Under the Ocean Waves

Chapter Seventeen

The water was over his head now. He still felt as though he was being dragged under, but he also still had legs. The first time he had changed, it felt nothing like this. Vic knew that something had definitely gone wrong but he couldn’t really make sense of anything save for the fact that there was water filling his lungs and he was choking on it. He clawed at the water and kicked his legs but still, things were starting to fade, and everything was so dreadfully quiet.

The very next second, however, arms were around his middle and his head broke the surface and all he could do was choke and gasp for air. Sounds of the water splashing returned and he realized with a start that he was turning now and after a quick dip underwater again his legs were gone.

“Vic!” Kellin’s voice was nearby, but not behind him like he’d expected it to be. “Are you alright?”

His eyes blinked open - Kellin was right in front of him. Matty was the one that had held him up, but he quickly released him in to Kellin’s embrace. As he became more aware of his surroundings, the pain in his chest and throat from the water began to ebb until he felt normal again.

“Vic, answer!” said Kellin, sounding worried.

“I-I’m fine,” Vic answered finally. “Just.. what happened?”

Matty swam around to look at Vic, a confused expression fixed on his face. “I was going to ask you the same thing,” he said, frowning at the situation. “Something must have gone wrong while you were changing, but what?”

Shaking his head, Vic pushed himself away from Kellin to look underneath the water for anything that he might have gotten caught on. Of course his search turned out inconclusive and he quickly looked back up at the others.

“I don’t know, something was just… pulling me down,” He explained. “It dragged me under and… I honestly don’t even know what happened, I just… I thought I was going to die.”

Kellin’s eyes flew open at the word ‘die’, and he shot his hand out to grab Vic’s, as if on impulse. The prospect of death terrified him.

Matty looked around, checking the shore before grabbing both boys and pulling them under the water. Not as roughly as whatever had taken Vic, but enough for them to get the idea that they needed to talk where it was quiet - and that was in the water.

“Kellin, the other day when said you sensed someone not human around you, do you think maybe he’s following you both around?” asked Matty. Neither of the boys hesitated in nodded their heads, both of them thinking of Spencer, although they didn’t say his name out loud. “Someone’s got it in for you,” Matty declared.

“What are we supposed to do about it?” asked Kellin. Matty shrugged, looking at Vic.

“Stay safe,” he suggested.

But all of them knew that ‘staying safe’ was a hard thing to do when they didn’t even know what the threat was. Where was a safe place? Home? He couldn’t drag his friends in to danger like that.

There was one idea he had, but he knew that no one would really be ‘crazy’ about it. And he definitely wasn’t, either.

“Oh, Victor, Victor, Victor,” said a voice in a mock-condescending tone. “How I can’t fucking wait for you to be out of the picture.”

The boys were completely unaware of the pair of bright eyes watching them. He ran a hand through his thick hair, smoothing it out a bit. “Why?” he whispered aloud, staring at his hand. “Why did that fail?”

Of course, he knew the answer to that. Matty had stopped him and Vic had a necklace, allowing him to change in to a safer form. It was annoying to say the least; it got in the way of what he was trying to do. Setbacks or not, it wasn’t going to stop him. No, he had more plans to carry out.

“Humans and Sirens just do not mix,” he said as he turned away from the scene.

After they’d swam around, looking for some sort of culprit and coming up empty handed, the couple emerged from the water with legs instead of tails, one of them turning to wave goodbye to his friend before grabbing the other’s hand. As soon as they were on dry sand, Kellin squeezed Vic’s hand, and in an instant their clothes were dry and their hair was no longer dripping. They stayed silent as they walked to the car. Not a single thought crossed the minds of either person, until the doors were shut.

All Vic could think of was how to keep himself, and more importantly Kellin, safe. If someone was out to get him then that put Kellin in trouble too and Vic could not live with himself if something bad happened to the creature that he’d grown so attached to. He mulled over his options as he started the car, shifting in to the right gear to pull out of the parking lot.

Kellin on the other hand was thinking about something completely different. Of course, he was terrified for Vic’s safety and not so much his own, but he was also very concerned for how this whole ordeal would affect Vic’s happiness. He seemed so stressed and Kellin could feel the stress and unhappiness coming off of him in waves. He wanted to make him smile and see him just be, well, alright.

They drove home in silence, but of course Kellin couldn’t help but reach over and grab Vic’s hand. Not out of fear, but because he wanted to comfort him. And well, that was a scary corner back there that they had gone flying around.

As they pulled in to the driveway and stepped out of the car, Kellin thought of ways to make him feel better. Sure, he wasn’t going to let on that he was in a bad mood. He never did. “Vic,” Kellin said, calling him as he walked ahead of him to get in to his apartment. He turned around, facing him with expectancy in his eyes.

The siren tactfully stepped closer, reaching a hand up to run through Vic’s hair before gently kissing him. “It’s going to be okay, okay? I promise,” he said, smiling.

Vic looked back and him and smiled, nodding his head. “As long as you’re here with me,” he whispered, taking Kellin’s hand to lead him inside.

