget” about the whole thing?”
“Yea Jules, that was kinda the plan. But it looks like I’m going to tell Amber now. Cause if I don’t I know you will.”
“Vic, I won’t tell her. That’s something for you and Amber to discuss. But why not just tell us to begin with?” Julianna was now on the verge of crying.
“Kellin and me didn’t think our friendship would be this butchered by what happened. We thought it would all blow over, but I guess not. But I am going to tell Amber after school today. I just hope Kellin will be honest about it himself.” Vic was being very stern now.
“I’m giving him til Thursday. If he doesn’t say anything at all, I’m just giving you a warning, it is going to be World War III.”

Before Julianna could get another word out, the bell rang. She got up, hugged Vic and walked away feeling sad, betrayed, and most of all, enraged that her “loving” boyfriend hasn’t even mentioned it. And now, sweet innocent Vic was going to tell Amber the truth. Julianna wanted to storm off to Kellin’s physics class and yell at him, but that wouldn’t solve the whole situation, now would it?
♠ ♠ ♠
I meant to update last night, but I was so tired after a long day at the doctors.
I know have to wear a boot for two weeks. FML ):
But yea, sorry if this sucks. It was kind of a filler. The next chapter will be a little longer.
*Spoiler alert- there is more Kellin and Julianna drama coming in the next chapter*

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