
Chapter 1

I knocked on the white front door waiting for someone to open it. I stood out in the chilly air rubbing my hands together trying to get some warmth. The door soon opened and I immediately walked inside.

"Hello to you to." He said shutting the door.

"Shutup Ryan. Anyway what's the reason you had me come over?" I asked

"Well you know my little sister is transferring here soon." He said. I nodded waiting for him to continue.

"Well this place is full and there's nowhere for her to stay." Alright?

"I was wondering if she could stay with you." He asked rubbing the back of his neck. My mouth dropped as I stared at him in shock.

"You have got to be kidding me." I said walking into his living room.

"Come on Justin."

"You want your little sister to move in with me? Why can't you make someone else leave?"

"They can't. They were assigned here by the school." I sighed.

"Why can't she live by herself?"

"There is no way I'm letting her live by herself in New York." I sighed.

"Come on Justin. It’s just Scarlett." Ryan said

"It’s also your little sister." I said.

"Yeah but your also a brother to her." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Why is she coming? I thought she was in Florida."

"She was but she said she missed New York too much so she's transferring here." I nodded.

“I don't know Ryan."

"It’s only you in your apartment. She can take the spare room." I sighed. The things I do for this kid.

"Alright she can stay." I said. Ryan smiled at me.

"Thanks bro. I owe you big time."

“Yeah, yeah." I said

"Well Scarlett you’re moving in with Justin!!" Ryan yelled. My eyebrows came together in confusion.

"She's here?" I asked. Ryan smirked and nodded.

"Great!!" We heard her yell back. I gave Ryan a glare and shook my head.

"You sir owe me more than big time." I said. Ryan chuckled before we heard footsteps leading towards the living room.

"Hey Justin." I turned my head and smiled at her. She looked the same since last time I saw her. She had long brown hair that came all the way down to her waist. She had grey-hazel eyes that were able to captivate you and bring you in another world. She had a pink plump lip that look very kissable- that’s my best friends little sister. I can't think like that.

"Hey Scarlett." I said.

"I'm sorry this is such short notice. I told Ryan to tell you weeks ago." She said giving him a look. Ryan held up his hands in defense.

"Sorry I’ve been busy." He said. I shook my head.

"Ehh its fine." I told her. She nodded

"Well when would you like me over?" She asked.

"I'd say this weekend." I said. She smiled and nodded.

"Fuck. I’ll be right back." Ryan said getting up and walking out of the room.

"So you didn't like Florida?" I asked her.

"I did. I just missed everyone here you know?" She said sitting down next to me.

“What do you do again?" I asked.

"I’m a fashion designer." She said.

"Really?" She nodded

"Yeah I made these." She said pointing to her clothes. She was wearing a red halter top that showed some cleavage bus not all. The girl had some respect for herself. She had some dark blue Jean shorts that showed her tan legs.

"Wow." I said impressed.

"You like it?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. It’s cute." I said. She smiled and looked at me.

"Thanks." She said.

"What do you do?" She asked me.

"I sing." I said.

"Oh right. Music boy." She said. I nodded. "Do you do concerts and stuff?" She asked. I nodded.

"Some." I said. She nodded and pulled out her phone that was buzzing in her pocket. She smiled at whatever she was reading and typed away on her phone.

“Well I’d love to see you some time.” She said looking away from her phone. I smiled.

“You’ve seen me perform more than Ryan.” I said chuckled. She giggled.

“Well I’ve been away for what a month? How many concerts have you done since I’ve been gone?” She asked.

“Five.” I said.

“Well then I will be at five of your concerts to make it up.” She said. I shook my head at her.

“You’re one of a kind Scar.” I said rubbing her he hair before standing up.

“Anyway, tell Ryan I’ll see him later.” I said to her. She nodded and stood up.

“And I guess I’ll see you this weekend.” I said to her. She smiled.

“Don’t worry I won’t be a cockblock when you bring girls home.” She said. I chuckled.

“I don’t really bring girls home.” I said. She raised an eyebrow.

“Really? Then why am I moving in this weekend instead of tomorrow?” She asked. I bit my lip. Damn. She knows me well.

“Alright so maybe I’m bringing over some girls.” I said. She giggled and shook her head.

“So you’re a player now?” She asked me.

“Not really.” I said.

“Just searching?” She asked. I nodded.

“Yeah.” I said. She nodded. “I’m just trying to see what I like and what I don’t like.” I said. She nodded.

“I understand. I bet your apartment is a mess.” She said. I shook my head.

“I’m actually unlike Ryan. I keep my place clean.” I said. She nodded.

“Good because I hate cleaning up after people.” She said before she ruffled my hair and walked out of the living room. I chuckled to myself before yelling Ryan a goodbye and walking out of his home.
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Well I'm currently at another site working on this story. I thought I should expand this. What do you guys think?