“Home,” Vic called out to the house, receiving a grunt from two different voices in another room - Jaime and Mike. The two boys shrugged and walked straight down the hall without another word to the other two. As soon as the door was closed behind them Vic flopped face down on his bed, much like Kellin had seen him do many times before.

The siren slowly crawled next to him, digging his fingers in to his side - which made him jerk and giggle. Kellin discovered the sensation of ‘tickling’ one morning when he tried to give Vic a hug and accidentally jabbed his side like he had just done.

“Don’t tickle me,” Vic said, sounding exhausted. He grabbed Vic’s hand, holding it there.

“Can I do other things to you then?” asked Kellin innocently, slipping his hand out of Vic’s grasp so that he could wrap it around his waist and pull them closer together.

“Maybe,” Vic winked, closing the gap between their lips. He rolled his body so that he was on his back, pulling Kellin on top of him while they kissed. He slipped his tongue in to the siren’s mouth, letting them work against each other. Vic remembered how delighted he was to find that the boy was a natural at all of this, not that it really would have mattered to him.

As they kissed it was the siren’s hands that fingered the edge of Vic’s shirt, begging to pull it off. They both slipped their tops off, tossing them to the floor by Vic’s bed. Vic placed his hands on Kellin’s hips, looking up at the boy who stared back at him with that bright-eyed gaze Vic had come to adore. The siren moved downward to attack his lips, which resulted in him grinding their bodies together; making both of them cry out.

And of course, since it felt good, Kellin was opt to do it again, just to drive both of them crazy. He was rocking against Vic’s body again and again and for a moment Vic thought he wasn’t going to be able to handle it.

With a shark intake of breath, Vic used his strength to flip Kellin on to his back and crawl on top of him, rolling his hips in to his - only a little harder now, just to show him what he was doing to him. Kellin threw his head back and gasped.

“Kellin, let me try something different,” said Vic after a moment, placing a hand on Kellin’s thigh. The siren nodded, granting him permission to do as he pleased, which Vic happily did. He undid Kellin’s jeans and with the pale boy’s help, pulled them off and threw them to the ground.

“What are you doing?” asked Kellin, hardly able to get the words out as Vic began to kiss his neck, nipping at the skin and leaving little marks as he went along. He received only chuckles as a response as he felt Vic’s fingers hook in to his boxers to slide them off as well.

As he went along his teasing and kissing, Vic couldn’t help but appreciate the fact that he’d locked his bedroom door out of habit when they’d first gotten in, because he definitely wasn’t planning on doing anything like this with the unsuspecting boy. No, he just wanted to sleep. But of course Kellin was going to have his way.

Pushing the thoughts from his mind, he wrapped his fingers around Kellin’s now throbbing length, making him gasp. Oh, how he had so much to experience. “Ready?” Vic asked, his voice hoarse from breathing so heavily.

“Yeah,” said Kellin, looking down to see what he was doing. Suddenly a great warmth spread throughout his entire body as Vic ran his tongue along his member, then swiveled it around the tip. It made the sirens legs twitch and he found himself losing control of his body as Vic’s mouth did its work.

Suddenly, and without warning he took half of Kellin in his mouth, sucking and moving his hand along at the same time. It was insane how good it felt. “Vic!” Kellin cried out as he used his tongue to do things Kellin hadn’t thought possible. A moan escaped his mouth as Vic just giggled around him.

He sped up his pace, knowing Kellin would be getting closer. Normally the pale boy was good about giving warnings, but he was still getting used to the feeling that Vic was striving to give him. It was understandable when he exploded in Vic’s mouth with a startled cry, collapsing back down while struggling to breathe.

“You alright?” asked Vic, grinning up at him. Kellin nodded, closing his eyes. “I’ll be right back,” said Vic, quickly exiting the room to go to the bathroom to clean himself up. When he returned he crawled next to Kellin, who still lay with his eyes closed looking exhausted.

“How did you..?” croaked the siren, unable to even complete his sentence. Vic chuckled and moved his face towards his, pressing their lips together.

“I’m a wizard,” he winked, nuzzling his head in to Kellin’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s get dressed.”

They got off the bed and changed in to something more comfortable so that they could sleep. This time Vic didn’t bother going out of the room like he usually did. When they were done Kellin sat back on the bed, still reveling in the feeling that Vic had caused him to feel. He didn’t understand how humans could handle things like this - hell, he didn’t think it could get any better that the first time they did anything like this.

“Vic?” he piped up when Vic sat down and pulled Kellin in to his lap. The tan boy squeezed his middle, rocking him side to side. “Can I ask you something?” he said.

“What?” asked Vic.

The siren bit his lip, thinking of how to word things. He didn’t want to sound stupid or come off the wrong way. “Well, earlier, Matty and I were talking and well… you know how sirens and humans are different about things and well, how do you know when you’re falling in love?”

The question caught Vic off guard, and he stopped his movements for a moment. “Hmm,” he said, thinking of how to answer. How does one describe the feeling you get around someone when you just know? You know that no matter what, you want that person to be happy, even if its without you. “Well, I guess you just kind of know,” he said.

