Status: I hope you like it :) I'm not the best at staying with one story though, so updates may be a little spread apart

Pretty Smart

Chapter one

I looked in the mirror quick, seeing that luckily my hair hadn't moved an inch in the time it had taken me to get to school. My makeup was still flawless, as usual, and it highlighted my deep brown eyes prefectly. Finishing it, my outfit was something straight out of a teen vogue magizine. I smiled showing two rows of shiny white, perfectly aligned teeth. I opened the door, the cold winter air hitting me immediately, and stepped out gingerly. My boots had a five inch heel on them, and I still hadn't gotten used to them yet.

The snow crunched under me, barely audible over the sound of the parking lot. Busses were arriving, kids getting dropped off, kids walking, and kids, like me. Who drove to school, though my car was the best; it was a convertible, with a top that came down. The inside was white leather, everything inside pristine and clean. The outside was a shiny, glittering bubblegum pink. And hanging in the mirror were a pair of fuzzy white dice with pink dots.

I walked across the parking lot, careful of every step. The others eyes followed me as I walked down the sidewalk. It's something I'd grown accustomed to over the years. Heads turning, whispered words, gawking eyes, were all apart of my life. Not that I'd complain about that. In fact without my adoring public I'd be nothing, well I'd still be pretty and wealthy, but not popular.

Well actually since my dad owned over half of the town, it's not like I'd be a nobody. No, I'd be a mysterious character, someone you'd want to meet someday. But, of course, I prefer to be in the spotlight anyway. Just as snow began to fall again I gripped the door handle and swung it open. The frosty air outside was completely forgotten once I stepped into the school. The heat must have been turned up high that day, I was roasting. I remember hoping that my makeup wouldn't run. My makeup.

My heels clickity clacked as I walked down the hall toward my locker. Luckily I had gotten an end locker that year, the one with the big window right across from it. Madison and Lexi were already waiting for me, faces filled with worry. I scrunched up my eyebrows before remembering how it made me look like I had a unibrow. I stopped as soon as I had put it on my face. I took my coat off and draped it over my arm as I got to them.

"Thank God!" Madison whined, her eyes widening with exaggeration.

"Geesh Maddy, calm down. I'm sure she already knows and is on it," Lexi said hopefully "Right, Ally?" Without any options I had to stick with my gut instinct.

"Explain the sitch." I said pushing them aside to open my locker. I caught them exchanging a worried glance before Madison started.

"Well, Shane was talking to Melissa and he said that she told him-"

"Wait, Shane Tem, or Shane Clerry?" I asked wishing they explained things clearly. Shane T was reliable, Shane C however was not.

"Shane Clerry." Lexi said while I got out my books. I shut my locker and we continued down the hall avoiding the mass swarm of kids.

"Well than, whatever it is your worried about it's probably not true." I said rolling my eyes. It was obvious.

"I don't know Ally, this time he seemed pretty serious." Madison said worrily.

"Yeah, he also seemed serious about that big foot thing, and the huge Russian army thing." I said like I was talking to a retard. Which, I almost was.

"Anyway, he said she said that she was putting her name on the ballad for prom queen." Lexi said in a rush, like a squirrel on crack. I'd never seen one in real life, and youtube is as close as anyone can get. I raised an eyebrow, curious of why Melissa would run for prom queen. She was more popular with the jocks, her being one herself. Last time I had cared enough to check she was in softball, soccer, tennis, and gymnastics.

"But, it's probably not true anyway." Madison said rolling her eyes. I could imagine Melissa putting her name on the ballad but it's not like I couldn't beat her. They have so much faith in my abilities, I thought sarcastically. I would have said it too, but it might upset Lexi. And what kind of girl would I be without my crew? Lexi and Madison were the two other most popular girls here, so it's only logical that we be friends. Populars just hang with populars. It's how it works. Cats don't hang with dogs do they?

"Getting off that topic, how did Saturday go?" Lexi said twirling some of her brown hair in her fingers. She was talking about my long term boyfriend, Mike Sanders. She raised her eyebrows and looked to Madison quick.

"Well, all I can say is that everything went accordingly." I said raising my head high.

"Details." Madison squealed. Lexi smiled slyly and 'secretively' stared at Shaun Roberts as he walked by. I put that in the recesses of my mind to use later.

"Ah,ah,ah. I don't kiss and tell," I said as we turned a corner. Really though, nothing had happened. Just like always. Mike is either a) gay or b) a really bad kisser. I hoped for the latter. "All I can say was that it will probably happen again." Which it probably will. Nothing is all we ever do.

"Awe, you really are the perfect couple," Lexi said staring daydreamily out the window. I could only imagine who was involved in that daydream. Cough, cough, Shaun, cough, Roberts. "Now if only you win king and queen." I stopped.

"We Will win. There is no 'if only' Lexi. If there was my name wouldn't be on the ballad," I replied, looking straight at her. "Now if I were Melissa, for example, I wouldn't even bother."

"But out of curiosity, what would happen if you Didn't win?" Madison inquired, her eyebrows furrowed together.

"Well, either the girl can get off the stage willingly or she can come off the stage my way," I said making pushing motion with my hands. Their eyes widened to the point of softballs. "Relax. No, that'd never happen so there really is no reason to talk about it. In fact there is no need to even think about it."

"Okay then," Lexi said going toward her homeroom class. "See ya' later."

"Bye, bye." I said giving her a little wave.

"So, what's your costume for the dance anyway?"
Madison asked curiously. "You and Mike gonna' match?"

"Well, we will match to an extent. If we go too far it will look like we're twins," I said referring to our blond hair and blue eye thing. "And that would be awkward for everyone, because you goes to prom with their family, let alone their twin?"

"Losers I guess." Madi said shrugging and
re-re-applying her lipgloss, for about the fifth time.

"What about you and Danny?" I asked truely curious. If they took our silver,blue, and white theme I would die. I didnt want to tell anyone our outfit colors (in case of stealing), but I needed to find out what everyone else was wearing. Just in case.

"I'm going to wear a fuchsia ruffled dress that is barely legal, I'm sure. It goes just below my but, with a very low cut top and diamond accents along top edge of it," she said probably picturing herself acting like a slut... ahem, 'penny' all night long. Penny is a nice way of saying it, cause' it's two faced, worthless, and in everyones pants."And Danny is going to wear a classic black tux with a white shirt and striped pink and black tie."

"Nice, I'm glad he's not in a colored tux. I hate those." I said as we came to my classroom.

"See ya' Ally!" She said before skipping off down the hall. Ally? My real name is Alex, but that's a guys name so I changed it to Ally. Besides, shes the popular girl in Pretty Little Liars too, sure she might die but... For some reason I always expect to hear Alex.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am re-doing this story, because I didn't really like how I had it. So now Henrey is probably gonna be completely gone, and I changed Evans name to Jesse. Sorry about all the stupidity going on with this story, but that will hopefully beover soon. :)