Status: I hope you like it :) I'm not the best at staying with one story though, so updates may be a little spread apart

Pretty Smart

Chapter three

I exited the bathroom finding that if I got my books now I could get to Mr. Gregs room early and could chat with Tom a bit. Tom was his student teacher assistant. He was also my brothers old best friend from a few years back, and even though their friendship fell flat, I still liked Tom.

I ran to my locker, grabbed my books, and rushed to Mr. Gregs' room. I found Tom sitting in his chair, his feet propped up on the big lab desk and his hands spread wide behind his head. For a second I actually thought he was sleeping, but I knew better and knew he was just waiting for the opportune moment to jump up and scare me. Like an actress playing a part I walked to my desk, setting my books down and positioning them perfectly on my side of the table.

Making my eyes wide and innocent I moved closer to him, as if curious as to why he would be sleeping. The thing was, was that he did this at least once a week. Try to scare me that is. Slowly I inched toward him, fully intent on knocking the baseball cap off his head and across the room.

I heard a noise behind me and I turned quickly, for just a second, but that was enough for me to see Tom tiptoeing up from the back off the room. That sneak! I reached up and pulled the cap off fake Tom's head, turned and flung it at him. He stumbled backward a bit before realizing that it would land nowhere near him. At which point he decided it was funny that my aim was terrible and laughed his big, boomy laugh that had always surprised me, cause' he wasn't big at all.

"Yeah, laugh, but don't forget. You lost." I said and sat down on a lab desk. He picked up the hat and tossed it back at me.

"This time I may have, but next time I will provail in the name of justice." He said triumphanly and put his hand on his hip. I choked a laugh back and nodded my head.

"What movies have you been watching? Lancelot and the Musketeers? "I asked and this time he laughed again.

"First, it's Lancelot. And the Three Musketeers. And second-"

"I don't care How many Musketeers Lancelot has" I said. I didnt even know what the hell a Musketeer was - unless you counted the chocolate bar.

"Just go get the books from the back and pass them out." He said putting his head in his hands.

"Whatever Lancelot." I said smiling as I walked toward the box of books at the back of the room. I grabbed a couple off the top and set one at each desk in the row. I continued until I filled all four rows, leaving the box completely empty. The bell rang then, and I knew I'd only have a couple minutes before everyone got here.

"So Ally, to let you know in advanced, Mr. Greg's changing seats around tomorrow." He said as he picked up the dummy from the desk chair. I was silent for a moment, processing.

"What? Why!?" I asked panicing. Amanda and I had been lab partners all year and I did not plan on changing that. She was a smart cheerleader, which is hard to come by, and even harder to talk to, but she is popular and smart. So, my type of friend.

"Well, you know, to mix it up a bit in here. Everyone is comfortable! And there, my dear, is where the problem lies. In science you need to be on the edge of your seat, ready and excited. That won't happen if your comfortable." He explained.

"Who am I-" I was interrupted by the clicking of the door, followed by a group of girls coming into the room. They took their seats, their chairs squeaking, and I followed suit, glaring at Tom the entire time.

Soon everyone had filed into the room, Amanda had taken her seat and we (she) had already begun our assignment for the day. She was busy measuring out colorful liquids into beakers and test tubes, but I, like usual, had nothing to do. That day, I decided to watch some birds hop around in the snow from the window. One was making its way toward the bushes when a door opened.

At first I couldn't quite see who it was, but I soon figured it out. A blond haired boy had his arm held out high as some girl spun around underneath it. As she twirled I caught a glimpse of curly, bright red hair. Only one girl in school had that hair - Madi. And only one boy had that kind of suave, perfect, thing down pat- Mike.

She pecked him on the lips before she spun back around, and into his arms. That's when he turned a bit to look at the school, and his face was revealed. That's when my fear was confirmed. "That little bitch," I mumbled under my breath, before bolting out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well first off, the whole thing with Mr. Greg seemed a little inappropriate when I read over it again, so that was changed. Also, since there's no more Henrey, we needed some drama going on. So, Madi and Mike. What's going on there? ;)