Kellin nodded with understanding. Vic couldn’t really explain it well enough, but it was kind of a difficult thing to explain. Sighing, Kellin placed his hands over Vic’s, that were still placed around his middle and gave them a little squeeze. He turned his head to the side, looking at him before inching his face forward and pressing their lips together.

“Vic?” he murmured, resting his head on Vic’s shoulder.

“Yes?” he answered.

“I wanna fall in love with you,” Kellin said honestly. The human didn’t know how to respond to something like that. All he could do was kiss the other boy again to show him how much that simple sentence meant to him.

Kellin turned in his lap, wrapping his arms around Vic’s neck to deepen the kiss. When they pulled away, Vic held him tighter, pressing their foreheads together while he looked in Kellin’s eyes. “I wanna fall in love with you too, Kels,” he said softly. “Cause you mean a lot to me.”

They smiled at each other, kissing once more. “You mean a lot to me too,” said Kellin happily. Moments like this, where Vic said the types of things that gave him butterflies, were his absolute favorite. It was those moments that he thought about how lucky he was to find someone - a human, no less - that completely accepted him for what he was and what his personality was like. Under the sea he’d felt so alone, even with Matty by his side. But once he met Vic he realized how that had changed. He didn’t feel alone anymore. He had Vic now.

Vic was kissing him harder now, pulling him from his thoughts so that he could kiss back just as passionately. He played with Vic’s hair, which he knew that he liked. “Wait,” said Kellin, pulling away for a moment.

“What?” asked Vic, rubbing the small of Kellin’s back with his hand. He couldn’t help but touch the boy as much as possible.

“Can I try what you did earlier, but on you?” he asked, smirking and blushing a little at the same time.

“You’re asking permission?” Vic chuckled. Kellin quickly nodded his head, grinning at him and not waiting for an answer. He wanted to make Vic feel just as amazing. He owed him, didn’t he? Well, he would have done it even if he didn’t owe him. Kellin loved to make Vic happy.

He pushed him on to his back and kissed him like Vic did when he had done this earlier. He kissed his neck, sucking on the skin, just like the tan boy had. He looked at the mark he left curiously but shrugged and continued - it must be good if it was making Vic’s breathing go all haywire, wasn’t it?

“W-wait, Kels,” Vic stopped him, just as he kissed the spot above Vic’s pants. He looked up with wide eyes, wondering if he’d done something wrong. Vic’s face was flushed and his eyes were clouded over in want; he had to be enjoying this. “I-I… just… I get loud, don’t… don’t tease me too much, okay?”

The siren frowned. He didn’t even know what defined ‘teasing’… but he’d try his best to do exactly that, because he didn’t know just what he could get out of Vic when it came to this. He noticed that the more vocal he was, it usually meant the better he was doing.

He helped the tan boy slip off his clothes as fast as possible before he wrapped his fingers around him like he was used to doing, rubbing his thumb over the tip to make him throw his head back.

“Kellin…” he warned, gripping the sheets.

“Sorry,” said the siren, smirking. He kept running his thumb over the top just like before though, before he put his head down and licked up and down Vic’s shaft. Whenever he did anything he would flick his eyes back up to Vic just to check the expression he gave for a hint as to how well he was doing.

Currently the Mexican was gnawing on his bottom lip, struggling to stay quiet. “I-I said… not to… f-fuck,” stammered Vic as Kellin began to pump his length, but only for a few minutes before taking almost all of him in his mouth at once. The pleasure and warmth exploded through Vic’s body and he couldn’t help but let out a loud, low moan. As Kellin began to bob his head up and down he sent a prayer to God that the others in the next room wouldn’t hear them.

“I-I’m not gonna last long, K-Kellin… God! Oh, God.. please… ugh, faster…” he begged, reaching over to brush Kellin’s bangs out of his face and gently hold them to the top of his head. It was hard though; he was getting so close and Kellin obeyed, hallowing his cheeks and going as fast as Vic wanted him to.

All at once the muscles in Vic’s body were tensing up and he knew he was climaxing. He closed his mouth and emitted a muffled scream as he did so, swearing up and down as the sensation passed.

Kellin had pulled his mouth off just before Vic had reached that climax, finishing him with his hand - which was perfect, in Vic’s opinion. “I did good?” asked Kellin excitedly, to which Vic answered with a stiff, blissed-out nod.

“Wanna hand me the tissues…” he asked, letting his arm fall in the direction of the box on the nightstand. Kellin chuckled and grabbed a few, cleaning the both of them up himself and moving to cuddle up next to Vic.

“You need to get dressed,” he told him, giggling a little.

Vic sighed and nodded, reaching for the pants and shirt he’d discarded and left near the top of his bed. He quickly pulled them on, turned the lights off and proceeded to wrap his arms around Kellin, nuzzling his head in to his chest.

“That was amazing, Kellin,” he whispered. “Trust me, when I said you were perfect, I meant it.”

He knew Kellin was smiling. He could practically sense it. They began to fall asleep without the blankets on, opting to provide each other with warmth. This moment in time, with both of them so warm and cuddled up next to each other, happy to be existing beside each other, was one that Vic wanted to cherish. Because with the threat they were now facing from whatever it was that was out to get them, Vic wasn’t sure how many of these moments he had left.