Status: trying my best to update when i can :) full-time college student!

Mutually Numb


“Are you sure this is going to work, Kai?” I asked as I fumbled with the yellow manila envelope in my hands.

“I’m positive, Ruki. It’s much better in their hands than it is in ours. I can guarantee you that.”

And with that, we both went into the police station. It was much busier than we both thought that it would be. There were people in uniforms and people in regular clothes moving about everywhere in the cramped room. A cacophony of noise filled our ears; some of it was talking, some of it was telephones ringing, and the majority of it was mindless yelling and worried mothers crying.

We both stood around anxiously for a few minutes before somebody noticed us. They waved us down to their empty desk and had us sit with them. It was a burly looking man with short dark brown hair. He was equipped with what appeared to be the standard police uniform. He eyed us both suspiciously for a little bit before resting his hands on the desk together.

“Yes, how may I help you two? I’m officer Gil-woo.”

I slowly slid the yellow manila envelope onto the desk. “We would like to file a missing person’s report.” I quietly said. I exhaled deeply. I never thought I would ever have to do something like this.

“Okay, for whom?” The officer asked as he took the envelope form the desk and opened it up. He flipped through the papers that were inside it; information about Claire, pictures of her and her medical records.

“Claire Mori. A good friend of ours.” Kai interjected. I was going to let him do most of the talking; I don’t know if I could handle this. I was thankful that I made Ash stay home with Aimie, I didn’t want her to see me like this.

Gil-woo repeated her name a few times to himself while sifting through the papers carefully. “How long would you say she has been missing?”

“Six days. We would have called sooner, but we weren’t sure if she had stayed at another friend’s house or not.”

“Does she run off like this often?”

“She has never run off for this long before. The times where we thought she was missing, she just locked herself up in her house.”

He looked through the papers for a few more seconds. He ran his finger over the medical report, carefully examining it. “So, it says here that she is on anti-depressants?”

“Yes, she was just prescribed them two weeks ago. She had needed them for a while, but refused to go see a doctor.”

The police officer nodded his head and rested his hand below his chin. Kai and he talked for a while about Claire. They discussed her appearance, normal moods and where she usually went. I tried to stay as quiet as I could, I didn’t want to break down in front of all these people. If I ever wanted to find her, I knew that I needed to keep it together. I still couldn’t believe that I was here right now. I would have never imagined having to do this.

“Excuse me,” he cleared his throat. I immediately turned my head to his direction. “Can you please describe the last time that you saw Mrs. Mori?” He looked over to me with a questioning glance. It was at this point that I realized I hadn’t given him my name.

“Matsumoto Takanori.” I introduced myself.

“Uke Yutaka.” Kai interrupted.

I looked over at Kai and then back to Gil-woo. “The last time that I saw Claire was the night that she disappeared. She had stopped by my apartment to try to fix things between us-”

I was cut off by Gil-woo, “Fix things? What exactly do you mean by that?”

I quietly groaned. I didn’t want to go over this. It was going to make me seem like the biggest dick in the world. If I would have known that was the last time I was going to see Claire I wouldn’t have yelled at her like that. “How much do you want to know? I mean there is kind of a backstory to this…”

He rubbed his temples with his middle and index fingers. “Tell me as much as you can. Any information will help us find Ms. Mori.”

I guess that I would need to start somewhere. I could feel Kai give me a comforting glance. At least he understands that this is going to be hard for me. “Claire and I have a child together. Her name is Aimie and she is almost 6. We never really had much of a romantic relationship together, even though Claire wanted it to be that way. We both shared custody of our child, and everything seemed to be going fine. A month or two ago, I told Claire that I might want to start seeing other people. She took the news really hard. I had my girlfriend, Ash, over at my apartment six days ago when Claire visited. I didn’t want them to meet yet, because I hadn’t fully explained everything to her. But, our daughter missed Claire so much that she made her come inside and meet Ash. She went completely off the deep end after that. We talked for a little bit in the hallway, and she ended up revealing that she had some over to try to fix our relationship. We got into an argument, and she ran away. She left her car in my apartment complex’s parking lot, and I haven’t seen her since then. We have no idea where she went, but we’re guessing she ran off somewhere. Nobody we know has seen her for days.” I quietly groaned, awaiting his response. I felt worse after telling the entire story. It made me realize how bad I’ve been to Claire and how much she really did care about me. And how much I cared for her.

Gil-woo took a few moments for everything to sink in. He tapped his pen on his desk as he thought. “What district did you say that you lived in?”

“Kanagawa” I replied anxiously

He thought for a few more moments before turning to his computer. He typed furiously for a few moments before pulling up a web page. “Ah, just as I had thought,” he quietly said, still skimming the page

Kai and I both looked over to each other concernedly “What do you mean, exactly?” Kai started

“I knew the name Kanagawa sounded familiar. Well, according to this report, there have been several cases of missing females – of around Claire’s age and appearance – missing in this district. It is assumed they were kidnappings. We don’t have much information on him, but we think that he is a tall man, around the age of thirty. All we know about the abductions is that none of the girls have been recovered, and that they were last seen by a heavily wooded area.”

“So you think that Claire was kidnapped?” I gasped

“The profiles people have given us match one of a man who is a known sex offender. It isn’t known for sure, it’s only a hunch we have.”

“Why haven’t you guys done more investigations?” I angrily yelled

Gil-woo filched back as I moved forward in my chair due to my sudden outburst. “We only have so much information to work off of, Takanori. We’ve already done all the research we could. We can’t do any further investigations on your case until you fill out this missing person’s form.” He went into a drawer in the filing cabinet behind him and pulled a sheet out. He slid it in front of me on the desk. “There are pens right beside you.”

I grumbled angrily as I began to angrily fill out the form. I didn’t want to fill out this stupid piece of paper. They already had all of the things they needed inside that envelope… I don’t know why they needed it written down again. This police stuff is completely corrupted. I don’t know why Kai made me come here. The only thing we accomplished was knowing about some rapist that Claire might not even be connected with.

After fully filling it out, I slid the paper back to his side of the desk. I didn’t want to see it or touch it ever again. “Thank you, Takanori and Yutaka. I’ll have this filed to the NCIC right away. They’ll make sure to call you once any information is gathered.” He leaned back in his chair, reviewing what I wrote. “Have a nice day.” Gil-woo said, not looking up from the paper

I unhappily grunted as Kai and I got up from the chairs. “You too.” I muttered as we left. I really hope this got something accomplished, because I hope to never go back there again.