The Destruction Diary

I can't remember the last time,

"Madeline? Madeline! Can you please stop sleeping?"

Please shutup, Mrs. Arnold. The English language hasn't changed in the last twenty-something years, I doubt it would if I took a five minute nap.

"Yeah, 'kay."

"Good. So Betsy, what is the juxtaposition of the fragment .."

Sleepy time.

The bell decided to ring just at that moment too.

I slugged my messenger bag over my shoulder and treaded slowly to fifth period, Math, but then I forgot I had to get my binder and turned around to get to my locker.

Spinning the three numbers quickly. Right, left, right. Pull.

It doesn't open. Let's try again, shall we?

Right, left, right. Pull.

It still doesn't open.

I bang the cold metal door with my fist and rest my forehead on it. This school thing is tiring and I'm starving for a buttered bagel, but I can't have one. I can't let myself have one. I won't let myself have one. But the hunger really isn't that bad.

You get used to it after a while.

"Hey Maddy. You chill?"

I know that voice. However, I don't lift my head.

"Hey, Trevor. Yeah, I'm fine, just tired."

I could just feel him flip his brown bangs to the side. Just feel his hazel eyes staring at me. I can't look up though.

"You sure? Kelly said in French you slept though class and Jesse says you slept through English too, then again I can't blame you for that - Ms. Arnold needs to retire already."

His voice was oozing with concern. How sweet. And I really do mean that. With the bottom of my heart, or at least what's left of it.

"Open my locker for me, yeah?"

"Yeah sure, but you're gonna have to move over, I don't wanna hit your head."

I moved over but he saw my face before I could look down.

"Nice eyeshadow, Maddy. Let me borrow it sometime?" He joked.

"Thanks, sure."

He smiled and then went to work on my locker. Right, left, right. Pull. Of course it opened for him.

"Thanks Trevor," I said while trying to pull a somewhat decent-looking smile from inside.

"No probs. Hey, my bands playing at a club this weekend, wanna come watch?"

"Sure, but lemme ask my parents first and I'll get back to you, 'kay?"

"Yeah, cool. Bye Maddy!" And he walked away.

I locked my locker and stuffed my red binder into my bag.

All I could think about, as I was walking towards my Math class, was that I wasn't wearing any eyeshadow.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know if I liked that chapter, I might re-do it.
Thanks to that one person who subscribed though (:

*When you don't eat, your face gets sullen
and you get dark circles around your eyes.